 Second Officer
Flight distance : 4356421 ft
United States
senatorkelley Posted at 2018-1-15 07:47
Also the mounts I was using put indents into the plastic, the original photo was the crack before I put the mount's on.
Hopefully this doesn't cause any issues with DJI. My intent was to prevent the cracks from spreading.
I would hope that DJI would still warranty this. Don't think those small indentations would cause them to not fix it, but totally their call.
As far as reinforcements, I hate to name brands but since your asking I have used UAB-bits on several occasions. They are white 3-d printed, weigh little to nothing, and last I remember only $7-$8 for a set.
UAV-bits motor reinforcements
The Plast Aid is also a good repair solution to mend existing cracks, or if you were doing the shell replacement yourself, you could dab a little around the inside of the lower shell around the motor mount area. I use a similar 2-part epoxy to do this for some added support. |