Flight distance : 2164206 ft
United States
Dataengine66 Posted at 1-15 08:44
If spark is in ActiveTrack, can it follow you in a boat going down a slow moving river? The Snake river in Idaho is pretty wide, and I'd love to have some fly fishing videos. But how would I bring it back?
Not only does it work, but when you draw the green box around the boat, a little boat icon appears on the screen. If you are moving, set the home point to dynamic. That would get the Spark back to the general area, but you would not want to auto land. You need to stop the boat if possible and very carefully land the Spark. Do a YouTube search on "DJI Spark boat ActiveTrack" and you will see several good examples. I got to try it on my boat a couple of times before the end of the season. It was challenging, but definitely worth it. Can't wait to get more shots this summer. |