Flight distance : 1277703 ft
United States
I wonder how the upcoming Chinese New Year will impact delivery of all those new Mavic Airs being ordered right now? As most people know, CNY is February 16th this year and it is a very big deal. Businesses and factories in China shut down for 3 weeks so that families can celebrate, travel and spend time together. Everything grinds to a halt. Here where I work (USA), we are getting warnings from our vendors that supply us with chinese parts that if we don't place an order by the end of this month we won't receive any shipments until the middle of March.
As for the new Mavic Air, it looks like an upgraded Spark to me. I was hoping for an upgraded Mavic with a better camera. I think I'll hang on to my MP and P3P for now and see what comes along later. But I'm sure the Mavic Air is going to be a hit - it appeals to the same demo as the Spark.