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2142 24 2015-4-24
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United States

Can anyone tell me if the RTH function set to RC mode will acctually return to the controler or just the gps coordinates the RC was at, at the time of take off??? or if those corodinates should update periodically.

I was under the impression that the inspire followed the wifi signal in this mode not a gps coordinate. the whole reason i bought this drone was to take footage of a moving vessel and RTH set to RC seems perfect. BUT it does not return to the controller at all.

Still a GPS coordinate WHAT THE ACCUAL F@#K IS THE POINT OF THAT DJI???????????? the controller position updates but not the home point whilst moving. any help would be great

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Sky High Aerial

This used to be available before the recent update.
DJI is aware of this and I believe they are working on a fix.
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Flight distance : 524032 ft
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United States

This is what the Dynamic Home Point feature is all about. It is documented on page 15 of the manual.

http://download.dji-innovations. ... _Manual_v1.2_en.pdf

And from page 13:
If you are using the Dynamic Home Point setting, the Home Point will be updated to your current position as you move around and when the Aircraft Status Indicator blinks green.
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United States

RTH is always to a GPS coordinate, because there is no way for ANY aircraft to determine the location of a single transmitter.  Therefore there would be no way to follow the remote signal directly to the remote.  (A general direction is all that could be determined, but not distance, at least not accurately enough for a RTH function).

So what the Inspire makes available is the ability to update the GPS coordinates that are considered "home."  The point of takeoff is initially considered "home."  The user then has the ability to update that location, either using the Inspire's CURRENT location, while flying, as the new "home" point, OR using the controller's current location (the controller has a GPS receiver built into it) as the new "home" point.

Unlike the way some of us anticipated, however, this is not fully dynamic.  In other words, you can't press one button and have it continuously update where "home" is.  Click the update gadget and "home" is where you or the bird are right now.  Press again - another update.  And so on.  So if you're on a vessel that can be stopped at the appropriate time, you can reset "home" as desired.  If you're on a cruise ship that is constantly moving, there is no way for the home point to keep updating in real time.

There have also been some recently-shared observations that after the most current firmware update, the system has become VERY finicky about updating the home point to the remote's current location.  Using the Inspire's location continues not to be a problem, but for some reason it has suddenly become very common for the remote to announce that it doesn't have a good GPS fix, and that it can't be used to update the home point.  They're still sorting that out.
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United States

PeteGould Posted at 2015-4-25 01:47
RTH is always to a GPS coordinate, because there is no way for ANY aircraft to determine the locatio ...

this makes sense because i found it hard to get the controller to acquire a position.
once it did do that however i realised it was not updating those coordinates automatically. how is this something hard to achieve ????? surely that can be easily addressed with the technology they are using

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United States

Well the thing is, you don't WANT the bird continuously updating to the controller's precise position - because then at RTH time it will literally land on your head.  The idea is to be able to step to the desired home point, set it, and then take a few steps away.  And if they said "well, the dynamic home point will be six feet from the remote" - six feet in which direction?

I hadn't really considered that myself when I first heard of "dynamic home point."  I assumed, as you did, that you enabled that mode and it would always automatically home in on the controller.  It wasn't until I found out how it was actually implemented, and began giving it serious thought, that I realized why they can't quite do it that way.

I'm planning on shooting video for some yacht dealers, so this is going to become a factor for me too.
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United Kingdom

PeteGould Posted at 2015-4-25 01:47
RTH is always to a GPS coordinate, because there is no way for ANY aircraft to determine the locatio ...

Keep those helpful posts coming Pete...Thanks  +1 from me.
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United States

Thanks for the kind words, Rockeyes.  We're ALL learning, all the time.  There is SO MUCH to learn about this platform that it's just incredible (and very cool).   

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 12584416 ft
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United Kingdom

Keep those helpful posts coming Pete...Thanks  +2 from me also.

Much appreciated, like you say, so much to learn about this platform.

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United States

PeteGould Posted at 2015-4-25 02:27
Well the thing is, you don't WANT the bird continuously updating to the controller's precise positio ...

be sure to switch off the max distance setting and then hope to god u don't need RTH if the vessel is moving ;)
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United States

PeteGould Posted at 2015-4-25 02:27
Well the thing is, you don't WANT the bird continuously updating to the controller's precise positio ...

i think there should be a setting if your not a dumb ass you just start controlling it before it lands on your head

problem solved. isn't that the reason you can override the RTH if necessary.??? they need to make the controller auto update the position otherwise its a useless feature.
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United States

Actually there should be a LOT of "if you're not a dumbass" settings (the problem is there's no way to get the dumbasses not to use them).

The only way I can think of that they could implement what you're looking for would be a "return home and HOVER" at a settable altitude (typically seven or eight feet or so).  So it returns and hovers above the remote, following it until manually landed.  That would be specifically useful for your application.

The current implementation IS useful, though - just not for your specific application.  Flying the Inspire from a chase car, for instance.  Just not from a continuously moving boat.
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Flight distance : 59324 ft
United States

IMHO I think the dynamic home point option was a Huge sale point for the new inspire for people and I think dji back peddling now to prevent a lawsuit.. don't get me wrong I love my inspire but I was very depressed when my dynamic homepoint option failed horribly multiple times and dji's   comment on the issue was that the dynamic homepoint option is not available.
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Flight distance : 234590 ft
United States

There is no wifi working with your inspire. That would be the dji phantom.
The reset to RC or Dynamic home point does work fine , maybe some latency showing its new GPS position( the blue dot on the iPad ) as you are moving the RC try's to get a fix and show on the iPad , when returning home it has a sequence again some lag showing the new home point ..see my test few days ago latest firmware , take off then I reset to the RC walk to my right and do rth.
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Flight distance : 234590 ft
United States

Hecticshit Posted at 2015-4-25 05:57
i think there should be a setting if your not a dumb ass you just start controlling it before it l ...

It does auto update. And at the end of my video test I do retake control as its almost landed gear down I do a 180 in place.... pilot app post Video record posted on this thread ...
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Flight distance : 234590 ft
United States

Hecticshit Posted at 2015-4-25 05:57
i think there should be a setting if your not a dumb ass you just start controlling it before it l ...

It does auto update. And at the end of my video test I do retake control as its almost landed gear down I do a 180 in place.... pilot app post Video record posted on this thread ...
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Flight distance : 234590 ft
United States

I tested it and it updates my position to RC blue dot , but when I go rth it then shows the new home point green icon ,  as it starts home.. See my pilot app post recording .
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Flight distance : 234590 ft
United States

I'll be doing another test soon , we will see if the RC can auto update on its own ( continuously ) as I move around the test area , I believe it will , but there will be latency with the GPS lock on the iOS pilot apps RC icon showing until I stop moving ... On the early phantoms you just turn the power off on the RC and watched it fly home every time , no screen ,iPad ,wifi , no rth button.  
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Flight distance : 59324 ft
United States

My inspire controller shows my blue hot home point ha a mile away. Every time!
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United States

daver/m Posted at 2015-4-25 12:26
I'll be doing another test soon , we will see if the RC can auto update on its own ( continuously )  ...

It should auto update its location continuously (and show up as such on the map as long as you have a good enough GPS signal).  But it should only update the home point to current location when told to do so via the app.
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Flight distance : 234590 ft
United States

PeteGould Posted at 2015-4-25 21:17
It should auto update its location continuously (and show up as such on the map as long as you hav ...

on my video post it never shows a new home point icon when I reset to the RC , until after You hit RTH then as it starts to return the green home point icon appears at the RCs position on the map.
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United States

There have been so many problems with automated functions leading to crashes that honestly I haven't ever intentionally triggered RTH.  I had it happen once, due to a low battery condition.  I was still new to the Inspire and although I wasn't in Beginner mode, I had set a maximum distance boundary of 2000 feet.  As the initial low battery indication sounded, the aircraft had encountered the boundary.  I'm not sure today whether I lost situational awareness or whether it was a product problem, but at the time it seemed that no matter what I tried to do with it, it kept trying to fly farther away, repeatedly triggering the warning that I had reached the maximum distance.  While I was unsuccessfully arguing with it, it reached critical low-battery which initiated RTH.  Once in RTH mode it had no trouble navigating back.  But those functions make me VERY nervous and as a rule I always do manual takeoff, manual landing, and manual return home with plenty of battery reserve.  So I have little opportunity to actually test the RTH functions.
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Flight distance : 234590 ft
United States

PeteGould Posted at 2015-4-26 01:10
There have been so many problems with automated functions leading to crashes that honestly I haven't ...

I went out and flew two long flights for fun today ,one just over 3300 ft distance the second 2800 ft
GPS solid no dropout , video feed solid no dropout not even a blink or twitch .. Then on to the soccer fields to test if the RC is always updating its position as you move , and the home point is reset each time you touch the pilot apps update home point to the RC controller if you keep moving after doing so then you'll have to update to RC again at your new location for the bird to come to your position otherwise it's going home to the last home point set .. Tested it several ways several times walking all over the field from the last reset and it never fails to do what it's supposed to or you want it to , even retook control in mid rth via stick commands and also pushing the rth button twice canceling rth .
So I messed around doing every thing to fool the bird nada , it works the way it says nothing's wrong with the firmware as I figured both my older phantoms still work fine all functions and my inspire has been excellent so far too.  Tested the geo fence several distances and she still stops on a dime every time.  The only test I've not done is the dreaded turn the RC controllers power button off to disconnect all RC to main controller transmission in flight for auto rth like I've done on both phantoms ...
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Flight distance : 234590 ft
United States

Oh the auto gear up down , auto takeoff and auto land work just fine used them a few times tested a few times , but like doing the manual thing myself as well.
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United States

daver/m Posted at 2015-4-26 10:51
Oh the auto gear up down , auto takeoff and auto land work just fine used them a few times tested a  ...

I took the bird out yesterday as well and although I didn't use RTH I DID try resetting the home point.  And as with everyone else's recent experiences, it sets just fine using the Inspire's position but never-never-EVER using the controller's position.  Not with the current firmware.  ALWAYS reports insufficient GPS reception.  Even in a large open field with no tree cover.  This is with the Inspire already flying and 1000' or more away from the controller.  Since the diagram shows the GPS antenna inside the controller's backplate I even tried reorienting the controller so the backplate pointed straight up.  Nada.

In all other respects it's behaving beautifully.  No operational problems whatever - not that I've seen, anyway, since this update.
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