United States
RTH is always to a GPS coordinate, because there is no way for ANY aircraft to determine the location of a single transmitter. Therefore there would be no way to follow the remote signal directly to the remote. (A general direction is all that could be determined, but not distance, at least not accurately enough for a RTH function).
So what the Inspire makes available is the ability to update the GPS coordinates that are considered "home." The point of takeoff is initially considered "home." The user then has the ability to update that location, either using the Inspire's CURRENT location, while flying, as the new "home" point, OR using the controller's current location (the controller has a GPS receiver built into it) as the new "home" point.
Unlike the way some of us anticipated, however, this is not fully dynamic. In other words, you can't press one button and have it continuously update where "home" is. Click the update gadget and "home" is where you or the bird are right now. Press again - another update. And so on. So if you're on a vessel that can be stopped at the appropriate time, you can reset "home" as desired. If you're on a cruise ship that is constantly moving, there is no way for the home point to keep updating in real time.
There have also been some recently-shared observations that after the most current firmware update, the system has become VERY finicky about updating the home point to the remote's current location. Using the Inspire's location continues not to be a problem, but for some reason it has suddenly become very common for the remote to announce that it doesn't have a good GPS fix, and that it can't be used to update the home point. They're still sorting that out.