Flight distance : 3032966 ft
United States
rkeihn Posted at 2018-2-11 07:21
So, if I'm understanding you correctly, you want to create an orthomosaic using the XT FLIR camera or something equivalent? Depending on if you use IOS or Android- IOS will only capture Radiometric JPEGS, which you need select if you want to use FLIR Tools to analyze. In your camera settings you'll come across the R-JPEG setting. Android however will do both .tiff and R-JPEGS.
I'm not sure what the hell DJI Mindy is talking about- tiff images are not Black and white, unless you take them in black and white.
Thanks Rkeihn,
Yes are you are correct. I did end up making it work with rjpegs and pix4d. Now i need a user friendly program to view the ortho outputs from pix4d. I am wrestling with QGIS, there is a lot to learn.
Thanks again for your help! |