DJI Really couldn't care less!
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4309 122 2018-2-7
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Flight distance : 240361 ft
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United States

Yes I said it and yes I know I'll get flamed or ridiculed for speaking my mind but I think a lot will agree it has become very scary to trust DJI and the stability of the company on the way they are handling all the firmware issues lately..  Yea I know not everyone is having issues... But a lot are and that gives me NO faith in DJI anymore!  So  Yes l stand high on my soapbox and scream like a bitch   "HEY DJI when you going to deliver a correct working Firmware! And  NO MORE EXCUSES! OUR  team is working on the issue! We're sorry But Please keep buying DJI products!  
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


We are sincerely sorry for the trouble you’ve been caused. Could you kindly describe what issue did you encounter with the firmware to help us confirm?  We'd love to see what we can help and push your advice to the designated team. Appreciate your patience.
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Flight distance : 1015440 ft
United States

Technology is always improving, and more importantly changing. Firmware doesn't come overnight. And it can't be developed on a mass scale very quickly. If there was another brand as good as DJI I would check out what they had to offer, but there isn't.
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Flight distance : 21241217 ft
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United States

This seems to be the rule of thumb these days, at least I feel, that they are releasing software to the wild before they should. It seems to almost be beta. These companies have the best of both worlds. Giant customer base which equals a giant pool of people who will give you feedback via their posts in here. I used to update almost the day the firmware came out. Now I wait to hear about all the problems with it, wait until is is resolved then update.

I have been waiting months for them to take out all the warnings that I get when I fly my Phantom 4 Pro. I was shooting a commercial shoot the other day and i was about to throw my control on iPad across the parking lot as I missed several shots which meant more takes because of those ridiculous warnings that continually pop up. Tell us once and get the hell off my screen.
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Second Officer

United States

The software / firmware released by DJI is a joke. Creative Sky has it correct. Back in the day, we would not let let this out the door until it worked. We were proud of our code.

These days, we customers are counted on to pay large sums to be beta-testers.

DJI, fix your own code before you ship it to your customers. Stop charging us to do your work for you.

Really poor craftsmanship. No pride in your work.

And hire some REAL writers to create useful documentation. Your manuals are just like your firmware.

If you slowed down and shipped functional code with great documentation...

1 We would not need so much assistance (hint: you could spend tech support $ on engineering and tech writers)

2 We would not think so poorly of you as a company.
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Flight distance : 240361 ft
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United States

DJI Diana Posted at 2018-2-7 18:58
We are sincerely sorry for the trouble you’ve been caused. Could you kindly describe what issue did you encounter with the firmware to help us confirm?  We'd love to see what we can help and push your advice to the designated team. Appreciate your patience.

I just love this response  '"We are sincerely sorry for the trouble you’ve been caused" WHAT A CROCK!
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

noflyzone69 Posted at 2018-2-7 20:36
I just love this response  '"We are sincerely sorry for the trouble you’ve been caused" WHAT A CROCK!

WOW, that was constructively helpful, NOT!, evidently you do not want help but to just stand and shout about issues you have. You was asked a question, yet you do not give any details asked, Diana is not the software department, she works on the forum on behalf of DJI, she is trying to be helpful, have some respect or dont answer, kids of today eh'
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Siambuddhas Group
Flight distance : 116926 ft

It's like it used to be good but somehow recent FW or app made many angry
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1452408 ft
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United Kingdom

noflyzone69 Posted at 2018-2-7 20:36
I just love this response  '"We are sincerely sorry for the trouble you’ve been caused" WHAT A CROCK!

That's not the answer to the question - please try again as DJI asked,
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Flight distance : 4283012 ft

Bashy Posted at 2018-2-7 21:31
WOW, that was constructively helpful, NOT!, evidently you do not want help but to just stand and shout about issues you have. You was asked a question, yet you do not give any details asked, Diana is not the software department, she works on the forum on behalf of DJI, she is trying to be helpful, have some respect or dont answer, kids of today eh'

Bashy, I agree with your statement 100%. Help them so they can help you... I'm new here and I've been reading this guys posts for 3 weeks now watching him act like a 5 year old.

I've owned a P4P for 3 weeks now. After my purchase I immediately updated the firmware to the latest not being aware of the issues. In the meantime I've downgraded to the previous version so it's not a big deal.

To make a long story short, I just spent $2500 on a flawed with flawed firmware. I figure I'll give DJI a chance to fix the issue. The latest firmware has only been released for a month now so if we want them to actually get it right it's GOING TO TAKE TIME for them to fix it properly.

If this does end up dragging out over months, or more buggy firmware is released, then I have a simple solution. I sell the drone and buy something else! Or, I build my own. One thing is for sure. You will never catch me crying and screaming like this juvenile.

Grow up.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 58327 ft

United States

I can see both sides of this issue.  Releasing firmware that is half-baked is pretty irresponsible and worse than not releasing it at all.  
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Flight distance : 240361 ft
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United States

fans6c81d895 Posted at 2018-2-8 07:23
Bashy, I agree with your statement 100%. Help them so they can help you... I'm new here and I've been reading this guys posts for 3 weeks now watching him act like a 5 year old.

I've owned a P4P for 3 weeks now. After my purchase I immediately updated the firmware to the latest not being aware of the issues. In the meantime I've downgraded to the previous version so it's not a big deal.

Please you have no idea what your saying ! Give DJI a chance ?LOL Now thats funny!   I can tell your green to this so go sale your toys and look for another toy to play with !  YOU Grow up and smell the BS that DJI is giving US  !
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Flight distance : 51355 ft

Chance? Who give me chance to me? Do you know that where i live we work for $300 per month and for us $3000 how cost stupid drone is my 10 months salary? Who give me a chance when i must make money with the drone? Chance... Nobody tell me when i buy it that i must wait till 2020 for a new firmware that MAY fix some problems? You? That is not serious! Everybody give his money for something, not for nothing.
P.s. Sorry for my English
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Flight distance : 51355 ft

DJI Diana
Greetings to DJI's engineers!
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Flight distance : 4283012 ft

RE: DJI Really couldn't care less!

noflyzone69 Posted at 2018-2-8 09:25
Please you have no idea what your saying ! Give DJI a chance ?LOL Now thats funny!   I can tell your green to this so go sale your toys and look for another toy to play with !  YOU Grow up and smell the BS that DJI is giving US  !

Actually, I know exactly what I'm saying.

What are you accomplishing by whining? You clearly aren't trying to work with them. They know there's an issue and they're working on it or maybe they aren't... Either way, there is nothing you can do about it.

If you're unhappy with who they are as a company then sell your DJI and move on. That's what YOU can do, and probably should.

Like I said, grow up.
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Flight distance : 240361 ft
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United States

Stratcat Posted at 2018-2-8 11:47
Actually, I know exactly what I'm saying.

What are you accomplishing by whining? You clearly aren't trying to work with them. They know there's an issue and they're working on it or maybe they aren't... Either way, there is nothing you can do about it.

Who Are you to tell me to stop pitching about the crappy service DJI has ????     I assure you  You have no IDEA !  
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Flight distance : 4283012 ft

nJo-nJo Posted at 2018-2-8 11:30
Chance? Who give me chance to me? Do you know that where i live we work for $300 per month and for us $3000 how cost stupid drone is my 10 months salary? Who give me a chance when i must make money with the drone? Chance... Nobody tell me when i buy it that i must wait till 2020 for a new firmware that MAY fix some problems? You? That is not serious! Everybody give his money for something, not for nothing.
P.s. Sorry for my English

No need to apologize for your english.

If you don't want to wait till 2020, sell the DJI and go buy a drone that you think works. Nobody is forcing you to stay with DJI.
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Flight distance : 4283012 ft

noflyzone69 Posted at 2018-2-8 11:49
Who Are you to tell me to stop pitching about the crappy service DJI has ????     I assure you  You have no IDEA !

How shallow and naive.

DJI isn't the first company in the world to be accused of crappy service. What makes you think I have never experienced crappy service with a company before?

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Flight distance : 240361 ft
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United States

Stratcat Posted at 2018-2-8 11:54
How shallow and naive.

DJI isn't the first company in the world to be accused of crappy service. What makes you think I have never experienced crappy service with a company before?

I dont know why you think I care anything about you and or what you do !   sorry   now go play !
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Flight distance : 51355 ft

Do you own p4p+?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 307621 ft
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United States

noflyzone69 Posted at 2018-2-8 11:49
Who Are you to tell me to stop pitching about the crappy service DJI has ????     I assure you  You have no IDEA !

Just buy an Autel and leave us alone. Try their EVO drone, wait it's not released yet.
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Flight distance : 4283012 ft

noflyzone69 Posted at 2018-2-8 11:56
I dont know why you think I care anything about you and or what you do !   sorry   now go play !

Ahhh. Now you're starting to get it! Nobody cares about your whining!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1991555 ft

Another interesting and fun thread.
Now wheres my popcorn
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

Hellsgate Posted at 2018-2-8 12:09
Another interesting and fun thread.
Now wheres my popcorn

It is getting a bit ridiculous...
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Flight distance : 51355 ft

Sell buy? All we wanna do is to use that for what we pay for. If you buy something that stop to work, do you sell it and who will buy it??? What to sell not working drone? Haha
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Flight distance : 51355 ft

For most of you it may be funny, but for us us not! We have a proverb - "You must walk with my shoes, then to judje." If you live with my problems may not be so funny...
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Flight distance : 78930 ft
United States

Im just going to sit back and listen to this carry on I've had my turn with no luck, DJI does have a problem with firmware, just got my P4P and Mavic back both are asking for firmware updates but its not going  to happen, my Mavic is flying the best its ever flown and I'm not going to change it, now my P4P I'm having problems with it so I my try my luck with it, not sure what I will do.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12151329 ft
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noflyzone69 Posted at 2018-2-8 11:56
I dont know why you think I care anything about you and or what you do !   sorry   now go play !

I don’t believe you have any problem, your here to cause as much trouble as you possibly can , you talk like a fool act like a fool, nobody takes you serious, and your no edition to this forum, maybe crawl back into your hole.

Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.”
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1991555 ft

Well excuse me but i know exactly what you are talking about but you dont see me on here abusing people for having a different point of view than others my drone is currently being repaired for the exact issues that this thread is talkibg about so get if your high horse and stop bloody annoying people.
If you dont like the product then contact dji directly not through the forum the comments that some have made in here are out if place and uncalled for.
I have 100% faith in dji even tho im having issues but im not going to start crying about it like those in this thread.
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Flight distance : 240361 ft
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United States

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Flight distance : 4283012 ft

nJo-nJo Posted at 2018-2-8 12:11
Sell buy? All we wanna do is to use that for what we pay for. If you buy something that stop to work, do you sell it and who will buy it??? What to sell not working drone? Haha

I understand. We all want to use what we pay for. But, the world isn't a perect place. My time is very precious to me and the last thing I'm going to do is waste my time whining on an internet forum on a daily basis just so people can hear me shout.  
If they don't fix it, I MOVE ON. The DJI will be sold and I'll find something else to fly. I definitely wont be waiting till 2020 for a firmware fix!

Either way, constantly complaining about it accomplishes nothing. DJI has people working on it and a process that needs to be followed and that is whats going to happen.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1991555 ft

Some people think they are the only ones that exist.
Admin should delete this thread
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Flight distance : 240361 ft
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United States

Hellsgate Posted at 2018-2-8 12:39
Some people think they are the only ones that exist.
Admin should delete this thread

Aww.  your such a sour puss !    The bottom line is  Ill speak my mind or bitch all I need to.  Its not the first issue  nor my last !    SO what Im suppose to  keep quite ?  Let DJI  just keep feed US  CRAP and excuses ?  Come On !    My little  Titrate  might bring attention  to ISSUES !  Then MAY not  but at least I have vented my FRUSTRATION  And I KNOW for a fact IM not the only one who is FED UP !  You dont like what I have to say then DONT FREAKING READ IT!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1991555 ft

Bottom line is if you have an issue with dji then contact them directly.
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Flight distance : 240361 ft
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United States

Hellsgate Posted at 2018-2-8 12:54
Bottom line is if you have an issue with dji then contact them directly.

Thats it I have  on many occasions !  I have  over 10k in DJI TOYS  and I am a professional Photographer/ Film maker ..I Know, I know sure don't sound like one but to be honest I do have better things today than Be a little bitch on this forum BUT Im so Sick of how DJI handles the way they do things it pushes buttons in me that irritate the crap out of me   Say what you want  Yes I will confess I like My  php4 and my inspire  and my x5 and my osmo plus and my mavic and my little spark but when Im out trying to do a job and I get errors due to firrier updates or  other issues with other toys then I get mad ....  Seems like there are to many issues lately and DJI is DRAGGING there A$$ on getting them fixed !      Again YOU DONT KNOW ME!
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Flight distance : 4283012 ft

Just WOW.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1158258 ft
  • >>>

Stratcat Posted at 2018-2-8 11:52
No need to apologize for your english.

If you don't want to wait till 2020, sell the DJI and go buy a drone that you think works. Nobody is forcing you to stay with DJI.

I think I'll sell my P4P+ with missing features, promised features DJI never turned into reality, bugs and malfunctioning FW. Will you buy it Stratcat ???
Otherwise your advice is substantially lacking its content.
FACT is there are many people angry, upset or feeling fooled with the current quality and customer service of DJI.
I owned during many years DJI drones, but now they relly on being big on a huge market, no competitors and no care for quality or client satisfaction.
Being unable to tackle and address these failures other way than only simply repeat until becoming boring "we are studying this case, our engineers are working on it, bla, bla, bla" will cost this company much more in the near future.
Look just how many beta's are sent to unsatisfied clients...
Why can't a company release a FW only after having it checked, throughly tested, rechecked and retested ???
Imagine their drones would fly with humans...Would you fly on board with DJI ???
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1158258 ft
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Stratcat Posted at 2018-2-8 11:54
How shallow and naive.

DJI isn't the first company in the world to be accused of crappy service. What makes you think I have never experienced crappy service with a company before?

What you experienced with other companies is your problem...We are talking on DJI on this forum, 3rd party fails, failures and companies are not an excuse for serious people here...
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12151329 ft
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noflyzone69 Posted at 2018-2-8 13:05
Thats it I have  on many occasions !  I have  over 10k in DJI TOYS  and I am a professional Photographer/ Film maker ..I Know, I know sure don't sound like one but to be honest I do have better things today than Be a little bitch on this forum BUT Im so Sick of how DJI handles the way they do things it pushes buttons in me that irritate the crap out of me   Say what you want  Yes I will confess I like My  php4 and my inspire  and my x5 and my osmo plus and my mavic and my little spark but when Im out trying to do a job and I get errors due to firrier updates or  other issues with other toys then I get mad ....  Seems like there are to many issues lately and DJI is DRAGGING there A$$ on getting them fixed !      Again YOU DONT KNOW ME!

Professionals don’t go around constantly complaining , that’s why they are professionals.

“People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.”
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1158258 ft
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Maxi3D Posted at 2018-2-8 12:00
Just buy an Autel and leave us alone. Try their EVO drone, wait it's not released yet.

Maxi3D, he's a DJI product owner as you are and he does have legal rights to complain if he is unsatisfied. If you do not agree, you also have this right, but don't teach us what to buy or what to do with our drones... This is not a kindergarden...
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