Flight distance : 2753402 ft
United Kingdom
I have no choice as my bird is only 12 days old and came already fitted with the new prop lock system. Todate i've done 16 flights with a total flight time of 2hr 48min with no issues with the props or the locks. I was fully aware of the concerns other folks have posted on this and other forms, some of the posts border on scare mongering with dramatic photos of broken locks etc. I've seen no evidence these have actually failed in flight, simple pre-flight pre-cautions should ensure you have trouble free safe flying.
I have a led torch to closely examine the locks after each days flying and a magnifying glass, looking for cracks or any other damage or wear, no need to remove the locks for this I check the screw tightness, I dont try to tighten further just ensure they are tight. I also check the internal locking tabs / hooks in the props are not worn or show signs of cracks. In the field after each battery I check that each prop is tight and secure I dont remove them. I have purchased several sets of locks and props, they are cheap, I will replace them after the 200 flights as recommended by DJI or after a prop has hit something regardless of any percievable damage or not. The only concern I have is with the motor screw holes, that's why I will not remove the locks unless crash damage has occurred or the two hundred flight limit has been reached. I also have loctite 222 low strength thread locking compound in case i need to use this. By my reckoning provided I don't have any mishaps it will be a few months before i need to change anything.
Apart from wearing the screw holes I have no concerns with this system, I have been RC flying for 42 years although this is my first quad copter. I respect other folks concerns each to there own as they say. DJI have stated this system is an upgrade to the old screw on prop system which enhaces reliability during flight. PS I have had countless crashes over the years, not one I can honestly say was the catasrophic failure of the prop system in free flight.