Flight distance : 266729 ft
United States
I don't think the Mavic Air killed the Spark, nor do I believe that the Spark is dead. And yes, I do believe the Mavic Air is really a "Spark 2" or "Spark Advanced" or "Spark Pro".
I don't believe that everyone needs/wants the capabilities of the Mavic Air -- especially considering the extra money. That was certainly my case -- and I'm not new to the drone scene. I've been flying my P3S for 2+ years. I just believed that the Spark capabilities fit better into the scenarios that i usually fly. However, if the Mavic Air had been the same money as the Spark -- I would have considered it. At a couple hundred dollars more -- it wasn't even that much of a decision for me to pick the Spark.
I believe that DJI will continue to position the Spark as the entry level point for their line of advance drones. After all, look at how long they kept the P3 Standard (or SE) in production. Long after P4s and Mavic Pros came out.