Sea Parrot
Flight distance : 89154 ft
United Kingdom
Yet another confusion between altitude - which is actually the distance above sea level - and height, which is the actually the distance between the aircraft and the ground directly underneath the aircraft.
DJI keep using the word "altitude" when they should be using "height". It's a distinction that pilots who fly manned aircraft (I used to fly 4-seater aircraft around the UK) are trained to completely and thoroughly understand - and it's still easy to get wrong On the aircraft I flew I was always very aware of whether my altimeter was set to indicate the height about ground (using what is called the QFE pressure setting) or the altitude, i.e. height above the sea (Using the QNH pressure setting). Getting them mixed up could be - and in many cases, was - a fatal mistake especially when flying in cloud. A friend of mine died when he flew his aircraft into a hill just short of the summit possibly because he made this simple mistake. He was probably about a thousand feet lower than he thought he was.
I'd *really like* DJI to follow international aviation terminology convention and start using the terms "altitude" and "height" correctly. After all, we are all pilots, flying unmanned aircraft, and are subject to the aviation laws of our various countries.