Firmware kills video down link! Known Issue! Dji wants me to pay!...
2289 20 2018-3-6
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Flight distance : 97224 ft
United States

I purchased a Used Phantom 3 Professional a few months ago (I own 2 Mavic Pro Platinums, I’m not new to this! The mavics are great so far ) when I did the Firmware update it killed the video downlink! I am now flying blind! After weeks of searching for information about this it turns out that a lot of people have had their Phantoms Damaged by the Firmware! And no the drones not under warranty but that should not matter since it was Dji’s Firmware that caused the issue! Calling Dji was fruitless they want to make me  1.) pay to ship the drone both ways , and 2.) pay for the repair! Is this how dij does business? They know there’s a problem that some drones are damaged by this because the board above the Gimble may overheat and damage it! There’s a lot of warnings about updating the Phantom because of this and to put a strong fan in front of the drone to keep the board cool! This is not mentioned in the Firmware release information anywhere or on Dji’s website! I have read some people have had there phantoms fixed for free when this happened but only if they made it clear that it was something Dji did that cause it! Now what do it do? Bit the bullit and pay Dji to Repair my P3P so they can profit from there mistake? Or give up and trash the phantom and sell both Mavic’s and wait till another company makes a drone worth buying? I have several thousand dollars invested in Dji products I had several other Dji products in my list including the a Phantom 4 and a Inspire 2! Anyone here work for DJI that can help with this? Calling is pointless since you have to talk to different departments and get transfered back and forth to possibly different locations! The cost of shipping the Phantom from the east coast to the west coast is expensive enough that will probably cost me over $100 both ways insured! Not a happy Dji Customer!
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

This post linked below might provide you with some useful info... which you may already know

You might advise DJI that the link below is proof that the over-heating gimbal problem during FW updates has been a known issue with the P3P for a number of years ... .87175/#post-901549

Good luck
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Flight distance : 97224 ft
United States

Mark The Droner Posted at 2018-3-6 17:55
This post linked below might provide you with some useful info... which you may already know

You might advise DJI that the link below is proof that the over-heating gimbal problem during FW updates has been a known issue with the P3P for a number of years

Yea I found all that out after the issue hit me Dji needs to do the right thing and take responsibility for this! They still don’t put a warning on the site to keep the Gimble cool during a update! But I guess that would be admitting they know they have a problem that’s their fault!  What a  way to treat the customers!  Now  that there sales blew up with the mavic series  the air and others they can’t say it will kill them to fix these birds! I bet the CFO won’t let them openly admit fault! It’s like the airbag recall it took a lot of people getting hurt before anything was done but in this case the only people hurt are the customers!
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DJI Susan

Hey there, we're sorry for the difficulties you’ve been inflicted. Could you tell us your case number? We'll check the current status and see whether we can help.
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Flight distance : 97224 ft
United States

Saboken Posted at 2018-3-6 18:02
Yea I found all that out after the issue hit me Dji needs to do the right thing and take responsibility for this! They still don’t put a warning on the site to keep the Gimble cool during a update! But I guess that would be admitting they know they have a problem that’s their fault!  What a  way to treat the customers!  Now  that there sales blew up with the mavic series  the air and others they can’t say it will kill them to fix these birds! I bet the CFO won’t let them openly admit fault! It’s like the airbag recall it took a lot of people getting hurt before anything was done but in this case the only people hurt are the customers!

I see a class action lawsuit on the horizon! I contacted the California Attorney General about this and they are collecting complaints I guess when they have enough they will go after Dji? They are serious they sent me a form to fill out and said if i send it in I will be on the list of people they will get compensation if it goes that far and Dji looses
I don’t want to take this route it’s a lot of work but if they don’t contact me with a resolution soon I may have to jump on the bandwagon
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Flight distance : 97224 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-3-6 18:08
Hey there, we're sorry for the difficulties you’ve been inflicted. Could you tell us your case number? We'll check the current status and see whether we can help.

I didn’t create a case only called half a dozen times! I’m not paying to ship something they want me to pay to fix! The calls are part of the issue tech support can’t help with repairs because it’s a different department and it’s a back and forth thing when I call! My 1 mavic had a issue when I opened the box but it was under warranty so o didn’t have to pay anything to get it fixed. This is different since I had a fully working Phantom till the update killed it! And it’s used but was fully functional when I got it! I never got to really fly it because I did the update before I flew it!
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DJI Susan

Saboken Posted at 2018-3-6 18:34
I didn’t create a case only called half a dozen times! I’m not paying to ship something they want me to pay to fix! The calls are part of the issue tech support can’t help with repairs because it’s a different department and it’s a back and forth thing when I call! My 1 mavic had a issue when I opened the box but it was under warranty so o didn’t have to pay anything to get it fixed. This is different since I had a fully working Phantom till the update killed it! And it’s used but was fully functional when I got it! I never got to really fly it because I did the update before I flew it!

I understand how you feel. May I have your phone number when you contacted our support? I'll forward this to the management for investigation and try our best to help you.
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Flight distance : 97224 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-3-6 23:24
I understand how you feel. May I have your phone number when you contacted our support? I'll forward this to the management for investigation and try our best to help you.

I sent a PM with the information
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DJI Susan

Saboken Posted at 2018-3-6 23:46
I sent a PM with the information

Received with thanks! I've reported this to the management for review. The designated team will contact you in the local working time. Appreciate your patience.
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Flight distance : 97224 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-3-6 23:53
Received with thanks! I've reported this to the management for review. The designated team will contact you in the local working time. Appreciate your patience.

They tried to call me but I don’t answer unknown numbers too many robo calls that don’t stop if you answer them! I tried to call back but it’s just a general DJI support number! They did email me but what was said in the voicemail mail left to me and what the email contained were not the same! I do reply to the email and I did not like what they said ! That if I send the drone in they are going to look for any signs of external damage and refuse to fix it! What’s wrong with the drone has could not be done by a crash! The board that’s malfunctioning is inside the Gimble protected by a metal housing!  And the camer and Gimble are in pristine condition! The drone has a new shell because it suffered from stress cracks due to vibration from the props! This happens a lot with the phantoms! I asked if I could just send in the camera assembly so they can confirm the board will not take the Firmware since the camera comes off the drone without removing any screws it’s only held on by 2 plastic clips and 4 Rubber dampers and 2 wires that unplug easy they are all external! I don’t see any logic behind blaming something completely irrelevant to the issue just to deny the repair!  
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DJI Mindy

Saboken Posted at 2018-3-9 21:46
They tried to call me but I don’t answer unknown numbers too many robo calls that don’t stop if you answer them! I tried to call back but it’s just a general DJI support number! They did email me but what was said in the voicemail mail left to me and what the email contained were not the same! I do reply to the email and I did not like what they said ! That if I send the drone in they are going to look for any signs of external damage and refuse to fix it! What’s wrong with the drone has could not be done by a crash! The board that’s malfunctioning is inside the Gimble protected by a metal housing!  And the camer and Gimble are in pristine condition! The drone has a new shell because it suffered from stress cracks due to vibration from the props! This happens a lot with the phantoms! I asked if I could just send in the camera assembly so they can confirm the board will not take the Firmware since the camera comes off the drone without removing any screws it’s only held on by 2 plastic clips and 4 Rubber dampers and 2 wires that unplug easy they are all external! I don’t see any logic behind blaming something completely irrelevant to the issue just to deny the repair!

Our supervisor has explained clearly in the email that without the unit being evaluated, we could not commit to any repairs to be made under warranty, hope your kind understanding and please send in the whole drone at your earliest convenience. Please do not disassemble the gimbal since more damage could be caused.
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Flight distance : 97224 ft
United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 2018-3-10 03:16
Our supervisor has explained clearly in the email that without the unite being evaluated, we could not commit to any repairs to be made under warranty, hope your kind understanding and please send in the whole drone at your earliest convenience. Please do not disassemble the gimbal since more damage could be caused.

That’s the most  ridiculous thing I have ever been told you sell the fragile Gimble clips because they break and get lost quite often! The Gimble doesn’t need to be disassembled to remove it now you are treating me like. Child! I’m am just going to file the forms sent to me by the California State Attorney General with all the emails sent to me by a DJI! Every Drone Repair shop including Dji approved shops know this issue and that removing the camera will in no way damaged anything! I am a retired network administrator your just insulting me now!
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Flight distance : 97224 ft
United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 2018-3-10 03:16
Our supervisor has explained clearly in the email that without the unite being evaluated, we could not commit to any repairs to be made under warranty, hope your kind understanding and please send in the whole drone at your earliest convenience. Please do not disassemble the gimbal since more damage could be caused.

Also you seem to have gotten off the topic here this is not a warranty issue this is a issue we’re Your Firmware damaged the  drone it has nothing to do with anything else! The California Attorney General is building a case and I was hoping to avoid a long wait to get my drone fixed after your firmware damaged it? I guess your going to play hardball now!
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DJI Susan

Saboken Posted at 2018-3-10 04:00
Also you seem to have gotten off the topic here this is not a warranty issue this is a issue we’re Your Firmware damaged the  drone it has nothing to do with anything else! The California Attorney General is building a case and I was hoping to avoid a long wait to get my drone fixed after your firmware damaged it? I guess your going to play hardball now!

Thanks for keeping us updated. I'm afraid that it is hard to tell the exact status without damage assessment. We're trying to help you figure this out timely, appreciate your cooperation and patience.
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Flight distance : 97224 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-3-10 20:02
Thanks for keeping us updated. I'm afraid that it is hard to tell the exact status without damage assessment. We're trying to help you figure this out timely, appreciate your cooperation and patience.

You have my cooperation but want to blame something not relevant to the issue at hand! I will send it in but I better be treated fairly and the person that called me did not provide any shipping labels or anything about shipping it to you! He just made it clear Dji was going to examine the drone under a microscope looking for anything to blame the update failure besides the firmware! So if I send it in and Dji refuses to fix what they broke free of charge I want the drone returned untouched! I am not paying for a know issue! To be fixed unless you tell me exactly what was found! I know the exact condition of the drone and what’s wrong with it I spent over a month researching the problem!
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DJI Susan

Saboken Posted at 2018-3-10 20:33
You have my cooperation but want to blame something not relevant to the issue at hand! I will send it in but I better be treated fairly and the person that called me did not provide any shipping labels or anything about shipping it to you! He just made it clear Dji was going to examine the drone under a microscope looking for anything to blame the update failure besides the firmware! So if I send it in and Dji refuses to fix what they broke free of charge I want the drone returned untouched! I am not paying for a know issue! To be fixed unless you tell me exactly what was found! I know the exact condition of the drone and what’s wrong with it I spent over a month researching the problem!

Noted with thanks! Please kindly arrange to ship at your earliest convenience. The local team will take care once they received the package.
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Flight distance : 97224 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-3-11 19:04
Noted with thanks! Please kindly arrange to ship at your earliest convenience. The local team will take care once they received the package.

Again Dji is changing things up the voicemail said Dji was going to provide me with a shipping label and pay for the shipping! But they didn’t!  Now you are telling me to ship it at my own cost? Do you see why people are loosing their patience with  Dji nobody is in the same page at Dji!
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DJI Susan

Saboken Posted at 2018-3-11 19:09
Again Dji is changing things up the voicemail said Dji was going to provide me with a shipping label and pay for the shipping! But they didn’t!  Now you are telling me to ship it at my own cost? Do you see why people are loosing their patience with  Dji nobody is in the same page at Dji!

Sorry for this. I'm double checking the current status with the designated team and will come back later.
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DJI Susan

Saboken Posted at 2018-3-11 19:09
Again Dji is changing things up the voicemail said Dji was going to provide me with a shipping label and pay for the shipping! But they didn’t!  Now you are telling me to ship it at my own cost? Do you see why people are loosing their patience with  Dji nobody is in the same page at Dji!

I just got an update that both case number and shipping label have been sent to you. Please check whether you have received it, thanks!
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Flight distance : 97224 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-3-12 18:12
I just got an update that both case number and shipping label have been sent to you. Please check whether you have received it, thanks!

forget it im done with DJI after my Mavic Dies! i had to Eat $400 from one of your Authorized Vendors (Camrise in NYC) that Sold me  a bad Camera I had to reverse the charges with My CC company! even after is had to pay for the return shipping! you let some shady company's sell your Products! looks like Autel will me my go to drone company after this! Dji couldn't even make there deadline for the Mavic 2! the internet grapevine says there was a Major flaw that shut down your event!
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DJI Susan

Saboken Posted at 2018-7-30 00:48
forget it im done with DJI after my Mavic Dies! i had to Eat $400 from one of your Authorized Vendors (Camrise in NYC) that Sold me  a bad Camera I had to reverse the charges with My CC company! even after is had to pay for the return shipping! you let some shady company's sell your Products! looks like Autel will me my go to drone company after this! Dji couldn't even make there deadline for the Mavic 2! the internet grapevine says there was a Major flaw that shut down your event!

Saboken, we sincerely apologize for the unpleasant experience. May I have more contact info about the dealers you referred? We'll forward to the designated team and keep improving the dealer management.
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