United States
When i bought my phantom 3 advanced I took it to my buddys house. I let him fly it and he loved it. Fast foreward to this winter. He bought a UPAIR ONE drone. Its a poor mans phantom except it cost $350. I wish he would have talked to me before he bought it. I would have talked him into the pahntom 3 standard. Reguardless he took the drone out and flew it twice before smashing it. He dropped it off to me to see if i could fix it. I had all the tools because i build racing drones. I messed with it for a couple of days now its as good as new. This was the first gps drone i have flown besides the phantom. It comes with what they claim is a 4k camera. The video quality is not great. The worst part is the built in screen on the controller. It is very dim. I was flying in cloudy skies and could barely see the screen. To make it worse you have no options to adjust brightness, in fact you have to options to adjust anythig. The gimbal is only 2 axis and the video was very shakey. He is my friend and he already bought it so i would never tell him he wasted his money. Has anybody else flown a phantom knock off? How bad was it?