Lovely video with quite spooky music (if you're wearing headphones).
I hiked up to Delicate Arch for the sunset. Now I'm a dronie, I'll have to go back and visit again.
BTW, can that be Glen Canyon in the far distance?
Dorset_Horn Posted at 2018-3-23 09:10
Lovely video with quite spooky music (if you're wearing headphones).
I hiked up to Delicate Arch for the sunset. Now I'm a dronie, I'll have to go back and visit again.
BTW, can that be Glen Canyon in the far distance?
Sadly, no drones are allowed in Arches (or any) National Park.
I can only say WOW and thank you so much for having shared this extraordinary video with us! Awesome indeed. And with regard to a few other comments here I wish to add the following. In my country too nature reserves are no fly zones as well for a good reason, which is to protect and avoid disturbance to wildlife and I would always respect that. Should your regulations forbid to film dead rocks while obeying safe altitude etc., these regulations need a review in my opinion (like some others too, but I do not wish to touch the hottest topic. This forum is not the place for that ;-).
I took a tour in a place like that some years ago. The guide told us that, in places like this, you must think not in human years, but in geological years. Still, I can't get my mind around what this place looked like at each million year mark.
Fisher Towers is about 16 miles east of Moab Utah, along the Colorado River highway 128. This is just normal BLM land (Bureau of Land Management) so there are no special regulations for things like flying drones, hiking or climbing the spires.
For the video, I was using a DJI neutral density filter at about 3 PM in the afternoon. Naturally the camera is going to struggle because there is very little color or contrast variation in the rock or ground.
I agree with the rules. It would be tempting to fly through any of the arches, but I've seen videos of morons swinging on bungee ropes there...
(When they've all broken, I wonder what they'll call the park?)
Moab really is the most amazing place.... Love it. Fantastic video with great perspectives going through the towers.....
My avatar picture is on the road to Moab from Grand Junction