First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
United States
R&L Aerial photography Posted at 2018-4-4 10:52
There are many companies that sell quads equal to dji in ability that don’t have the restrictions that dji has imposed on there products, they have become the drone police of the world. My autel robotics quad will fly anywhere and up to 2600 ft. If someone wants to cause trouble with a quad, all the restrictions in the world won’t stop them. Kinda like guns...
I agree with you. In the beginning, the NFZ or geo fence was optional. Now they have you logged into the Go App which can be seen using the AreoScope tools and imposing the NFZ based on a map around the world. I still believe that the Pilot of the UAV is the one responsible to fly within the laws of the land.
I hope that DJI will issue the App that allows the Pro group to unlock all of this nonsense. Let the consumer group be controlled if at all
Rich |