I get an error every time i try to take the quiz. Help!
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20151 99 2018-4-19
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 356611 ft
Isle of Man

[size=14.6667px]Hi guys,

[size=14.6667px]Just looking for some advice as DJI have been of no help so far and aren't responding to my emails. I am now constantly pestered to take the DJI quiz whenever i want to fly. Unfortunately everytime i try, i get the following error;

[size=14.6667px]Error: 800: questionnaire was not found.

[size=14.6667px]I end up clearing the error and exiting the quiz as it won't load. It's ridiculous. This is on an iPhone 7 Plus running the latest iOS and i am connected to the internet every time i try, either out in the field or at home on wifi. My app and firmware are on the latest versions too.[size=14.6667px]

[size=14.6667px]DJI suggested removing the app and reinstalling which i tried and it did nothing to help. I have even tried installing the app and logging in on my girlfriend's iPhone and the same thing happens on a different device. I've gone as far as using a VPN service since i live in the Isle of Man and some websites can be awkward about my location. Using a VPN i was connected via London UK and it STILL won't load the quiz. What am i supposed to do?!? The quiz is nagging me every time i load the app. I would love to take it if DJI would let me.

[size=14.6667px]Anyone else had this problem? Is there anything i can do as i'm scared of being locked out through no fault of my own. Having to faff with this everytime i want to fly is incredibly frustrating.


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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Sorry for the difficulties. The quiz is requested in the US and will only exist one time for one drone if it is submitted successfully.
Regarding your situation, please help to provide me with your serial number, the app version, the log on your mobile device and some screenshots.
The relative log needs to be exported via the PC, connect the mobile device to iTunes, find the app and export the whole log folder, I would like to have our engineers to check. Thank you.
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Flight distance : 87178 ft

Exactly same problem here. Bought my Mavic Air in the Netherlands a week ago. Updating / registering etc a bit of a pain, but I think I have been successful there (question: how do you know registration was successful?).
But this @#£&# quiz every time,! Quite happy to take the quiz and get it over with but I get the same error message as the OP. Exit the screen and no worries, I can fly the drone. Next dat same issue again...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 356611 ft
Isle of Man

Onbekommerd Posted at 2018-5-29 06:02
Exactly same problem here. Bought my Mavic Air in the Netherlands a week ago. Updating / registering etc a bit of a pain, but I think I have been successful there (question: how do you know registration was successful?).
But this @#£&# quiz every time,! Quite happy to take the quiz and get it over with but I get the same error message as the OP. Exit the screen and no worries, I can fly the drone. Next dat same issue again...

It's an absolute pain isn't it? I ended up emailing DJI support and it was passed to their field development team for investigation. I've heard nothing back from them but the next day the quiz actually loaded when i was out on a beach getting ready to fly. So either someone flicked a switch and changed something behind the scenes, the servers came back online, or some other voodoo. It was weird. Wish i could be more help bud, but try DJI support and see how far you get.
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DJI Mindy

Onbekommerd Posted at 2018-5-29 06:02
Exactly same problem here. Bought my Mavic Air in the Netherlands a week ago. Updating / registering etc a bit of a pain, but I think I have been successful there (question: how do you know registration was successful?).
But this @#£&# quiz every time,! Quite happy to take the quiz and get it over with but I get the same error message as the OP. Exit the screen and no worries, I can fly the drone. Next dat same issue again...

Onbekommerd, sorry for the troubles, could you please refer to Thor's post in 2# and provide us the relative info for further support?
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DJI Susan

Onbekommerd Posted at 2018-5-29 06:02
Exactly same problem here. Bought my Mavic Air in the Netherlands a week ago. Updating / registering etc a bit of a pain, but I think I have been successful there (question: how do you know registration was successful?).
But this @#£&# quiz every time,! Quite happy to take the quiz and get it over with but I get the same error message as the OP. Exit the screen and no worries, I can fly the drone. Next dat same issue again...

Sorry for the troubles. It seems that the activation is successful as there is a small Mavic Air icon under your Avatar. If you are not sure, please send us your aircraft SN for the double check.

As for the quiz, may I know which mobile device and APP version do you use? Make sure the cache has been cleared and internet is connected when you submit the quiz to see whether it helps.
Use props
Flight distance : 87178 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-5-31 00:03
Sorry for the troubles. It seems that the activation is successful as there is a small Mavic Air icon under your Avatar. If you are not sure, please send us your aircraft SN for the double check.

As for the quiz, may I know which mobile device and APP version do you use? Make sure the cache has been cleared and internet is connected when you submit the quiz to see whether it helps.

Hi Suzan,
Thank you for getting back to me. Device is an iPhone6. I can't find the version of the app it, where do I see that?
And how do I send you the log file? I have it on my laptop after connecting the device via iTunes.

Some extra info: It does not ALWAYS ask me to do the quiz. Yesterday it did, today I connected drone and RC (did not fly), but it did not ask to do the quiz. Always connected to the internet....
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DJI Mindy

Onbekommerd Posted at 2018-6-5 04:47
Hi Suzan,
Thank you for getting back to me. Device is an iPhone6. I can't find the version of the app it, where do I see that?
And how do I send you the log file? I have it on my laptop after connecting the device via iTunes.

APP version can be found in the Settings, please check the following screenshot.
Once you exported the log, please upload to Dropbox or Google Drive and post the link here.
But if the issue didn't occur again, no need to provide us the info above. GTScreenshot_20180531_120203.png
Use props
Flight distance : 87178 ft

DJI Mindy Posted at 2018-6-6 00:57
APP version can be found in the Settings, please check the following screenshot.
Once you exported the log, please upload to Dropbox or Google Drive and post the link here.
But if the issue didn't occur again, no need to provide us the info above.[view_image]

OK, the app version is 4.2.16 (3138).
device is iPhone 6.
The link to the latest log file: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/g3i10 ... Y9EkyXuV2ur8ta?dl=0

The problem occurs almost always. It asks me to do the quiz. I say yes. It loads what looks like a browser window with 'error 800, no questions found' (or something very similar) as only text. Then I say exit, it reminds me that noting will be saved and I can then fly.
Definitely connected to the internet as it checks for firmware updates (and has loaded / installed new firmware a few times).

Cant I take this quiz when I am not all set up to fly and get it over with please????
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DJI Mindy

Onbekommerd Posted at 2018-6-7 04:20
OK, the app version is 4.2.16 (3138).
device is iPhone 6.
The link to the latest log file: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/g3i10ka2ip36b81/AABj3kpncPHY9EkyXuV2ur8ta?dl=0

Thanks for the details, the issue has been escalated to the engineers for analysis, we will keep you updated once we hear from them, thanks for your patience.
Use props
Flight distance : 87178 ft

DJI Mindy Posted at 2018-6-7 22:22
Thanks for the details, the issue has been escalated to the engineers for analysis, we will keep you updated once we hear from them, thanks for your patience.

Thank you, I look forward to the solution!
Use props
Flight distance : 66378 ft
United Kingdom

Did anyone find a solution to this?

I'm experiencing exactly the same problem.
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DJI Mindy

Fuzzy2084 Posted at 2018-7-21 04:48
Did anyone find a solution to this?

I'm experiencing exactly the same problem.

Sorry to hear that, may I have the SN of the flight controller which can be found in the APP-About and your DJI account for further support? You can send PM, thank you.
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same problem here.
They neeed to fix.
Also I am into my 4th or 5th firmware update.
I suppose it does now save when it says completed.
Not sure this thing will ever fly.
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United States

I’ve got same damn problem, this couldn’t even load questions once, I live in USA. Bought my Spark, all commented, updated to latest on mobile and drone, everything is working but damn quiz wouldn’t load. Every time blank white screen without any questions. Frustrated, what kind of service and product this is if so many people have issues and no one seems to care. Makes me want to buy bebop or something else instead of dji. Please help!!! Crying at loud.
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DJI Mindy

djiuser_vcfgqvpWU1ig Posted at 2018-7-29 10:33
same problem here.
They neeed to fix.
Also I am into my 4th or 5th firmware update.

Hi there, sorry for the troubles, could you please check my post in 13# and send me PM about the related info? Thank you.
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DJI Mindy

fansf41ff236 Posted at 2018-7-30 16:45
I’ve got same damn problem, this couldn’t even load questions once, I live in USA. Bought my Spark, all commented, updated to latest on mobile and drone, everything is working but damn quiz wouldn’t load. Every time blank white screen without any questions. Frustrated, what kind of service and product this is if so many people have issues and no one seems to care. Makes me want to buy bebop or something else instead of dji. Please help!!! Crying at loud.

Hi there, sorry for the troubles, could you please check my post in 13# and send me PM about the related info? Thank you.
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I have the same problem (P4P). Australia. The silly thing just sits there on a white screen and I cannot take the quiz.

Edit: Is there any way to take the quiz using the web (it'd make sense if there was a way to take the quiz so I can fly. surely it's linked to the account and not the aircraft :/)

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DJI Mindy

CraigR Posted at 2018-7-31 23:04
I have the same problem (P4P). Australia. The silly thing just sits there on a white screen and I cannot take the quiz.

Edit: Is there any way to take the quiz using the web (it'd make sense if there was a way to take the quiz so I can fly. surely it's linked to the account and not the aircraft :/)

CraigR, sorry for the troubles with the APP, could you please check my post in 17#? The quiz cannot be done via the web, sorry for the inconvenience caused. The issue has been forwarded to our engineers but we will need your serial number of the flight control and your DJI account, appreciate your cooperation.
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DJI Mindy Posted at 2018-8-1 04:56
CraigR, sorry for the troubles with the APP, could you please check my post in 17#? The quiz cannot be done via the web, sorry for the inconvenience caused. The issue has been forwarded to our engineers but we will need your serial number of the flight control and your DJI account, appreciate your cooperation.

I got a different error this time.

Error: XHR_ERROR: 0:

I'm trying to find my serial # now
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DJI Mindy

CraigR Posted at 2018-8-1 14:46
I got a different error this time.


PM received with thanks, may I have the model of your mobile device? Is it the iOS system or Android? What is the current APP version? May I have a screenshot of the error so that we can escalate the issue? Thank you.
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DJI Mindy Posted at 2018-8-2 00:03
PM received with thanks, may I have the model of your mobile device? Is it the iOS system or Android? What is the current APP version? May I have a screenshot of the error so that we can escalate the issue? Thank you.


The screen is exactly the same as that above in post 15. I can take a screenshot next time it asks me for the quiz but it's the same

The device is an ipad (model mp2f2x/a) iOS 11.4.1. The same thing also happens on my iPad pro.

Edit: Both my ipads are wifi only (not cell) and wifi is turned on and working/connected

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I'm getting the Error 800 too. What's the solution?
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DJI Susan

CraigR Posted at 2018-8-2 00:47

The screen is exactly the same as that above in post 15. I can take a screenshot next time it asks me for the quiz but it's the same

Received with thanks! This has been forwarded to our engineers for the check, we'll come back as long as there is an update. Appreciate your patience.
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DJI Susan

Boatnut Posted at 2018-8-2 11:41
I'm getting the Error 800 too. What's the solution?

Hey Boatnut, our engineers are checking the exact status now, we'll keep you posted on the latest progress, no worries.
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DJI Susan

CraigR Posted at 2018-8-2 00:47

The screen is exactly the same as that above in post 15. I can take a screenshot next time it asks me for the quiz but it's the same

Hi CraigR, I just got an update from the team that the issue has been fixed, please check later and keep us posted on the latest progress, thanks!

@Boatnut, please try now and see whether it works.
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Still not working
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DJI Susan

Sorry about this. Just to verify, have you tried to reinstall the APP? If yes, please kindly offer the screenshot, App version and your DJI Account, we'll double check, thanks!
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Don’t see the settings option to determine app version. What do you need concerning dji account?
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Found the settings button you referred to in an earlier post. Don’t see the version
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DJI Susan

Boatnut Posted at 2018-8-5 15:57
Don’t see the settings option to determine app version. What do you need concerning dji account?

Received with thanks! Please kindly provide your DJI Account(the email address when you login DJI GO) in PM and the screenshots of the page you stuck with, we'll forward to the technicians for review later.
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Sorry but how do I send a pm?
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DJI Susan

Boatnut Posted at 2018-8-6 07:44
Sorry but how do I send a pm?

I've received your message in PM, thanks so much! This has been forwarded to our engineers for further check, and we'll keep you updated.
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DJI Susan Posted at 2018-8-6 23:25
I've received your message in PM, thanks so much! This has been forwarded to our engineers for further check, and we'll keep you updated.

Any update? I'm still getting the  error message.Thanks
Use props
DJI Susan

Boatnut Posted at 2018-8-16 07:57
Any update? I'm still getting the  error message.Thanks

Our engineers are still working on this issue, we'll keep you updated on the latest progress, appreciate your patience.
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United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-8-17 00:42
Our engineers are still working on this issue, we'll keep you updated on the latest progress, appreciate your patience.

People have been reporting the problem for 4 months now.  Any progress?  I had to uninstall and reinstall the app today, because I was suddenly limited to 100 feet for no reason.  Reinstalling fixed that, but it now introduced this "quiz".  I agree every time, and I just get the same error:

Error: 800: questionnaire was not found

Yes, I DO have it connected to wifi at the time.  All other apps, including DJI GO, can otherwise communicate on the Internet and download maps of where I am, etc.

I have an iPad Mini 2, everything latest update across all devices.

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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

cwells Posted at 2018-8-17 14:32
People have been reporting the problem for 4 months now.  Any progress?  I had to uninstall and reinstall the app today, because I was suddenly limited to 100 feet for no reason.  Reinstalling fixed that, but it now introduced this "quiz".  I agree every time, and I just get the same error:


Hi Cwells, sorry for the inconvenience, as DJI Susan mentioned above, the engineers are confirming this case, we will inform them and try to speed up the process. Thank you for your patience.
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United States

net_slayer Posted at 2018-5-29 07:13
It's an absolute pain isn't it? I ended up emailing DJI support and it was passed to their field development team for investigation. I've heard nothing back from them but the next day the quiz actually loaded when i was out on a beach getting ready to fly. So either someone flicked a switch and changed something behind the scenes, the servers came back online, or some other voodoo. It was weird. Wish i could be more help bud, but try DJI support and see how far you get.

Net slayer I've been having the same problem and it's ticking me off! No way to get to it no way to take the quiz. But hey someday I'm coming to the isle of man for the TT race! Best race on the planet!
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United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-8-17 00:42
Our engineers are still working on this issue, we'll keep you updated on the latest progress, appreciate your patience.

I have an idea, get those chair bound engineers off their butts and go outside and try to fly one of their drones. And then try to contact DJI (themselves) about this and see why people are getting frustrated. I really like my phantom!! But I will not buy another one if you at DJI  cant resolve this. What the heck takes so long??? Can't figure out your own product is sad to say the least!!!
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United States

Great drone!! Crap customer service and crap response!! Better turn your operations over to someone who gives a crap. You folks obviously don't!
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