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check this video pls comment...
1533 4 2015-5-18
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United States

This was shot a few months ago before the last two firmware updates when my bird was perfect before I did the update. This was during my vacation to Puerto Rico in a small Island called Culebra. I hope you guys enjoy it. Please feel free to comment as I know that we are all here to learn and to get better at what we do. So all constructive Criticism is accepted. Video was shot in 4k edited and Color corrected on Final cut.

The video looks greak on my 5k Display dont know how good is the quality on Youtube. Please let me know!

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United States

How do you guys export your videos?
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Second Officer
Hong Kong

wow...Very impressive, what a beautiful beach.
I am planing on traveling to an island (Maybe Malaysia) in July. Those nice videos of yours make me wanna take a drone with me!
Just in my opinion, if you can slow some footages down it might be better~
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Flight distance : 21241217 ft
  • >>>
United States

JKT, looks like a great place.  I always wonder about taking my drone with me on vacation. It's  not like taking a little something extra along. I am guessing it takes some planning to do this right?.

My one comment about the video, and I see this quite a bit, is the music does not go with the video, both in pace and in type. I think when most people thing of the ocean and water they think of tranquility. Unless you are shooting water sports where there is some fast paced action, which I would have found your choice of music more suited for, I would have put something a little slower paced. I am a web developer and photographer and in the past on some of my websites, I have done what is called AB testing.  This is where I make 2 versions of the same info and then see which one gets the better response. Maybe you could add a second track and show a friend or two some clips with different music. Even trying this yourself can be beneficial. I know you can do this in FCPX.  Just my $0.02.

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United States

Personally I like the music.  I'm not a pro, but just a hobbyist and consumer who now wants to go to Puerto Rico because of the video.  Shows a lot of action and great for those looking for activities on vacations.  I suppose there are better music choices out there but this one great already for my taste.  Great job!
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