Help how to view flight path data?
3303 7 2018-7-3
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Flight distance : 6119 ft

How do I view the Flight Path data? Can the flight path be extracted and create an overlay map over the recorded footage?

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Flight distance : 182913 ft

Well.....first thing anyone will ask you is what are you flying etc.
usually....on the app when you finish flying,  you go to the screen that says enter a/c. on that screen you willsee some things in the upper right corner. That will get you to a place called flight records.

There you can see it on a map, or....there are some selections that let you see your flight path overplayed on google maps and satellites photos.
not sure if you can do a simulcast while flying.

Stay tuned for more comments from the other folks here at the forum...

Worse things happen @ sea   
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Flight distance : 6119 ft

Odan Posted at 2018-7-3 10:47
Well.....first thing anyone will ask you is what are you flying etc.
usually....on the app when you finish flying,  you go to the screen that says enter a/c. on that screen you willsee some things in the upper right corner. That will get you to a place called flight records.

Many thanks I figured it out, also found a video on youtube using dashware to add visual data overlay gauge to the video. I am loving this drone so far. Phantom 4 pro
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

snowyowl Posted at 2018-7-3 10:49
Many thanks I figured it out, also found a video on youtube using dashware to add visual data overlay gauge to the video. I am loving this drone so far. Phantom 4 pro

You have misplaced the thread in the P4 (std) section, not Pro. It is best to do it right as sometimes the answers will differ and a lot of confusions could be the result.
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

snowyowl Posted at 2018-7-3 10:49
Many thanks I figured it out, also found a video on youtube using dashware to add visual data overlay gauge to the video. I am loving this drone so far. Phantom 4 pro

Unfortunately, my understanding is Dashware doesn't work for super HD video such as 4K.  
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Flight distance : 6119 ft

Mark The Droner Posted at 2018-7-3 11:20
Unfortunately, Dashware doesn't work for super HD video.

Couldn't you get around this by setting up your video as normal in Dashware and then creating a black mask video same length in adobe premiere pro.  Then export the video and replace it in dashware. Then export the video  with black mask and import it back into Adobe Premiere , overlay it onto the original video in premiere and you should have 4K video with dash gauges no?
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

snowyowl Posted at 2018-7-3 11:25
Couldn't you get around this by setting up your video as normal in Dashware and then creating a black mask video same length in adobe premiere pro.  Then export the video and replace it in dashware. Then export the video  with black mask and import it back into Adobe Premiere , overlay it onto the original video in premiere and you should have 4K video with dash gauges no?

Haha, maybe.  I don't know.  I don't know anything about Adobe Premiere Pro.  If you have the time and the patience, give it a shot.  There is a lot of info out there from people who fool around with it and try to make it work.  Good luck
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Flight distance : 182913 ft

Say what ?  
YouTube is a gr8 source for how to....
Glad to hear you got it
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