Does anyone know if a replacement motor for the Phantom 2 will work with the 3? I had a run in with a tree and now one of the motors has a burning smell and won't turn on. I know know available parts are slim for the 3, so I'm hoping the motor is the same as for the 2...
Gents, hi.
i also just found trouble with CCW motor at my P3.
this is noising when i rolling him.
i think that problem with bearing and I need replace him.
can you advise me about type or number for order this motor?
mine did the same right out of the box and i send it to the service center. You will definately loose all warranty when you solder a new motor in and open the Phantom. I wouldnt do that at all because the phantom3 is a new copter and it can fail for other reasons and then you are doomed