 Second Officer
Flight distance : 78612 ft
United States
I've already noticed the same thing on mine. If you're shooting something close (I was going over a house that was turned into a museum) and the Phantom is almost directly overhead, you would probably need to have the antennas sticking more or less straight out.
When I first started flying quads, I tried the same technique I learned with RC planes - always keep the craft out in front of you, never let it go over your head, etc. Of course the "...never let it go over your head..." was mostly applicable if there trees behind you - you don't want to accidentally fly into them.
With the Phantom (and my Blade) I often find myself walking slowly from one point to another while piloting the craft - and filming. The feature of being able to reset the home point will be welcome. It's available now in the Apple version, but I have an Android.
While I'm walking around with my Phantom, it's generally pretty easy to keep the antennas properly oriented to the Phantom. If you stand fixed in one place and let your Phantom fly behind you, you're very likely blocking some of the signal with your mobile device. That, in part, was my justification for moving around while piloting. |