Older firmware versions location
13498 17 2015-5-25
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Where on the site can I find the older firmware?

As said in the release notes of version 1.1.8:

"Users are advised to update the firmware version to v1.1.8, otherwise future firmware will not be able to install."

I am now Having trouble installing version 1.1.9 (I missed the 1.1.8 update and maybe a few before that) so I thought I try installing an older version first. But i'm unable to find it on the DJI site.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1379308 ft
United States

All the releases have that notice included in the notes.  What does it say in the "About" section of your DJI Pilot App?

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 78612 ft
United States

Can't think of anything illegal about keeping/sharing older versions. I checked earlier today and I kept the zip files for the current and previous update - i.e., 1.1.8 and 1.1.9 versions.

I can share them if it isn't against any rule.

They are each 37.5MB and therefore too large to send as email attachments. Someone will have to educate me as to how to upload them via something like Google Drive or DropBox.
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Second Officer

Hong Kong

What happened to your upgrade? Would you mind show the upgrade log file?
It is known that you can skip the v1.1.8 firmware and directly upgrade to v1.1.9.
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Flight distance : 2067749 ft
United States

I save all my firmware downloads, pm me if you need them and I will share
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DJI-Autumn Posted at 2015-5-26 10:00
What happened to your upgrade? Would you mind show the upgrade log file?
It is known that you can sk ...


I can't show the log file of the successfull Phantom update because I removed the log .txt file before trying to update my controller.
See below for an exact discription what happend. what I did.

1) I bought my Phantom about a month ago. It was working fine. I red that the app kept track and informed you if there are any software/firmware updates needed. My app said all was ok "firmware is latest" with a green light.

2) A few days ago (drone still working fine) I had still not recieved any indication to update, but to be sure I checked the website here. I found that are was infact an update available (v1.1.9) with a release date after I bought my drone, so my drone has to have an older version.

3) I checked my app again to be sure. Still no update needed indication there.

4) I downloaded the v1.1.9 firmware update from the site here.

5) I followed the video tutorial on how to update your firmware posted elsewhere on this forum exactly. the video can be found in the "must see Phantom 3 videos" thread. 2nd from the top.

6) I used an USB 3.0 cardreader with a microSD (the one that came with my Phantom) and made sure the card was empty. On this SDcard I copied the update (.zip file extracted first ofc).

7) I inserted the USB cardreader into my Phantom (3 pro) and the installation of the firmware went exactly as shown in the tutorial.

8) I removed the USB cardreader and inserted it into my pc to confirm the installation success by checking the .txt file. The file said the installation was succesful.

9) I removed the .txt file from the USB cardreader so I can use it again to update my controller (again exactly as discribed in the tutorial). This also explains why I cant show you the upgrade log file...I removed it.

10) I inserted the USB cardreader into my controller. Switched it on, all else turned off (red light is on to indicate there is no connection. 4 white light indication battery status)  And I waited. And waited. It simply did not do anything (im now at about 10:20 into the turorial video). I expected it to start beebing and show a blue light.....but nothing.

11) I waited about 5 minutes and then it started to bleeb, but not as show in the tutorial. More like beeb - beeb - beeb - beeb - etc. with each beeb as long as the silance between them. I waited a few minutes but it did not stop. At that point I turned off the controller. (first time i deviated from the tutorial)

12) I removed the USB card reader and insterted it into my pc. Tere was no .txt file created. So I assume the update never even started.

13) I read in the release notes that if you dont update it might be possible that newer updates wont install. So I wondered what version I actually was on.

14) I looked anywhere but could not find it in the app. Only the app version at that time: v1.0.10 and at the firmware it said "N/A". I started reading up and found a new version was out for the app aswell, however its not in the playstore (yet).

15) I downloaded the new app version (1.1.0) installed it and I found the place where it should say the firmware versions ( I have pictures of this but I cant seem to get the forum attach pictures to work) :
app version: 1.1.0
Firmware version: 1.1.5

16) This is confusing cause im pretty sure my Phantom should be v1.1.9 (see point 8).

17) To be sure I cleared the SD card, placed the update on it again. And did the whole controller update ritual again. But had the same result.

18) So I figured this is what DJI warns for in the release notes:

"Users are advised to update the firmware version to v1.1.9, otherwise future firmware will not be able to install."

19) Which brought me here to create this thread: "Where are the older versions?"

Sorry for the lengthy discription, but as a test engineer myself I know more details can help finding a cause/solution faster.

I hope you can help me further.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2605 ft
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United States

The Tx will not need to be upgraded with v1.1.9.  I would remove and reinstall the App.  Power cycle the P3 and check again.
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Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-5-27 01:25
The Tx will not need to be upgraded with v1.1.9.  I would remove and reinstall the App.  Power cycle ...

Ok doing that now.

What exactly do you mean with "power cycle the P3 and check again" ? After I reinstalled the app. switch on the controller then the P3 and check the version again in the app ?

Also what of my controller? I still missed the 1.1.8 update. So ok, 1.1.9 is not needed, but what about 1.1.8?

Update! :

Success !

1) I reinstalled the app as you mentioned and checked again. It still showed the same firmware version: 1.1.5

2) I tried to reinstall the Phantom firmware. This did not even start and generated the .txt file (looks like the time stamp is a bit off though):

========== 2014.01.01 00:00:11 unsynchronized ======
Packet: P3X_FW_V01.01.0009.bin
Result: Abort.
The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

3) I formatted the SD card. I redownloaded the update file (v1.1.9) and placed on the SD card again with my USB card reader. And tried to update the controller again. Still nothing happend.

4) I tried a simple USB stick (so no card reader). Formatted it first than put the firmware on it. Inserted into the controller. Switch controller on....updating process started and finished successful:

==========2015.05.26 22:26:44==========
Packet: /mnt/usb/P3X_FW_V01.01.0009.bin,
Upgrading ...
Result: Success

5) Checked in the app (with controller and P3 switched on) and I got the green light with the message "firmware is latest" again ! Also under "about" in the app:

App: 1.1.0
Firmware: 1.1.9

6) I is happy

Conclusion: Either my specific brand of card reader (HAMA) does work with the P3, but not with the controller. Or maybe the controller can't handle an USB 3.0 card reader.

Cheers all

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Hi, can I trouble you for a link to firmware v1.1.8  i checked my bin file and it stated my copy of the update was corrupted. I know this is a very old firmware upgrade but I have spent days going back through my files and found its the source of my problem. Thanks whatarat
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aburkefl@gmail. Posted at 2015-5-25 17:41
Can't think of anything illegal about keeping/sharing older versions. I checked earlier today and I kept the zip files for the current and previous update - i.e., 1.1.8 and 1.1.9 versions.

I can share them if it isn't against any rule.

Hi mate,
Can I trouble you for a copy of your firmware update file v1.1.8
I have spent days trouble shooting a problem and its taken me back to my version when uploaded as being corrupted (somehow). I have a constant " no image transmission signal" message all the time. My bird will fly, it takes photos and vids but I cannot see what its taking a photo of as the iphone has no FPV.

Any help would be greatly appreciated bob_williamson65@hotmail.com

Regards whatarat
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Flight distance : 18360 ft
United States

mark97564@gmail Posted at 2015-5-25 18:07
I save all my firmware downloads, pm me if you need them and I will share

Mark, I would like to get copies from you of Firmware's
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Flight distance : 2067749 ft
United States

Cadbob Posted at 2017-6-24 06:35
Mark, I would like to get copies from you of Firmware's

Send me your email address, via private message or by forum post and I will send them to you a Asap..  You can roll all the way back if you want to, you just have to do it 1 by 1 going backwards....
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Flight distance : 2067749 ft
United States

Send me your email address
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United States

Mark97564 Posted at 2017-7-4 01:38
Send me your email address, via private message or by forum post and I will send them to you a Asap..  You can roll all the way back if you want to, you just have to do it 1 by 1 going backwards....

Hey Mark, I am having issues with the software update as well.  I inherited a P3P from my father in law and without checking the internet, downloaded the latest firmware and installed it.  I have no idea what firmware it had and how many updates I jumped.  I am also not getting a video image.  What are your recommendations?  Should I start with old software updates and build it back up?  If so, could you send me the updates?  Also, when I fired it up for the first time there was no video image then either...  I remember my father in law saying he had issues with a firmware update a while ago but didn't think anything of it until it was too late...  When I click on the "about" tab on the DJIgo app it now says that all software is current but the ".txt" file keeps saying the update was a failure.  Hope this makes sense.  Thanks for your time.
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United States

Mark97564 Posted at 2017-7-4 01:38
Send me your email address

Mark, I am having issues upgrading firmware on my RC, can you send me older versions?  I am on 1.2.6 now, trying to get to the current one.  My email is john.lanton@yahoo.com
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Flight distance : 56539 ft

United States

mark97564@gmail Posted at 2015-5-25 18:07
I save all my firmware downloads, pm me if you need them and I will share

Hello, Mark.  I'm having the "Weak/No Image Transmission" problem with my P3P.  If you still monitor this thread, and would be kind enough to send me all of the firmware files, I'd greatly appreciate it!!!

Email is  (remove all of the spaces I'm putting in here)    b brown 460610 at g mail dot com. (those are zeros, not the letter O).

Thanks so much!
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rich d
Flight distance : 3474 ft
United States

I have an older version on my phantom 3 1.5.30. I’ve tried numerous times to install the newest version and it will not take it. What should I do? Any suggestions?

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1695351 ft
United States

I am looking for asst2 pc earliest version accommodating 23january2018 mavic air debut

the reason is because latest aircraft and rc firmware manifests close radius signal lost consistently that may not be instigated by adverse interferences

Asst2ver1.2.4 demands djigo4 ver4.3.0 or higher and currently sees craft fw01.00.0200 and rc fw01.00.0000

currently using android djigo4ver4.3.14 on s8

but desire using djigo4ver4.2.12 reason being higher versions apparently are causing unpairing danger
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