Class G airspace is still under the regulatory guidelines of Transport Canada and FAA as well as all other Nations that use the same regulatory system, which is pretty much common global dog. Class G airspace is simply not controlled by a tower and is in theory not space an aircraft should occupy unless landing or taking off, crop dusting , air shows or fighting fires or flying in accordance with pre determined altitudes both minimums and maximums for east and west travel. This is supposed to keep separation in corridors for normal small aircraft passage to prevent head on collisions. Normal flight elevations are at 2000 feet AGL plus or minus 500 feet depending on direction.
But to answer the question about commercial distinction with regards to manned aircraft. There are classifications just like trucks. Passenger endorsements, type certifications , Multi engine, single engine
etc. These are for safety. There is the single engine commercial such as freight and mail, which is clearly a cash cow for FAA and TC. And soon there will be a similar cash cow for UAV's of all sizes! Case in point... the newly proposed ultra stupid registration garbage the Transport Canada intends to enforce! This will no doubt be an attempt to cash in on the UAV phenomena by imposing a registration fee of some sort, perhaps an annual cash grab. It may reguire all UAV pilots to take a course that will teach you nothing more than how to fill out your registration and a cheque to REVENUE CANADA! And insurance! oh yeah gotta pay some insurance company a bunch of money so that in the event of an emergency they can decide to pay or not for your incompetence. It's all about the money don't think it's for any other reason. |