Oracle Miata
 First Officer
Flight distance : 3759829 ft
United States
SkinJob2501 Posted at 2018-8-10 07:42
Awesome. Dusk or the golden hour before are my favorite times to shoot. Pics tend to come out a bit dark but you can change that by setting the aperature to a different duration on the camera to get more light into the sensor. Auto takes some pretty good shots for being automatic....Filters at that time of the night tend to make it a bit dark for me to take any usable photos without doing some post. If you check my skypixel page all of my current posted work is before any post, as in i have not edited any of that material. In the future I will probably repost some of those photos with editing and see how they look...But like you, im quite pleased with the quality of the photos im able to take without changing any of the settings.
Agreed, I prefer an unaltered image, but once in awhile I like to play around in post. The Spark really has a pretty remarkable camera for stills. These were captured with the camera in manual and the aperture adjusted to what I thought looked good, sacrificing the light a bit. Thanks for the response. |