United States
Hi there,
I sent two DJI Focus Motors and Hand Units to the DJI repair team after both of them failed the firmware update.
I received new/refurbished motors and hand units a couple of weeks later.
When I unboxed the items, and paired each of them to a hand unit, I noticed that both were really noisey after I calibrated and tested the motors.
Like a really high pitched noise. I assumed maybe its becuase they're new and need to 'wear-in' a little, and tried putting a little WD40 under each .8 cog.
Its been a few days now, and I've been testing them intermittenly trying to figure out the cause.
They're both 'new', and both giving the same noise, so I'm not sure if its something I'm missing in the settings, or if I just got two lemons.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!