STROBON Cree strobe lights are definitely worth a look. They are the smallest/brightest strobe lights available. You can attach them to the Phantom with a mount or with a Velcro product like 3M Dual Lock.
msinger Posted at 2018-8-27 13:23
STROBON Cree strobe lights are definitely worth a look. They are the smallest/brightest strobe lights available. You can attach them to the Phantom with a mount or with a Velcro product like 3M Dual Lock.
I have one of the Strobon Crees on my Mavic Pro. I can see it in daylight at 300m, just about to buy more for my Phantom 4 Pro.
I have the LED strobes from Polar Pro. These snap on and off with ease. White forward-facing and red rear-facing. They are rechargeable and can either be solid (2 hrs) or flashing (3 hrs). I believe Polar Pro may have discontinued this item, but they are still out there for sale.
sky wombat Posted at 2018-8-28 14:42
And good thing about Lume Cubes is that they can be used for other 'stuff' such as camera work etc. Cree's are lighter & help visibility.