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DJI Moving Some Drones and Products to EOL
5959 26 2018-8-30
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I have read reports that effective today 8-30-18 DJI has determined several products are to be moved to EOL - End of Life Status.  Typically when this transition happens it indicates that the vendor believes the product no longer has a useful shelf life and they stop further development, maintenance and patching said products.  I find this a little concerning for some of the listed equipment (Such as the Mavic Pro and Phantom 4+) as many users still have ongoing concerns and trouble tickets with the associated products.  Further, may of the listed pieces of equipment are still super functional.  I am curious as to what support DJI will continue to offer some of these clients and their products.  I have posted the email that has been circulating.  I’d love to get the community opinion on this as well.

List of DJI Products Going EOL on 8-30-18

List of DJI Products Going EOL on 8-30-18
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
United Kingdom

So..Phantom 5 then.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 374337 ft

For Mavic first series the Platinum version is still present.
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Flight distance : 8110 ft
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Not 100% on that for sure as many people believe the 1" sensor on the Mavic Pro 2 has signaled a push
of the whole Phantom line completely out of future production.
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Second Officer
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United States

heh. Not that the support was any good even when they were in production... . The Phantom series had probably the longest life and a pretty good run, so EOL'ing it is probably about due. I'm keeping mine - can't sell it anyway with the cracked arms in the bottom shell. But it takes beautiful video; I'll just fly it till it's dead.

Assuming the firmware and hardware is in working condition, or eventually gets that way if it's not currently, the mavic 2 looks like the way to go. Small, light and good camera, etc.....
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Flight distance : 8110 ft
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luciens Posted at 2018-8-30 07:33
heh. Not that the support was any good even when they were in production... . The Phantom series had probably the longest life and a pretty good run, so EOL'ing it is probably about due. I'm keeping mine - can't sell it anyway with the cracked arms in the bottom shell. But it takes beautiful video; I'll just fly it till it's dead.

Assuming the firmware and hardware is in working condition, or eventually gets that way if it's not currently, the mavic 2 looks like the way to go. Small, light and good camera, etc.....

Not gonna lie, the mavic 2 looks tempting and ill eventually get one for sure.  That said, just feels a little soon to me to retire the original MP.  Just my two cents.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
United Kingdom

Foxeuphoria Posted at 2018-8-30 07:28
Not 100% on that for sure as many people believe the 1" sensor on the Mavic Pro 2 has signaled a push
of the whole Phantom line completely out of future production.

Phantom is a bigger, more powerful airframe.

If it is possible for a zoom or user changeable cameras it'll work on that but not the mavic.
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Flight distance : 2882041 ft
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Not too good for 'us'.
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Flight distance : 478757 ft

I am sad to see the Mavic Pro on there.. I know it's been out since 2017 so it does make sense I guess... Even with the M2P I still could never part ways with my Mavic Pro.  Not too shocked to see the Phantom 4 Pro on there since it's been replaced by the Phantom 4 Pro V2.0.. I am Shocked the Phantom 4 Advanced isn't on there.. I had the Advanced and didn't like anything about it (except for the camera).
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

Don't worry, this was to be expected. It does not mean that spare part and repair services will stop. They will just stop producing the aircrafts, that's all.
With regard to the Phantom 5 speculations I prefer to stay out. To me personally the Phantoms have been the pioneer generation of highly capable consumer drones. On the other side I find their design a bit outdated. In addition it is not a plus that whenever negative drone incidents are reported in the media, they always use the picture of a Phantom (at least in my country), which is of course totally unjustified by focussing on just one particular model. It's probably just because of it's previous success that everyone associates a Phantom when hearing the word "drone".
From now on in this post pure speculation from my side: What if DJI would take a totally new approach for the next generation above the Mavic 2 level and offer something like a smaller and affordable Inspire with maybe not changeable cameras, but at least changeable lenses? Would there be any objections to that? For the time being at least the Mavic Pro Platinum and the recently released Phantom 4 Pro v2.0 will fill the gap and exciting new developments are ahead without doubt.
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Flight distance : 2882041 ft
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Wachtberger Posted at 2018-8-30 11:53
Don't worry, this was to be expected. It does not mean that spare part and repair services will stop. They will just stop producing the aircrafts, that's all.
With regard to the Phantom 5 speculations I prefer to stay out. To me personally the Phantoms have been the pioneer generation of highly capable consumer drones. On the other side I find their design a bit outdated. In addition it is not a plus that whenever negative drone incidents are reported in the media, they always use the picture of a Phantom (at least in my country), which is of course totally unjustified by focussing on just one particular model. It's probably just because of it's previous success that everyone associates a Phantom when hearing the word "drone".
From now on in this post pure speculation from my side: What if DJI would take a totally new approach for the next generation above the Mavic 2 level and offer something like a smaller and affordable Inspire with maybe not changeable cameras, but at least changeable lenses? Would there be any objections to that? For the time being at least the recently released Phantom 4 Pro v2.0 will fill the gap and exciting new developments are ahead without doubt.

It is more that I'm worried about some bugs that are still present on the (for example) osmo mobile 1.
I hope they will fix those.
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

Montfrooij Posted at 2018-8-30 11:58
It is more that I'm worried about some bugs that are still present on the (for example) osmo mobile 1.
I hope they will fix those.

That is to be hoped for of course for those affected! But I believe the announcement above focusses on production.
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Flight distance : 2882041 ft
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Wachtberger Posted at 2018-8-30 12:03
That is to be hoped for of course for those affected! But I believe the announcement above focusses on production.

I most certainly hope so
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Welcome to the world of high technology... it has always been and will always be this way.

At some point its more logical to start with a clean slate design than to try and patch and improve an existing product. Even with remaining flaws some products are as good as they can be made.

DJI is also in the business of selling drones, so new drones with improved features will always be coming.

The Mavic Pro was ground breaking... the rest of the series didn't really improve anything much. The Mavic 2 is a very good improvement on an excellent concept and I am excited to have it.

Whatever the Phantom 5 will be, if it will be, its going to have to be pretty spectacular to draw buyers up from the Mavic 2. Its a hard slot to fill between the Mavic 2 and Inspire 2, but I'm sure DJI is up to something cool, as always. ;)

I'm looking forward to the future... as always.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 538596 ft
United Kingdom

If this email is for real, it seems strange to be killing off products so early. My MPP is not even a year old and only has 2 differences to the MP1. Hope they don't EOL that too in the next 12 months, as it is still quieter than the M2P/Zoom and has near equal flight time and smaller/lighter as well. A bit more detail would be helpful. As the quoted 'life' of the MP range is 5000 hours which is equivalent to flying 1.5 hours (three batteries) per day, 365 days a year for 9 years ... its not as though they will become non functional before they are EOL's by DJI.
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Jay W
Flight distance : 259462 ft

I am sad to see that the MP is going EOL. Its probably inevitable seeing that it’s successor has been released.

So I wonder if the firmware will be supported via future releases? And if not can the codes be made open source?

Also how will this affect the extended warranty program and it’s future extensions?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

ya im sad to see the mavic pro 1st gen and phantom 4 listed as end of life.  

but, its time for the mavic pro 1st gen to call it quits.  its getting old, and dji has an official replacement...i feel like, as sad as i am about it, its lived a hard rough life with all of its weird software quarks and manufacturing issues... specially in the beginning..    just hope that the mavic 2 zoom gets a price cut to $999 when all mavic pro 1st gens are gone from new stock to fill that void at $1K

as for the phantom 4 series, i think the P4P has alot of life left maybe drop the other phantom 4's off into EOL but save the P4P, it could/should be able to live alongside the next gen phantom 5 as a cheaper alternative and introduction into modern dji drones.. give a fair and nice price cut once the P5P launches and keep it around.
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First Officer
United States

IF the announcement is real and it is truly EOL (End of Life); then that would mean no more software (Firmware, GO-4, iOS/Android OS, Assistant) updates for problems or enhancements to drones listed.

One thing is for sure, even if announcement is bogus, DJI's marketing & sales are celebrating because it will scare nudge some into dumping their current drones and buying MP2.
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Second Officer
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United Kingdom

Just to clarify, the cropped image linked to by the OP originates from here (its always nice to link to the original source article): ... pro-phantom-4-osmo/

Currently this information is not authenticated and DroningON are seeking to get it confirmed. There is an additional image from the PDF within the above article.
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Flight distance : 8110 ft
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sergeant Posted at 2018-8-31 00:44
Just to clarify, the cropped image linked to by the OP originates from here (its always nice to link to the original source article):

Currently this information is not authenticated and DroningON are seeking to get it confirmed. There is an additional image from the PDF within the above article.

Interesting read.  I had picked up my information second hand from friends so its nice to see the source of the reports.  I hope that the firmware and bugs continue to be patched for the MP line and I was also curious as to the platinum versions.  While the MP2 Looks amazing in both variants, I'm still on the fence myself in regards to upgrade to the inspire series, and how long to hold off on a serious upgrade to that line.
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Flight distance : 2633698 ft
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sergeant Posted at 2018-8-31 00:44
Just to clarify, the cropped image linked to by the OP originates from here (its always nice to link to the original source article):

Currently this information is not authenticated and DroningON are seeking to get it confirmed. There is an additional image from the PDF within the above article.

Indeed it is good to acknowledge the source. In this case, the DroningOn article was watermarked... I think the image here is closer to the source
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Picanoc Jack
First Officer
Flight distance : 11864396 ft

well now you got me worried, the MP is my first drone I've obtain not counting the very cheap ones before, and now you're telling me that it's EOL!!!!   WOW
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Dji worried if mav pro 1st gen still produce, then the mav 2 did not good sell,because mv 2 still expensive, or maybe dji want to stop hacked drone like mav pro,
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Second Officer
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United Kingdom

greg.k Posted at 2018-8-31 22:48
Indeed it is good to acknowledge the source. In this case, the DroningOn article was watermarked... I think the image here is closer to the source

Actually, if you look at the image in this OP thread, you'll notice that the light coloured bar across the bottom stops where the DroningON watermarque was...pretty poor show to crop out the watermark of the publication that first discovered and published this news.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10464596 ft

djiuser_ZRYtNSaBxuL3 Posted at 2018-9-17 07:50
Dji worried if mav pro 1st gen still produce, then the mav 2 did not good sell,because mv 2 still expensive, or maybe dji want to stop hacked drone like mav pro,

If they want to stop hacked drones they better add Mavic 2 on the list.
I will not bother this until I see this info on DJI site.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 597218 ft

Out of topic: After using two DJI products, i have to say that they are mostly compatible with iOS which may get best support. I consider to get 7+ or 8+ used one just for them. My daily driver still android.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10464596 ft

Optimus_Prime Posted at 2018-9-19 07:32
Out of topic: After using two DJI products, i have to say that they are mostly compatible with iOS which may get best support. I consider to get 7+ or 8+ used one just for them. My daily driver still android.

I'm testing now ACER Iconia One B3 A10 on Andriod 5.1 with Dji Go 4.1.15+
and it looks to handle the job. No lag or error.
Normally run it on Samsung S7 and newer had any trouble with that.
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