 First Officer
Flight distance : 573054 ft
Matthew Dobrski Posted at 2018-9-1 14:52
Discontinuing older models is a natural and obvious way of conducting any manufacturing business. This is expected in DJI case as well, no surprise here. What drives me mad is sensational, panicking mood of such "revelations", posted without any links to officially published DJI announcements or documents, assuming that such publications exists at all. No reason for panic whatsoever, parts and batteries will be available for years to come here and there, original or aftermarket, whatever.
Have to agree, Matt. No-one can reasonably expect that a manufacturer will (or can) continue to maintain a product line forever. To maintain market share and to release new features, their products must continue to evolve. And in a tech-related market, expect that evolution to be quite rapid.
My P4P still flys, and it flies well. I expect that if it's ever taken out of the sky by a rabid seagull, or a wall jumps carelessly into it's way, then I'll pull the $$s together for the next model (perhaps a kidney on eBay will do it?). People shouldn't be concerned about an EOL declaration, and we'll still continue to support each other here.
Although I'm still miffed that Nissan declared EOL on the HR32 GTR Skyline. It should have gone on forever. What were they thinking? |