Second Officer
Flight distance : 78612 ft
United States
Speaking of Android apps...
This morning I drug everything into the living room.
Removed props from the Phantom 3.
Connected mobile device (Samsung Galaxy S5) to the controller.
Turned on controller.
Turned on Phantom 3.
Started screen capture program on mobile device.
Started Pilot app on mobile device.
I think I was about 30 seconds into capturing some screenshots of the Pilot app when I suddenly noticed in the status window - "...no signal..."
Well, Geez. The controller and the Phantom were sitting about 10" from each other. What the...?
My first thought was that the Pilot app stopped running. However, I assume in that case it would show a disconnect. Do I have that right? Disconnect means the pilot app dropped the connection with the controller and if the controller and Phantom stop communicating that says no signal?
Well, since the props weren't attached and the motors were never started, my Phantom didn't RTH, didn't crash - didn't do anything except sit there. Within a few more seconds of futzing around getting the pilot app back on the screen, the Phantom "woke up" again. I can only guess that it had been asleep. I guess a hazy summer morning in central Florida made it sleepy!
Ultimately I collected a series of 20-something screenshots - need some more. Got a hare-brained idea (or is it hair-brained?) I'm going to write some sort of pilot app manual. In a worst case situation, I'm hoping I can build something that will link any item I'm looking for to where on the pilot app the appropriate menu option will appear. Wish me luck - it's already pretty convoluted! If I can get what I hope I can get, I'll put it in the form of a .pdf and figure out the most likely place to upload it. |