The gimbal on my phantomn 4 pro can't seem to hold horizontal anymore. Even with a slow rotation of the drone now, the video looks like you are in an airplane cockpit while banking. I've tried switching between follow and FPV modes, and to be honest, I don't appreciate any difference. I've tried calibrating both IMU and gimbal more than once, without any change. Here is an example video using more abrupt movements to demonstrate:
The same effect is there even with the slowest rotation of the aircraft in any direction. It's pretty disappointing to only be able to film with straight movements. Any suggestions on further troubleshooting? Am I missing a setting somewhere? I first started to notice on the second to most recent firmware. I upgraded to the most recent firmware, and the effect is still there. Is this a known issue? Should I downgrade firmware to a few versions ago? Is my gimbal defective? Thanks,
Yes, this is a settings problem. There are a number of various settings that may be involved. I suggest you restore "defaults" for the gimbal.
In the "General Settings" (upper right, 3 lines), go down to the "Gimbal Settings" icon and enter. On the second page "Advanced Settings" at the bottom is "Reset Settings". After you record any favorite settings, reset the settings. This should get you back to the defaults. Re-enter your favorite settings and test the Phantom to see if it is doing what you want it to do with each setting.
You may want to remember some of the cool banking moves you were able to do before the reset. I still cannot get my P4 Pro to do what yours one did! But then I have not tried in a while.
I finally had some time to troubleshoot this weekend. @DJI Wanda: Yes, I did refresh the firmware. In addition, I also factory reset the drone. @Cetacean: I reset all of my settings, including the gimbal settings. I followed up all of this with additional calibrations. Unfortunately, there is no change. At this point, I unfortunately suspect a malfunction, as I realzied my gimbal is not leveling horizontally. When the device powers up, the gimbal is briefly at horizon, however after self-checks the gimbal drifts down a few degrees (). This is particularly noticeable when I use the controller button assigned to toggle between straight down and straight ahead (). When the camera should be pointing straight down, it points backwards by a few degrees. When I run gimbal calibration, the camera starts off level, but then the gimbal calibrations holds up at 50%. The gimbal then drops a few degrees and then the calibration continues and reports completing successfully (occurs at about 20 seconds into the following video), despite the camera vertical drift (). Is there any further troubleshooting that I can do, or does it look like a malfunction? Thanks!
Just to follow-up, I chatted with tech support and had them review the videos. I was advised to contact customer service to see about sending in the unit for evaluation and repair.