Does anybody knows more about theDJI Go mod offline waypoint mission
3343 26 2018-9-17
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I want to know,has anybody experience with the app DJI Go mod? Can i use it with the Dji Go for P3 series or not.
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DJI Stephen
DJI team

Hi there, thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, we don't suggest to use any modified DJI Go app since it just like risking your Aircraft, And worst case scenario may tend to crash your Aircraft.
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Flight distance : 1499708 ft

I only ask for it. It´s an offline standalone way point mod for the DJI GO. The essence is the Go app. Thanks for that info. I did´nt install yet. I ask for compatible parts before i install anything.
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Can the crew of DJI engineers develop a module for the Go app before and since P4 so we can plan a mission offline as in Litchi or GSPro?
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Peterx Posted at 2018-10-15 11:18
Can the crew of DJI engineers develop a module for the Go app before and since P4 so we can plan a mission offline as in Litchi or GSPro?

Aloha Peter,

     That would be highly unlikely.  One of the most common Litchi crashes is an altitude problem due to creating the route on a computer.  Litchi fans are not fond of discussing that.  I have Litchi and altitude issues are pervasive and inconsistent although Litchi has gotten somewhat better with reducing altitude problems.

     DJI prefers that those who use their Phantoms for waypoints fly the route so that the operator is constantly informed about problems with the route - especially altitude problems.

     Hope this helps!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 1499708 ft

You mean the problem with the ground relief,right? If i choose the highest point of my area of flight then i can avoid any obstacle. May be i can map that area before i plan a Go app way point mission if i have a DJI Go mod from the DJI.
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Peterx Posted at 2018-10-16 09:08
You mean the problem with the ground relief,right? If i choose the highest point of my area of flight then i can avoid any obstacle. May be i can map that area before i plan a Go app way point mission if i have a DJI Go mod from the DJI.

Aloha Peter,

     Oh, yes, that is how you have to do it.  But, you will not get DJI to put that option in the DJI software.  It is bad enough how we bend everything they do put out and not all of us survive the effort.

     Not to be discouraging, Litchi is a really good and fun software and the computer waypoints modeling does have its advantages.  But way too many users do not pay enough attention and crash due to planning the mission on a computer before flying the mission.  DJI monitors these types of crashes and I am sure it freaks them out and makes them even more glad they only allow users to fly their waypoints to plan them.  I used to think otherwise, but now I can see the DJI point of view.

     BTW, with Litchi, I have figured out how to do grids that can then be composited with the free Microsoft Image Compositing Editor (ICE) and produce a poster size, very high resolution image.  With Litchi, you still have to do a lot of the work for projects like this, but you can make it work using the computer.  If you pair it with Autodesk modeling programs like AutoCAD products, you can even generate 3D meshes.  

     So, Litchi does have its advantages, but DJI would rather you use their program, and if you crash, you can go to them.  I am sure DJI has enough problems with users crashing their products.

     Hope this helps!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 1499708 ft

I´ll make a compair to my job. If i make a setup for my machine,i do it with my notes on the setup block i´ve written down. Then i verify the parameters before i begin to produce and write the results on to the check list. Planing the mission and  check the parameters for my P3S is the same procedure as on my machine. Most and biggest error sits in front of the computer or hold the RC of the drone.
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United States

Cetacean Posted at 2018-10-16 00:05
Aloha Peter,

     That would be highly unlikely.  One of the most common Litchi crashes is an altitude problem due to creating the route on a computer.  Litchi fans are not fond of discussing that.  I have Litchi and altitude issues are pervasive and inconsistent although Litchi has gotten somewhat better with reducing altitude problems.


I have looked into Litchi before for waypoint missions. I had never bought it but "like many had heard good things. I appreciate you posting an opposing view as I have never heard that problem...I guess for good reason. Thanks for sharing the information...good to hear opposing views from time to time.
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KennyB Posted at 1-7 05:16

I have looked into Litchi before for waypoint missions. I had never bought it but "like many had heard good things. I appreciate you posting an opposing view as I have never heard that problem...I guess for good reason. Thanks for sharing the information...good to hear opposing views from time to time.

Aloha Kenny,

     There are advantages and disadvantages to everything.  As noted, Litchi is a good and fun program but you have to understand how it works and what problems can develop.  I like it and I think it is worth the money ($30 I think).  For the money, it is a great learning and flying tool.  Because of the low cost,  I recommend fliers purchase it.  You can also use it with almost all the DJI drones and I have used it with my Mavic Air and my P3P and P4s.

     Happy New Year and Fly safe!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 3372566 ft
United States

Cetacean Posted at 2018-10-16 00:05
Aloha Peter,

     That would be highly unlikely.  One of the most common Litchi crashes is an altitude problem due to creating the route on a computer.  Litchi fans are not fond of discussing that.  I have Litchi and altitude issues are pervasive and inconsistent although Litchi has gotten somewhat better with reducing altitude problems.

I almost had a crash due to altitude problems on my last litchi mission. The way points were programmed at 280ft. Between 2 of the way points it descended to 130ft, just missing a pole and some wires. Posted about it here and on the Litchi facebook group and nobody seems to know why it did this.
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Flight distance : 674137 ft
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Cetacean Posted at 1-7 14:49
Aloha Kenny,

     There are advantages and disadvantages to everything.  As noted, Litchi is a good and fun program but you have to understand how it works and what problems can develop.  I like it and I think it is worth the money ($30 I think).  For the money, it is a great learning and flying tool.  Because of the low cost,  I recommend fliers purchase it.  You can also use it with almost all the DJI drones and I have used it with my Mavic Air and my P3P and P4s.

Thanks Cetacean. Only reason I hadn't bought it is as of yet I don't need or haven't felt the need for a waypoint mission. I originally looked into as I was having issues using an Android Tablet to run DJI Go. I ended up getting another tablet and the problem went away.

It was my understanding at the time that Litchi runs better on Android. I won't discount it just thought your insight was helpful as I actually have never used it.
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Flight distance : 674137 ft
United States

fansb1fe1104 Posted at 1-7 20:44
I almost had a crash due to altitude problems on my last litchi mission. The way points were programmed at 280ft. Between 2 of the way points it descended to 130ft, just missing a pole and some wires. Posted about it here and on the Litchi facebook group and nobody seems to know why it did this.

Fansb1fe1104 & Cetacean,

Again having no real experience with waypoint missions. Can you correct if you are monitoring the flight and you see the craft about to crash (like moving the sticks to correct) or is it fully automatic in Litchi when in Waypoint mode? Just curious. Thanks.
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fansb1fe1104 Posted at 1-7 20:44
I almost had a crash due to altitude problems on my last litchi mission. The way points were programmed at 280ft. Between 2 of the way points it descended to 130ft, just missing a pole and some wires. Posted about it here and on the Litchi facebook group and nobody seems to know why it did this.

Aloha fansb1fe,

     You have to be real careful when you finish a mission.  The last thing you do is run through each and every waypoint to see if the settings are what you want.  Many times, I have accidentally changed a setting and if I had not gone back and checked, I would have had problems.  It is very easy to accidentally change a setting and not realize it.

Aloha and Drone On!
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KennyB Posted at 1-8 04:02
Fansb1fe1104 & Cetacean,

Again having no real experience with waypoint missions. Can you correct if you are monitoring the flight and you see the craft about to crash (like moving the sticks to correct) or is it fully automatic in Litchi when in Waypoint mode? Just curious. Thanks.

Aloha Kenny,

     Litchi does fly autonomous missions so if you are out of range, that may be problematic.  There was a thread once when the P4 first came out where the Litchi operator had not set two altitudes and the P4 used its sensors to travel over bushes and a fence and then raced back to the home point only to find a house had been built in the path (since the satellite photo was taken) and the P4 stopped before hitting the gutter.  Pretty amazing.

     The fastest and easiest way to exit a mission is to flip the "Mode" toggle on the side of the upper, left corner of the Remote Controller or press RTH, but RTH may not be fast enough.  The Litchi program does have a mission pause or stop option but I am having a hard time remembering how it works.

     I can check this out tomorrow since it will be a good day to fly.  Any excuse to fly is a good excuse!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3372566 ft
United States

Cetacean Posted at 1-8 04:10
Aloha fansb1fe,

     You have to be real careful when you finish a mission.  The last thing you do is run through each and every waypoint to see if the settings are what you want.  Many times, I have accidentally changed a setting and if I had not gone back and checked, I would have had problems.  It is very easy to accidentally change a setting and not realize it.

I had triple checked all the waypoints.  Even after the mission was over and I checked it was still set at 280ft at the point it descended to 130ft.  I had people look at both the actual litchi mission and my flight log and everyone was just as dumbfounded as me as to why it would descend to 130ft when it was set at 280ft.
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fansb1fe1104 Posted at 1-8 10:06
I had triple checked all the waypoints.  Even after the mission was over and I checked it was still set at 280ft at the point it descended to 130ft.  I had people look at both the actual litchi mission and my flight log and everyone was just as dumbfounded as me as to why it would descend to 130ft when it was set at 280ft.

Aloha fansb1fe,

     Well, I may have to join the ranks of the "dumfounded".  This is the first time I have heard of that one.  Maybe DirtyBird can weigh in on this one.  Something is not working right.

Aloha and Drone On!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3372566 ft
United States

Cetacean Posted at 1-8 15:47
Aloha fansb1fe,

     Well, I may have to join the ranks of the "dumfounded".  This is the first time I have heard of that one.  Maybe DirtyBird can weigh in on this one.  Something is not working right.

The only factor that I think might be coming into play is that was the first time I used the "above ground level" feature. It shouldn't have made much of a difference because there was only like a 15 ft deviation from home point level and ground level during the entire mission. Checked the google elevation and nothing seemed amiss.
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fansb1fe1104 Posted at 1-8 16:47
The only factor that I think might be coming into play is that was the first time I used the "above ground level" feature. It shouldn't have made much of a difference because there was only like a 15 ft deviation from home point level and ground level during the entire mission. Checked the google elevation and nothing seemed amiss.

Aloha fansb1fe,

     With these lessons learned, we know what to watch out for and that makes us safer.

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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fansb1fe1104 Posted at 1-8 16:47
The only factor that I think might be coming into play is that was the first time I used the "above ground level" feature. It shouldn't have made much of a difference because there was only like a 15 ft deviation from home point level and ground level during the entire mission. Checked the google elevation and nothing seemed amiss.

Aloha fansb1fe,

     GPS and GLONASS are military satellite-based orientation systems that are deliberately degraded for civilian use.  They are also notoriously problematic with altitudes.  That is why barometric altitude is used rather than GPS and GLONASS altitude.  And barometric altitude does have its variability according to conditions.

     For these reasons Litchi users are well advised to be very careful with measurements and settings.  Try it first and test it.  Then give yourself and extra 10-20 feet or more!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Cetacean Posted at 1-8 04:26
Aloha Kenny,

     Litchi does fly autonomous missions so if you are out of range, that may be problematic.  There was a thread once when the P4 first came out where the Litchi operator had not set two altitudes and the P4 used its sensors to travel over bushes and a fence and then raced back to the home point only to find a house had been built in the path (since the satellite photo was taken) and the P4 stopped before hitting the gutter.  Pretty amazing.

Aloha Kenny,

     Nice day to fly and I got a lot of tests done.  It turns out I was able to change between Litchi and DJI GO 4 while my P4 Pro hovered 30 feet away over the hillside.  To do this all the apps have to be shut down and then the one you want to use has to be started.  While no apps are operational, there is no Live View of any type but the remote controller and aircraft are still linked and the aircraft is under control of the remote controller.  (To confirm the link, the green lights are active on the remote controller and the aircraft.)

     While in Litchi, I ran a couple missions and tested fast exits and stops.  While you are in a Litchi Mission, the left side bar will have a "Stop" icon at the top.  When I used this icon it shut the whole program, (but that might not have been normal).  There are also an "X" (for Stop) and a "Pause" symbol in the left side-bar.  They all stop the aircraft and allow you to make changes while it hovers.  If the aircraft moves, you have a different problem with aircraft orientation.

     During the mission, when I flipped the toggle switch from "P" to "S" (Sport), the aircraft stopped and I was able to control the aircraft, but there were no app notifications or changes that I noticed.  I reloaded and restarted the mission with no problems.

     These are all important actions that we need to be aware of if we are going to fly Litchi.  Fortunately, I was flying over a "soft" zone (fibrous plants) while conducting these risky tests.  Any Litchi user that is concerned about these pause, stop and close actions, should test them out themselves so they are familiar with them before they have to use them.

     Hope this helps!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3372566 ft
United States

Cetacean Posted at 1-8 19:50
Aloha fansb1fe,

     GPS and GLONASS are military satellite-based orientation systems that are deliberately degraded for civilian use.  They are also notoriously problematic with altitudes.  That is why barometric altitude is used rather than GPS and GLONASS altitude.  And barometric altitude does have its variability according to conditions.

I gave myself almost about 150ft extra by setting the altitude at 280ft.  Glad I didn't set the altitude any lower or I would have hit the wires. Someone suggested changing the above ground to the original above home point altitude setting and doing the mission again to see if it descends like that again, but honestly I am a little scared to run a mission now.
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fansb1fe1104 Posted at 1-8 21:01
I gave myself almost about 150ft extra by setting the altitude at 280ft.  Glad I didn't set the altitude any lower or I would have hit the wires. Someone suggested changing the above ground to the original above home point altitude setting and doing the mission again to see if it descends like that again, but honestly I am a little scared to run a mission now.

Aloha fansb1fe,

     The more you read about it and other flier's experiences with it, the better you will understand it (Litchi and DJI GO 4).  As you understand it better you will be able to look at each of the parts that come together to make a flight.  Take your time.  Eventually the fear of flying a particular type of mission will go away and you will be confident enough to look at the parts and figure out a safe way to test a solution to a problem  It just takes time.  

     Fly missions you are comfortable with and eventually you will find that what bothered you or made you nervous previously will no longer be that much of a problem.  What I have noticed is that it is sometimes hard to get started and fly but once you get up in the sky, you find your comfort zone and the fun takes over.  Then you push your envelope a little bit more and that is when you learn and develop your flying skills.

     All in all it is a fun process, but like I said it takes time.

Aloha and Drone On!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3372566 ft
United States

Cetacean Posted at 1-8 21:31
Aloha fansb1fe,

     The more you read about it and other flier's experiences with it, the better you will understand it (Litchi and DJI GO 4).  As you understand it better you will be able to look at each of the parts that come together to make a flight.  Take your time.  Eventually the fear of flying a particular type of mission will go away and you will be confident enough to look at the parts and figure out a safe way to test a solution to a problem  It just takes time.  

That's the problem, I have been doing missions for about 2 years now and I have never had a problem until now. The only difference between this and the 20 other missions I've flown is this time was the first time I used the above ground elevation instead of above home point elevation for the mission settings.
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Hello peter ! I use Red waypoint

Plan your flight and fly autonomously with RED WAYPOINT the new mission planner APP for DJI drones

In this mode the APP does not need to be connected to the drone.
  • Manage your missions: Create, save, load, edit, and delete missions (Good for saving battery)
  • Navigate through the mission zone to retrieve the map (Good when flying without internet)
  • Locate your Android device on the map if GPS is enabled (Good to start planning at your location)
  • Create paths using point, lines, rectangles, circular and grid patterns
  • Build your mission
In this mode the APP needs to be connected to the drone.
  • Manage your missions: Create, save, load, edit, and delete missions
  • First Person View: Visualize in real time the camera view, record videos take pictures configure your camera parameters
  • Simulate your mission: Check and validate your flight plan. Set the starting latitude and longitude coordinates of the starting home point or activate the Android GPS to set your current location coordinates
  • Fly autonomously Start/Pause/Stop mission
  • Fly manually
  • Go Home, TakeOff and Land with One click!
  • Locate the drone on the map
  • Receive drone state information
  • OTG connection supported

A simple and intuitive way to plan and execute your flight
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1499708 ft

I knew it. For android it´s an unbeatable tool. It has like Litchi a flight hub you can use via PC and their site. If iOS support that then i could it on my iPad too. My expeience is that the GPS on an iOS device more accurate than any Android,by the same hardware....why??
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United States

fansb1fe1104 Posted at 1-8 23:54
That's the problem, I have been doing missions for about 2 years now and I have never had a problem until now. The only difference between this and the 20 other missions I've flown is this time was the first time I used the above ground elevation instead of above home point elevation for the mission settings.

Aloha fansb1fe,

     OK, maybe you might want to consider going back to the original method until you can learn more about the ground elevation method.  One important consideration regarding the ground elevation method is that Google Earth does not have the most reliable elevation data on their images.  You are not the first person I have heard about who got bushwacked by faulty Google Earth data.  The satellite images are not always up-to-date.

     In an earlier story, I mentioned how a guy was flying one of his first missions and had problems because he did not enter altitudes for each waypoint.  One other problem was that a house was built between when the satellite image was made and the mission was flown.  The flight path went right into the house.  Lucky the aircraft was a P4 with object avoidance and the aircraft stopped and eventually found a way over or around the house.

     Ultimately, it is up to the user to figure out the best and safest route and settings of any mission or flight path.  Again, that is why DJI requires you to fly the flight path before it allows the mission to be recorded and flown again.  If a user wants the alternative to fly a route autonomously, they still have to take responsibility for the flight or missions safety.  Planning the mission on a computer is a major risk but you are still responsible.

     You are right to be scared to fly a route like that again using ground elevation.  That fear will make you safer when you do fly.  You will become more hyper-vigilant of all the things that can go wrong.

     I planned a mission down in the gulch behind my house in very close proximity to the trees of the jungle.  My waypoints were so close to the trees, the P4 Pro's object detection signals were going off left and right.  I recorded the mission so I could see how close my aircraft really got to the trees.  It turns out it was not that close when I looked at the video.

     But still, it took me almost a year before I flew the mission after I had created the mission.  I also set my speed so slow that I thought something was wrong but the map showed that my P4 Pro was indeed moving.  I had also practiced the emergency stop and pause options before the flight.  I forgot a lot of that because of the long time period but I was sure happy when I realized I had done it.

Aloha and Drone On!
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