Flight distance : 28373 ft
This may be a long post but bare with me. Starting in early August 2018 my Spark would become very jumpy / hoppy when taking off and still close to the ground. If I could get it to approximately 10m off the ground it would fly great. I posted about this in another thread ( )
So, after the first couple of times, I started going through the normal troubleshooting of cleaning the sensors, recalibrating the IMU/compass, reset of the firmware, etc... Nothing worked and on my last flight of trying a trouble shooting method the spark crashed breaking the glass over the gimbal and two propellers. I ended up contacting DJI and got the spark sent in for repair. It came back as user error and wanted me to pay $250 for the fix.
After this I contacted DJI support again and asked for a clarification. They said that due to user input at 71s into the flight, unit recorded an external impact then fell. However, I didn't believe this so I looked at the flight log myself and not only does nothing eventful happen at 71s, the actual flight time was 132s before the crash happened.
I brought up this fact in a reply email and they said they would have someone contact me. A couple of days later, Jayson, a manager at DJI support phoned me and essentially read me what the email said. I reviewed with him the erratic behaviour leading up to the crash and he asked me to send him screenshots of the flight logs that I thought showed erratic behaviour. I did just that and I've included a few below. I also included a description at the side of the log of what is going wrong:
Log 1
Log 2
Log 3
I didn't hear back from Jayson for a few days, then I got a reply saying it was determined that I flew at night and therefore was responsible regardless!? I flew at approximately four in the afternoon, and the flight log file name even confirmed that: DJIFlightRecord_2018-09-01_[16-09-29].txt or 4:09pm.
Jayson then emailed me to say he would be calling me yesterday but I received no phone call and any flow up emails have gone unreplied to.
I'm hoping someone at DJI can help me out here.