What’s the point of asking, if no one listens?
1328 2 2015-6-1
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See threads below, some of my own and some from other forum members. There has been absolute silence from DJI regarding the cameras H264 compression settings for video. I have now been testing the camera for several months and I have to say It is truly dreadful. From my 10+ years in postproduction, color grading and vfx work I have put lots of effort into working with the footage from the I1, trying to make it look somewhat usable. Its not working, and yes, I am comparing it to its closest competition in quality, the HERO4. I’m not making any comparisons to the BMCC/RED/ALEXA or other “highend” cameras. But for what it is designed for its not working, Im sorry to say.

This will be my last post regarding this.

We all know what needs to be done, the discussions below says it all. This is not a debate about If its a professional product for aerial photography or not, this is about delivering on a promise and making the most of the limits set in the hardware. I can’t help to feel so small against this huge company, called DJI. Just ignoring the fact that they just released a product that cant do what is was supposed to do?

I bought the I1 with the hope that I would be able to film corporate videos and might even stretch into some commercial work. Well, I cant. Right now its just one of my most expensive toys.

I have two questions for DJI

·     Have you recognized the compression problems in the video produced by the Inspire1?
·     If that’s the case, will you fix the H264 video settings in the Inspire1?

The problems are discussed in various places in the threadsbelow. I guess no one at this point have missed this topic.

video codec compressionartefact inspire1

Image quality - Too muchcompression and grain

Sharpness, Moire andCompression

Video Image Quality. HELPneeded!

BAD image quality -digital artefacts

Inspire 1 H264 Bitratelimit, not great

Waiting for the newfeatures

Best regards

Use props
United Arab Emirates

I am totally with you on this.

I have invested in two of these things to give me some redundancy if either develops a problem, so have invested a fair amount in them along with all of the extraneous equipment required. At the moment I will not use the Inspire on any of my jobs as I know it will lead to complaints about the video quality, especially if shooting a subject with a lot of detail with its nightmare flicker every eight frames which is something you cannot do anything about. As I have posted in the past I fully except that this is not a hugely expensive platform and only so much can be expected but at present the Inspire 1 camera is falling well short of even this.

I, like you am now left in a real predicament. Do I sell all of this kit and go down another route probably losing a fair amount in the process or do I wait in the hope that this situation improves. The total silence from DJI on this subject is a real nightmare. It would be good if they would at least acknowledge this issue and let us know that they are on to it and something positive will come of it at some point. Or maybe let us know if there are any definite plans for a decent camera that can be mounted on the Inspire 1 in the near future. I for one would be quite happy to pay a fair price for a decent camera to add to the Inspire and can see no reason why this can not be implemented.

I do get the feeling that DJI should stick to producing the drones and at least get some help with the camera part of the set up from a tried and tested camera manufacturer. I must add that for me the Inspire 1 minus the camera has been great and really is a top platform. Having a dedicated camera controllable via the app is fantastic but the whole platform falls down if the final output is substandard in terms of picture quality.
Use props
United States

I have the same complaint, both in terms of the camera/video quality AND, more importanly, DJI's handling of this and other legitimate complaints.  I have been told it's a cultural issue.  In China, manufacturers do not feel the need to be beholden to the customer base.  They do what they do and the customers pretty much take what they get.  Information is given out when the company is prepared to distribute it (generally AFTER a problem is solved or AFTER a product upgrade is developed, and never acknowledging past mistakes or defects).  It is a culture shock to deal with Westerners who actually feel as though the company who has taken several thousand dollars their money should have some accountability.

From what I can see, unless DJI launches a US headquarters headed by someone who understands Western culture and is fully empowered to act, none of these things are likely to change.

It is certainly causing me to reassess for the future, not just whether to do future business with DJI, but whether to do future business with any company located in China.  This is not unique to this company.  It is how business is done in their country.

And don't get me wrong - I have nothing against Chinese people.  But I have a great deal against this approach to doing business.
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