Flight distance : 165105 ft
RicardoGray Posted at 2018-10-12 05:40
I know a lot of users are fearful of upgrading, and rightfully so. But I am like RHP, I have always stayed with the latest stuff and haven't had any issues. Not to say that it can't happen though. But if you are familiar with the procedure, and understand what is going on, and what to do if somethings goes wrong, you should be fine. I have had multiple phantoms and helped friends as well with upgrading. Make sure you have a full battery, and let the process finish completely. Know what to look for when the process is done, so you don't power it off before it's done.
Now, talking out of both sides of my mouth here...……….if your phantom is flying ok, there probably isn't much to gain by upgrading. Maybe a few bugfixes and of course updating those pesky NFZ databases, and of course no more getting that message!
It is truly a mixed opinion and one you will have to make for yourself. Good luck either way.
I beleve the small percent of all drones affected negatively by updates is minuscule, in comparison to the vast numbers that are sold.