First Officer
Flight distance : 26656122 ft
hallmark007 Posted at 12-2 11:54
It has never asked me to calibrate and I have travelled quite a bit, what is 100 flights ? Many will fly for 25 minutes and others will only fly the amount of time it takes to get the footage they need, so would 100 flights at avg 10 minutes require vision calibration before 50 flights at 25 minutes, it’s all a bit confusing,
One thing I will say and although many complained about not having a second compass, by a long way the dji craft with lowest number of compass problems is the M2, so perhaps dji know a little more than some give them credit for.
hi hallmark,
this is what dji Natalia was saying:
Hi there, Dronybaloney. Actually, this a normal. When the aircraft has taken off and landed 100 times, this warning will pop up in DJI GO 4. Just calibrate the vision sensors using DJI Assistant to avoid any issue. Thank you.
she is saying calibrating vision sensors after 100 takeoffs and landings, doesn't say how long each flight takes. with me the mp2 asked me around 125 flights to calibrate visions sensors. I am not a fan of this if its true what she is saying , as I will not have a pc/macbook available all the time when I am out on a (drone) trip.