Flight distance : 175075 ft
United States
Daveb500 Posted at 12-17 02:25
The problem is more to do with the phone tech no the osmo. 4k video files are too big for the phones processor to handle. phone video at 720p and 1080p, if yo uwant to stream using the phone then reduce to 1080p. I tried 4k on my wileyfox android, and it takes it but struggles, at 1080p it works fine.
Why is it ppl jump on dji as the problem, when the reality is the other tech they are using.
Yep, I think you're seriously misinformed and confused here. The iPad Pro (and for that matter the X, XS, and XS Max...) handle 4K @ 60FPS just fine (I mean, you do realize that they are fully capable of natively shooting in 4k @ 60FPS - albeit in HEVC, right?)...in fact, I'd venture to say that they "handle" them much better than most of the computers sitting on something way north of 98%> of all consumers' desks. The only thing "too big" for those devices is that they'll only be able to display 2k-ish resolution, but handling the files and the processing of them is not an issue. What "might" be an issue is the way that CoreImage and CoreMedia deal with those assets in iOS...but in almost no way is it a "processor" issue. |