Second Officer
Flight distance : 784265 ft
United States
HereForTheBeer Posted at 1-25 11:47
im amazed by people that thing it damages the drone without realize that wind, sport mode and typical flying puts same forces on the drone.. even if you use the tilt method to stop it... the answer is no, it will not harm the drone, i been doing it much of the life of my drones.
for hand catching it take practice to know where to grab safely and how to handle it, for me if im riding something moving, such as a boat, ATV, car, etc etc and i have grab it i grab and turn it sideways to stop it.. if im just hand catching it because ground isnt idea then lay hand out just under the drone and pull stick down to lower it and hold it there let it eventually come down (landing protection may stall it for a second or 2) then as it reaches ur hand grab it until props stop
I agree, I have used the emergency shut off tilt method with my spark and never had issues. The damage done to the motors is marginal at best in comparison to running a full flight in sports 100% throttle. Will it kill your drone faster? I dont think so, but then again I aint to worried about it. personally I never hand catch/launch my MA due to a recent bad experience where it clipped my thumbnail (No damage though!) as there really isnt much real estate for grabbing the aircraft. Maybe one day I will get back to hand catch/launch, maybe with a chainmail/leather glove for safety |