Flight distance : 1434806 ft
TrevorSK Posted at 6-24 12:02
My apologies as this is not in anyway an answer to your question, but it might provide some insight. I often fly my old Mavic Pro 1 in winter (same basic battery chemistry). I keep all spare batteries in my inside coat pockets next to my body so it's warm when it starts out. After a 20 minute flight in -10°C they are not as cold to the touch as the rest of the drone and I've never encountered problems. My 4 batteries all have about 40 charges each and still preform well. Just try to fly on the sunniest, warmest winter days. When you push the design limits, the biggest thing to remember is to fly in a safe manner so that if you have a battery failure you crash in the snow, not on people.
Thank you Trever, good advise. Actually I am doing the same, if I ski I carry the batteries under my snow jacket, I mean between my body and the jacket. I just bought them, if the batteries goes under 6 when flying, a precaution. But I learned it is not working automatically on non enterprise series very late ) its my mistake I should search it deeply before buying . Any way , thank you for your support.. |