'high wind' velocity
2893 23 2019-6-9
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Second Officer

hi - curious - what does this mean, and is it urgent that I fly it back when this happens?

it actually 'frightens' me a bit - never had that with the P3 or regular P4... so at what wind speed does that happen? Will the drone still fly safely, or - what precautions do I need to take?


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DJI Stephen

Hello and good day. Thank you for reaching out and for the inquiry. We do not recommend our customers to fly their drone in a hazardous environment or any bad weather such as rain or strong wind to avoid the incident to the drone. The DJI Phantom 4 Pro can withstand wind speeds up to 10 m/s. Thank you for understanding.
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DJI Tony

Hi, thanks for the inquiry. The application would notify you if the drone experiencing high wind and the maximum wind Speed Resistance of the Phantom 4 Pro is 10 m/s. However, we're not recommending our customers flying the drone with a strong wind to avoid the incident. Please be cautious about our environment when flying our drones. For reference, you may check the image below. Thank you for understanding.

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Second Officer

Okay, I see. Strange - maybe it was a wind gust then? because I did check the wind on the weather channel, and it was about 10-15 mph... Is it safe to fly if that is just a wind gust?
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djiguy001 Posted at 6-9 13:16
Okay, I see. Strange - maybe it was a wind gust then? because I did check the wind on the weather channel, and it was about 10-15 mph... Is it safe to fly if that is just a wind gust?

The aircraft will handle winds of that strength, the real problem is if you are fighting headwinds that are strong on your way home. If that happens, then reduce altitude as much as you safley can do to get out of the winds. It is also risky if the aircraft has to fight winds when it is in RTH mode due to low battery, or if it loses GPS contact.
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djiguy001 Posted at 6-9 13:16
Okay, I see. Strange - maybe it was a wind gust then? because I did check the wind on the weather channel, and it was about 10-15 mph... Is it safe to fly if that is just a wind gust?

I see the DJI reps have given you their standard non-information.

The warning comes on if the drone senses a wind strength above 7 metres/second.
Your drone can easily hold position in 7 m/s.
If you are flying nearby, or have flown upwind it won't be much of an issue.
But if you have flown a good distance downwind, your drone would have a slow battle against a headwind coming home and that could well be a problem.

I did check the wind on the weather channel, and it was about 10-15 mph.
7m/s = 15 mph

The weather channel doesn't know how strong the winds are where your drone is flying.
There are many factors that can cause winds to be significantly different from forecasts.

Use forecast info as a guide but don't trust it completely.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 8133219 ft
United States

There is a program called UAV Forecast   A free app. It will tell you how strong the wind is blowing at a giving height. What the weather channel is telling you is wind speed at ground level and not at 400 feet which is much more velocity   
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10442687 ft
United States

Lots of stories out there about Phantoms "gone with the wind".
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Second Officer

Labroides Posted at 6-9 16:22
I see the DJI reps have given you their standard non-information.

The warning comes on if the drone senses a wind strength above 7 metres/second.

okay, thanks - that definitely helps.
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Second Officer

Sayhelloforme Posted at 6-9 19:30
There is a program called UAV Forecast   A free app. It will tell you how strong the wind is blowing at a giving height. What the weather channel is telling you is wind speed at ground level and not at 400 feet which is much more velocity

thanks! I'll look into that
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1077608 ft
Trinidad and Tobago

Its just telling that the winds maybe close to the maximum the drone is allowed to fly in. I get it even on a calm day, just pay attention to the battery levels especially when returning because having some serious head winds can drain your batteries quickly
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Second Officer

BagoDJIoperator84 Posted at 6-11 09:46
Its just telling that the winds maybe close to the maximum the drone is allowed to fly in. I get it even on a calm day, just pay attention to the battery levels especially when returning because having some serious head winds can drain your batteries quickly

okay, so - it's not like it is going to 'fall' or anything - it is more or less just a warning telling you to make sure you have good battery levels, etc to counteract the extra wind speed it is compensating for?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1077608 ft
Trinidad and Tobago

djiguy001 Posted at 6-11 10:35
okay, so - it's not like it is going to 'fall' or anything - it is more or less just a warning telling you to make sure you have good battery levels, etc to counteract the extra wind speed it is compensating for?

No its not, just monitor the winds forecast and the wind gust too.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1178793 ft

djiguy001 Posted at 6-9 13:16
Okay, I see. Strange - maybe it was a wind gust then? because I did check the wind on the weather channel, and it was about 10-15 mph... Is it safe to fly if that is just a wind gust?

Apart from checking the weather channel,  how about a visual check ?

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1178793 ft

PS:  I frequently get the "High wind" warning,  generally decreasing altitude makes life a little safer.
Also be very aware of which direction your bird is relative to wind direction - I mean be careful of flying downwind too far,  you may have trouble getting back to home point .
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1077608 ft
Trinidad and Tobago

Manxmann Posted at 6-12 01:29
PS:  I frequently get the "High wind" warning,  generally decreasing altitude makes life a little safer.
Also be very aware of which direction your bird is relative to wind direction - I mean be careful of flying downwind too far,  you may have trouble getting back to home point .

I agree, i had one time where i got too far downwind and and let say i made it back with little battery left scary moment.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1178793 ft

BagoDJIoperator84 Posted at 6-12 02:57
I agree, i had one time where i got too far downwind and and let say i made it back with little battery left scary moment.

Yup,  always fly upwind first IMHO.
I once flew downwind,  along a creek bed,  then used Home Lock to fly back getting some nice shots.  However the drone ended up a long ways away due to me forgetting the change of direction controls in Home Lock !
No excuse - it was pilot error  
I did manage to get back,  but only after some anal contractions !!   
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1077608 ft
Trinidad and Tobago

Manxmann Posted at 6-13 01:09
Yup,  always fly upwind first IMHO.
I once flew downwind,  along a creek bed,  then used Home Lock to fly back getting some nice shots.  However the drone ended up a long ways away due to me forgetting the change of direction controls in Home Lock !
No excuse - it was pilot error  

yea, crazy times lol.  glad you were able to get back safe.
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Flight distance : 584662 ft
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United States

Sayhelloforme Posted at 6-9 19:30
There is a program called UAV Forecast   A free app. It will tell you how strong the wind is blowing at a giving height. What the weather channel is telling you is wind speed at ground level and not at 400 feet which is much more velocity

Thank you thank you! Here I have been looking for a goods "winds aloft" tool/app, and I could never find one. Turns out it was right under my nose the whole time! Duh, had the UAV forecast for 6 mos now and never saw "Wind Profile" tab.
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Mark Weiss
Second Officer
United States

DJI Tony Posted at 6-9 13:13
Hi, thanks for the inquiry. The application would notify you if the drone experiencing high wind and the maximum wind Speed Resistance of the Phantom 4 Pro is 10 m/s. However, we're not recommending our customers flying the drone with a strong wind to avoid the incident. Please be cautious about our environment when flying our drones. For reference, you may check the image below. Thank you for understanding.


Hah! 22.4MPH? The wind hasn't been below 35MPH here since March began! I've been flying in winds of 35-45MPH with warnings popping up from the moment I take off, but usually get stable images, unless a crosswind hits, in which case the gimbal flips over (scary the first time that happened). This year's winds have been crazy. The only time the wind settles down is when it's raining. As soon as the sun comes out, the wind is back. My PIR intrusion alarms have been going off constantly this spring due to the wind blowing the shrubbery around so much.

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United Kingdom

For the P4P the max wind resistance is 22mph, flying in higher could impede any warranty claim, the 22mph is also there so that if the RTH kicked in then it should get home.

Forecast winds are for 10m heights out in the open, seen as most will not be flying that low, you can expect a decent increase the higher you go, 100m height , i would expect around 20-30%. A calm day on the ground can be totally different at 100m high.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1178793 ft

Bashy Posted at 6-13 19:39
For the P4P the max wind resistance is 22mph, flying in higher could impede any warranty claim, the 22mph is also there so that if the RTH kicked in then it should get home.

Forecast winds are for 10m heights out in the open, seen as most will not be flying that low, you can expect a decent increase the higher you go, 100m height , i would expect around 20-30%. A calm day on the ground can be totally different at 100m high.

A calm day on the ground can be totally different at 100m high.

And at that there is always the possibility of wind shear & winds blowing in a different direction when compared to ground level.
Oh,  it all makes for interesting flying  
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DJI Tony

Mark Weiss Posted at 6-13 13:46
Hah! 22.4MPH? The wind hasn't been below 35MPH here since March began! I've been flying in winds of 35-45MPH with warnings popping up from the moment I take off, but usually get stable images, unless a crosswind hits, in which case the gimbal flips over (scary the first time that happened). This year's winds have been crazy. The only time the wind settles down is when it's raining. As soon as the sun comes out, the wind is back. My PIR intrusion alarms have been going off constantly this spring due to the wind blowing the shrubbery around so much.

Hi, thanks for the prompt reply. We're glad that your aircraft remains stable with this such as strong wind, however, DJI wants to prevent the incident while flying your drone that's why we're recommending to fly in a strong wind environment. However, it would still depend on our customer's preferences and discretions. Thank you for understanding.
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Mark Weiss
Second Officer
United States

DJI Tony Posted at 6-17 08:09
Hi, thanks for the prompt reply. We're glad that your aircraft remains stable with this such as strong wind, however, DJI wants to prevent the incident while flying your drone that's why we're recommending to fly in a strong wind environment. However, it would still depend on our customer's preferences and discretions. Thank you for understanding.

If I were to wait for the winds to die down, I wouldn't be flying at all for many months. We've had maybe two calm days out of the past 3 months. It's been windy every day. Power outages and downed tree limbs have been a weekly event around here. My motion detector alarms have been going berserk since March and I thought it was a problem with the motion sensors--it turned out to be wind at ground level was blowing my shrubs around, triggering the PiR motion sensors constantly. I've never seen anything like it before. Yesterday, it was raining and the wind finally subsided. Alas, I could not fly--because of rain.
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