I'm going camping for two weeks this summer and will be staying in a tent with no air conditioning and would like to take my new bird. Could 2 weeks in a hot tent cause any harm to my batteries?
I think it's very important to store batteries at room temperature. I live in Arizona and today it's 109 Fahrenheit and I've had other batteries than DJI to swell when my house just gets too overheated when the air conditioning can't do all the work to cool the house.
Hello and good day TrevorSK. Thank you for reaching out and for the inquiry. Please never store the batteries in an environment below -10 degrees or above 45 degrees Celsius. In addition let me post a link where in you can find the Intelligent Flight Battery Safety Guidelines ( https://dl.djicdn.com/downloads/ ... y_Guidelines_EN.pdf ). Have a safe and happy flying always.