Flight distance : 1795 ft
Hi Cata,
Solution: swap gimbals with your friend? (just kidding)
There are a lot of people with inspires and also with Phantom 3 having this problem, including me.
If you search on this forum for 'horizon' in the Phantom 3 section there's a lot of info about it...
I returned mine yesterday (it was very new) and got a new one, the new one is better, but it still has a bit of tilting going on. I'm afraid to calibrate it , because maybe it will get worse, so I'll wait for more info by DJI
My guess it that they will have to admit this is a real problem, some are better than other but all have a bit of tilt.
Even the Phantom 3 demo video on the DJI site has lots of tilted shots, that says a lot ;)