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RoboMaster S1 Software and Firmware Updates
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RoboMaster S1
DJI RoboMaster Team
Hong Kong

We are excited to announce several new functions for the RoboMaster S1, which is available now with the latest App V1.0.8. The newly added Intercom makes communications more flexible and Conquest mode offers a fun new competition experience. In addition, the MasterBoard helps users track and compare their progress and with others, and the RoboMaster app now supports macOS.
Update details:
l   New Scratch Blocks
1.     "Media" programming module adds "Play note" Scratch blocks. Users can select "low, medium, high" notes (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) to compose music and let RoboMaster S1 to play the "music" written by themselves.
2.     "Smart" programming module adds "identified multi-line" info Scratch blocks. Users can use those Scratch blocks to write program, letting RoboMaster S1 autonomously choose its movement direction when crossing a T-junction or intersection.
l   Intercom
1.     Supports playing real-time and pre-recorded audio.
2.     Real-time audio: The app records sound and transmits it to the S1 to play. The maximum recording time is 60 seconds.
3.     Pre-recorded audio: Users can pre-record ten audio files and save them in the app. The maximum length for each audio file is 60 seconds. Tap any pre-recorded audio file to play it through the S1.
l   Conquest
-       Rules:
1.     【Team】: Players are divided into two teams: Red and Blue. Each team must have at least one player and can have a maximum of up to three players.
2.     【Revive Points】: The Blue Team's revive point is marked with the【1+❤】vision markers, and the Red Team's revive point is marked with the【2+❤】vision markers. Players begin the match at the revive points for their respective teams.
3.     【Bases】: Vision markers 【A】,【 B】,【C】,【D】 are bases. Players can capture bases by using their S1 to scan the vision markers.
4.     【Revive】: When an S1 is defeated, it can revive by scanning its team's revive point, or scanning a base occupied by its team.
5.     【Mystery Bonus】: Players can use their S1 to scan the【?】vision markers to obtain a mystery bonus, like a special attack or defensive shield.
-       How to Win:
1.     The first team to occupy all bases wins the game.
2.     When time expires, the team occupying the most bases wins.
3.      When time expires, and both teams occupy the same number of bases, the team with the higher point total wins.
-       Notes:
1. Scoring:
l   Defeat an opponent's S1 (+100)
l   Player's S1 defeated (-50)
l   Hit opponent's S1 (+10)
l   Scan base to capture (+20/s)
2.     At the end of the game, the top-ranked player with a point total greater than 500 will be named MVP of the match.
3.     Vision markers can be scanned at distances up to 1.5 m.
4.     Players can set a custom number of bases for each game (4 max) using vision markers A to D.
5.     The more players from one team that are scanning a base, the faster it will be captured.
6.     Bases occupied by one team can be captured/recaptured by their opponents.
-       Materials and Setup:
1. Vision Markers: 【A】, 【B】, 【C】, 【D】, 【1】, 【2】, 【❤】, 【❤】, 【?】, 【?】(Markers A to D can be printed/downloaded from the official DJI website)
2. Arena Setup: Place obstacles and vision markers in random locations around the venue. For 3-on-3 matches, choosing a venue with an area of 9 x 7 m is recommended.
l   Road to Mastery
Added two 1-star Road to Mastery courses, "Drifting" and "Lightning Strike." Both courses were designed for beginner users.
l   MasterBoard
1.      Enter First Page-> Account page to find statistics including: total driving distance, total driving time, lines of code written, coding time, courses of road to mastery, points of target practice.
2.      Clicking "MasterBoard" to check the global top 100 rankings for the following items: total driving distance, total driving time, lines of code written, coding time, points of target practice.
l   MacOS Compatible
1.     Compatible with macOS.
2.     PKG installation files are available for download at the official RoboMaster S1 website.
l   RoboMaster App V1.0.8 Release Date
1.     V1.0.8 is updated with new Scratch blocks, Intercom, Conquest, new courses in Road to Mastery and MasterBoard, it is released on 29th November 2019.
2.     Software compatible with macOS is released on 29th November 2019.
For more information regarding software and firmware updates, please check official website.

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Flight distance : 2882041 ft
  • >>>

Thanks for the update!
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Duane Degn
Second Officer
Flight distance : 622234 ft
United States

The update mentioned adding SBUS functionality. I haven't found any way to make use of this feature.
Having a way to receive SBUS data and would allow all sorts of control possibilities.
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Second Officer
United States

Next time you might consider sending the announcement before the thing actually ships.
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Montfrooij Posted at 12-1 23:59
Thanks for the update!

You are very much welcome. If you have any inquiries or concerns with DJI Robomaster S1. Please feel free to post it here at DJI Forum. We are all here to help and assist you. Thank you.
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Just tested conquest mode with 4 players. Here are some toughts:
• When you are hiting oponent blue or red robot shines in red color. Sometimes its hard to identify your team. It would be a great feature to change  team color for example blue and green.
• Bases (markers A,B,C...) works perfect just sometimes its hard to find a distance for scaning it.
• we got 2 robots dissconected . When you are dissconected you cant join to the game again.
• We played 4  players in 60 square meters and for 4 players it was perfect. For 6 players you need more space in my opinion. More than recommended.
Overal great update love it!
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rhoude57 - YUL

Optimus3 Posted at 12-2 13:05
Just tested conquest mode with 4 players. Here are some toughts:
• When you are hiting oponent blue or red robot shines in red color. Sometimes its hard to identify your team. It would be a great feature to change  team color for example blue and green.
• Bases (markers A,B,C...) works perfect just sometimes its hard to find a distance for scaning it.

What Router were you using to connect 6 RMS1s?
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I connected 4. Router: Asus RT-AC55U. I will try to play with 6 robots, but I will buy router from recommended list.
With this Asus there was no lag at all. Just a few dissconnects.
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rhoude57 - YUL

Optimus3 Posted at 12-8 10:43
I connected 4. Router: Asus RT-AC55U. I will try to play with 6 robots, but I will buy router from recommended list.
With this Asus there was no lag at all. Just a few dissconnects.

I am running two WiFi Routers:
1) a TP-Link AC 750 Travel Router for One-on-One competitions; and
2) a TP-Link AC 2600 MU-MIMO for 6-robot Free-for-Alls or Three-on-Three Conquest matches.
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Does this router (TP-Link AC 2600 MU-MIMO) work stable? Do you receive dissconnects? Maybe you have some photos of you playground?
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rhoude57 - YUL

Optimus3 Posted at 12-9 00:33
Does this router (TP-Link AC 2600 MU-MIMO) work stable? Do you receive dissconnects? Maybe you have some photos of you playground?

No photos, unfortunately.
I should be able to fix that soon, though. I plan to organize a private running of a 3-on-3 Conquest competition with the complete playing field, including a watch tower with access ramp the drivers and robots will be able to compete to control.
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sound good ! . I got Robo and assembly by yesterday. I love it so much !
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United States

I look forward to trying the new updates.  I am curious about the Claw control code.
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Hi Robomaster Devs
I am newbie in dji-forum and can not open a new thread.
My Problem is on Scratch Windows Programming interface, I cannot change setting in programming blocks. Either TAB, Arrow.Keys nor Mouse or Touch can change anything.
On Android Version this works well. Is there a compatibilty issue?
Windows Version 10 Home 1903 Build 18362.535
Robomaster Version: 1.0.8
See picture below.
Use props
Flight distance : 2489501 ft
United States

I also came across Guru4's option selection problem.  If I click on an option, it gets highlighted, but doesn't get selected.   For me it was for the Gimble follow mode.  Didn't work on my Lenovo laptop connected to Lenovo docking station using 2 monitors.
I didn't have the problem with my desktop.   Both laptop and desktop are running latest version/build of Windows 10.
Use props
Flight distance : 2489501 ft
United States

Announcement video shows S1 with a claw so kid can get a soda from his mom.   Where do we get the claw and how do we use it?
Use props
Flight distance : 2489501 ft
United States

All this talk about what router one is using, when S1 to app connection is via same LAN/subnet.   Routing/firewall has nothing to do with the connection, except perhaps firewall/security software on the PC/device running the app.
I agree most of us have WifFi functions built into our routers (I do not).   Connection seems to be rather simplistic, so it shouldn't matter what device one uses as the WiFi AP.
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guru4 Posted at 1-1 03:24
Hi Robomaster Devs
I am newbie in dji-forum and can not open a new thread.
My Problem is on Scratch Windows Programming interface, I cannot change setting in programming blocks. Either TAB, Arrow.Keys nor Mouse or Touch can change anything.

Guru4 and DanMan32, maybe try disabling the USB HID touchscreen in Windows Device Manager.
I experienced a similar problem where some scratch block options were not selectable. If I recall correctly, scratch number fields worked just fine. This was on a Microsoft Surface, as well as a Dell touchscreen desktop monitor.
I found that disabling the USB HID touchscreen in Device Manager and then restarting the Robomaster program restored functionality to the scratch block programming mode.
This was identified to DJI over a month ago, so it is a little disappointing to see that there is not yet a new version out to fix the touchscreen interaction.
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Hola es la última actualización de software, Ha dejado de funcionar el lanzador, como adjunto en la siguiente imagen, no sé si es un problema mío o en realidad es de la actualización, minutos antes de que se actualizase podía utilizarlo sin problema, agradecería mucho que me contéis vuestra experiencia. Un abrazo a tod@s
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Flight distance : 2569 ft
United States

Purchased the Robomaster s1 a little less than a month ago. already got bad rear right motor, "check connection " I did.  re seated them and nothing. am trying to get  a replacement and possibly buy an extra motor just in case this would happen again. any advise ?
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