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Dual controller video feed problems
2025 13 2015-6-14
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Flight distance : 1336942 ft
United States

Flying only to around 1000' LOS before losing video signal to second remote which is attached to HDMI input of 20" video monitor. Swapped cables, no improvement. Master remote maintains solid video feed to about 1700' on ipad mini 3 then starts to break up, but Lightbridge strength shows solid. Have channel selection on auto, tried manual and switching between channels and reducing to 8mb transfer rate and lower, no better. Different locations and conditions. Flight of bird rock solid. Just video issues and range issues. I know we lost all the other channels but this is well below the advertised range of 2km. Any good suggestions? Please no change of cable or device recommendations, done already.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1711394 ft

It's a known issue and well reported - no idea on status towards a fix at this stage however.
It's assumed that we will see something in an upcoming firmware release - DJI tend to keep these things quiet, with brief references in the release notes once a change is made.
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Flight distance : 1336942 ft
United States

Thought as much. Just wanted to make sure I did not miss something here. I check this forum daily for any updates. Seems all the firmware updates are to fix things (or make new problems)  and not improve the performance, shame.
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United States

Jim Hare reports that the link between master and slave controller is via wifi frequencies and that shutting off wifi on your mobile devices has been known to fix it.  I have t had a chance to try that but see if it works for you.
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Flight distance : 1336942 ft
United States

Yeah we thought of that Pete. Put all phones and tablets into airplane mode. Also the dynamic home point did not work due to "weak gps signal " at the TX according to the app. So this weekend some more testing.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 239035 ft

easiair05@aol.c Posted at 2015-6-16 09:12
Yeah we thought of that Pete. Put all phones and tablets into airplane mode. Also the dynamic home p ...

Hey Easiair,

Goes a bit beyond this.

First, you should take off BEFORE going into airplane mode.    This will allow the home point to be properly marked on the map, which it can't download without phone/tablet signal.   

From there the GPS is not relying on the phone, it's within the Inspire so shouldn't be any weak GPS issues, certainly not caused by the phone/tablet anyway.

The second point is that even in airplane mode, wifi can still be on, and this is what blocks the second remote from receiving the video signal.   After you go into airplane mode, separately check wifi and make sure it is off.

I had a colleague that had terrible trouble with video reception on the second remote and doing this cleared it up instantly.
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jimhare Posted at 2015-6-16 09:34
Hey Easiair,

Goes a bit beyond this.

Hi Jim, Just to clarify, you're speaking about phones and not tablets right? I've tried both my android tablet (Master) and iPad Mini 2 (Slave) on airplane mode, turned on and off and with version v1.1.0 and I lose signal video at around 950ft (slave) and at 1200 ft the video keeps flickering with weak image signal on the master and at 1600ft I start losing communication signal. When I reverted back to v1.0.7 I didn't have any problems with Airplane mode on or off.  When DJI released the new apps, immediately everyone saw the issues. I wish DJI would confirm the actual problem with an actual resolution.
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Flight distance : 1336942 ft
United States

Thanks Jim, will try that out this weekend.
The post above (budnikasr) describes my situation almost to a tee with range issues. Even the distances are very similar. It was after the last update. I have not done the battery update yet. Thanks for the advice and we'll keep working on this.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 239035 ft

budnikasr Posted at 2015-6-16 22:13
Hi Jim, Just to clarify, you're speaking about phones and not tablets right? I've tried both my an ...

I'm speaking of both phones AND tablets, anything that has wifi.  And you keep talking about airplane mode as if it shuts off wifi but you can be in airplane mode with wifi on so you need to check this separately.

Also, if you're getting 950ft of perfect reception perhaps this is just the limit in your situation.   Perhaps there is some structural or other interference in the area?

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jimhare Posted at 2015-6-17 05:50
I'm speaking of both phones AND tablets, anything that has wifi.  And you keep talking about airpla ...

Actually when I go into airplane mode it shuts wifi and bluetooth off automatically, I would have to manually enable wifi. Look at the attached images. And no, it's a wide open field with no buildings or electrical interference at all around. My point was when I was on the current version of the Android app I get the messages with AP on or off. You're not the first post to suggest it. I had to revert back to the older version and even with the IOS as the slave with the latest version from DJI, it works perfect and I can go well beyond 1600ft, actually over 3000ft and it did not matter whether AP was on or off because when I first got my unit I was always flying with wifi turned on. You're saying "The second point is that even in airplane mode, wifi can still be on, and this is what blocks the second remote from receiving the video signal."  Maybe in some situations that may be causing it for you, but I've tried your process and I am back to the old version. So there is more to this and would like DJI to comment or get it fixed. Before anyone makes a comment, yes, I used my iphone to capture the the attached images. Both devices shut everything off when switching to AP mode.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 239035 ft

budnikasr Posted at 2015-6-17 09:31
Actually when I go into airplane mode it shuts wifi and bluetooth off automatically, I would have  ...

Cool.   Not airplane mode.

Still, they don't guarantee 2km range, they just say it's capable of it.  Many have achieved even further.

I can't tell you why you are getting less, doubt anyone can.  Can only suggest things that have worked for others.
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Flight distance : 275207 ft
United Kingdom

jimhare Posted at 2015-6-17 13:47
Cool.   Not airplane mode.

Still, they don't guarantee 2km range, they just say it's capable of i ...

Jim, are you talking about airplane mode on iOS devices? Turning on airplane mode automatically turns off wifi. You can re-enable wifi with airplane mode on though and airplane mode remains active. Just thought I'd clarify. I'm sure we're on the same page though
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 239035 ft

Pgale Posted at 2015-6-17 16:14
Jim, are you talking about airplane mode on iOS devices? Turning on airplane mode automatically tur ...

Hey Pgale, yeah I know, just good to reconfirm always to leave nothing to chance.  

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jimhare Posted at 2015-6-17 17:51
Hey Pgale, yeah I know, just good to reconfirm always to leave nothing to chance.

Thanks for your adivce Jim. Always valued!
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