 Second Officer
Flight distance : 1474354 ft
United Kingdom
Yesterday i lost my Drone , beacuse of . no connection with remotecontrol and not returning to homepoint
Did you let the quad set a homepoint before taking off ?
this is my second DJI drone it happen to
Maybe you didnt learn your lesson the first time
SO IM DISAPOINTED to false comercials from DJI
People are disappointed in some of the DJI products for one reason or another but their commercials are always accurate, if something has gone wrong then you need to post the log files and let us decided if its pilot error or quad failure.
The homepoint dont work and your wifi drone sucks
is that the old addage of a bad workman blames his tools, of course home point works, ive flown quads for years and never had one where it couldnt RTH, maybe the pilot sucks and not the quad
Its on a roof and I cant get it
Perhaps next time fly in an open area and not near houses, chances are the WIFI in the houses messed something up