Could not take off with my Mavic Mini. Propellers begin to work, but they could not lift drone up. Tried to:
— calibrate compass and IMU. Did not help;
— change previously damaged and repaired left front arm to the new one. Did not help;
— take off all equipment: motor shields, whole case. Did not help.
— change propellers twice. Did not help.
There has been a few crashes, most dangerous were in sands, but after some cleaning and fixing everything works fine. Last flight has been finished successfully.
Prepared some to videos to show how it looks like.
— After changing the propellers and calibrating:
— Without the whole case:
Your props are installed incorrectly, it should be 2 stripe on the Rear Left and Front Right, and a Single Stripe props on the Rear Right and Front Left.
Here's yours from the video, just swap the front Left with the Rear Left and you will have the props in the correct location:
ABeardedItalian Posted at 6-7 07:51
Your props are installed incorrectly, it should be 2 stripe on the Rear Left and Front Right, and a Single Stripe props on the Rear Right and Front Left.
OMG, shame on me! Thanks a lot, mate! Feeling dumb and kinda newbie). Changed props and Mini gets back to life.
Hello there MAVIC_AIRLINES. I am sorry to know that you had an issue with your DJI Mavic Mini and it is great to know that you were able to fix the said issue. Please be mindful when placing the propellers to your DJI Mavic Mini. There are 2 types of DJI Mavic Mini propellers, which are designated to spin in different directions. Marks are used to indicate which propellers should be attached to which motor. The 2 blades attached to on motor are the same. As shown below. In addition it is great to know that you were able to isolate and fix the said issue. Have a safe and a happy flying always.
I did exactly the same thing, removed the props and I don't even remember why, then tried to fly and... No-go. So I went to the manual and studied it again. And I have an IQ of 140... Doh!...;-)
Fair enough this was very easy to spot, I knew the answer and getting my fingers ready even before getting to the replies. I still feel the itch in my fingers fore being burned so badly
Anyway @GaryDoug I've learnt that IQ is much like raw computational power... or like (tire mnf.) PIRELLI say "power is nothing without control": nowadays we have smartwatches many times more powerful than the Apollo Guidance Computer that led man to the moon for example... how many would trust their lives to a SmartWatch? Should you strap a smartwatch brain to a rocket for a guidance computer you'd end up embedded in the terrain shortly after take off... everybody knows that.
This goes on to say... I might have 140 IQ too, minus 100 of course, but you should never underestimate your fellows
djiuser_pq0Qjsqo7WQH Posted at 12-19 14:52
It is showing red light. I can see camera on my phone but it does not take off. Can any one help.
Thanks everyone, i have found the issue. Because of my GPS not working properly the drone was showing STILL red light. AFTER REPLACING. HIP IT WORKS FINE NOW.
My maverick mini drone won't fly it says power system hardware error restart done i do and it still says that. I can't figure it out and trying to find the motherboard borad for it but can't find it need help
djiuser_rokz4A0qWV0X Posted at 10-5 22:10
My maverick mini drone won't fly it says power system hardware error restart done i do and it still says that. I can't figure it out and trying to find the motherboard borad for it but can't find it need help
Changing the mother board is going to lead to complications.
Besides, with the waring you describe, I would be inclined to suspect that the ESC board is at fault before I suspected the motherboard.However, if it is the motherboard then I suspect a better solution would be to buy a working second hand mavic mini and keep the old one for spare parts.
If you do that and assuming you have an FCC compliant mavic mini YOU MUST ensure that the replacement mavic mini is also an FCC compliant mavic mini, a CE compliant mavic mini will not work with your FCC compliant controller. The specs section of the drone's manual lists the various model numbers and compliances.
Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 10-5 23:12
Changing the mother board is going to lead to complications.
Besides, with the waring you describe, I would be inclined to suspect that the ESC board is at fault before I suspected the motherboard.However, if it is the motherboard then I suspect a better solution would be to buy a working second hand mavic mini and keep the old one for spare parts.
If you do that and assuming you have an FCC compliant mavic mini YOU MUST ensure that the replacement mavic mini is also an FCC compliant mavic mini, a CE compliant mavic mini will not work with your FCC compliant controller. The specs section of the drone's manual lists the various model numbers and compliances.
Almost certainly. But be aware, DJI do not sell such parts to the public.
As such your only sources will be second hand parts or new pattern parts.
Also be aware that unless you can literally see that something is broken or cooked etc. then all DIY repairs are, by their very nature, "guess the damaged part, buy a replacement and pray that your guess was correct" repairs.
The guess can be wrong.
Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 10-6 02:51
Almost certainly. But be aware, DJI do not sell such parts to the public.
As such your only sources will be second hand parts or new pattern parts.
Also be aware that unless you can literally see that something is broken or cooked etc. then all DIY repairs are, by their very nature, "guess the damaged part, buy a replacement and pray that your guess was correct" repairs.
Do you literally mean a "battery problem"? Is so I have never encounterd one with amina and can not comment on it,
BUT I have encountered a lot of low battery refusals to start motors the trigger value is ridiculously high but the arning makes it quite clear that it is a low battery watning.
Have the same problem. But my proppellors are installed correct. Have replaced the right front wing but doesn't take off. All the propellers will go on and it will try to take off but hovers to the right front and then stops. have updated firmware and everything. Anyone suggestions?