Flight distance : 15283773 ft
United Kingdom
frankymusik Posted at 6-30 05:07
... I meant:
Take the batteries out of the charger and store them in the case for 2 days, for example. After that, they still have full capacity ...
What happens if you plug it back into the charger for a minute, maybe? The control LEDs of the batteries remain dark, do not flash ...
They won't still have full capacity after two days. The MA2 batteries initially auto discharge from 100% - 96% after 24 hours of the recharge completing. And no, you can not recharge the batteries from 96% back to 100% on day 2. Based on what I've seen the batteries need to have depleted to around 90% before you can recharge them.
The discharge cycle then restarts after 5 days from 96% to 60% which takes 2 days to discharge to that level. As advised, it is better to plan your flights and use the fully recharged batteries within one-day of charging them to 100%. The best plan is to fly the drone with 100% down to around 20% then recharge them to 50% on your return (turn off the charger when the third LED begins flashing) then store the battery until the night before you wish to fly again and fully recharge. That way you won't need to rely on the auto discharge anyway whilst keeping the batteries healthy in storage between recharge cycles. It is also not healthy for the battery to be recharged when near full capacity.
TBH - the loss in flight time from taking off with 96% rather than 100% is about a minute but leaving the battery at 100% for 5 days may cause swelling and cell damage in the longer term. So do not expect DJI to change it. |