battery performance questions to improve
870 2 2020-7-2
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Flight distance : 1695351 ft
United States

as the battery gets charged each time before flights, i have noticed that the return of the drone slowly has been sooner, meaning the radius maximum achieved before return is degrading. our only indications are voltage and imbalancing between cells and temperature. what would be nice is to know just how much charge went into the charge, which is measured by some charge metric (coloumbs?). when new, amp hours defines performance. however amp hours degrades from charges and discharges.

what is needed from flight software is a subroutine displaying just how much degradation has resulted since it is incurable.
there is irreversible damage slowly occurring that depletes capability to stow charge, depletes capability to release charge unimpedingly, and depletes capability to suppress heat which only ruins.

software programmers can do it.

and everybody will be safer too.

as it is now, the stakes are flight disaster ruining two devices, drone & battery.

had the subroutine caught the coloumbs delinquency, no take off, no drone death with battery, everybody wins, faa 2

on another note, it appears that after exceeding >100 charges, the battery bloats on its panel facing the flight microprocessor. however bloat only appears after landing because it is hot, well, mild hot to the touch, removed, and cooled ambiently. and it is not understood whether this heat is caused from being close proximity to the microprocessor flight control, or, caused from internal battery parasitic losses due to breakdown slowly. i've noted the software firmware automatically decides when to turnaround the drone to come back based on fuel logic. this is preemptive. is it safe?
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You can see here that LiPo batteries tend to deform. Of course MA's thermal dissipation is very poor because of the compact design. The "intelligent" part of the battery implies parasitic losses but the current is too low to produce heat. Heat is produced by the processor, the battery itself (proportional to Current^2) and the wiring that has significant resistance (i.e. battery contacts). Capacitor charge Q is measured in Coulombs, battery capacity C (not charge since electrons are "stored" in chemical compounds) is measured in AH(Ampères*Hours) and are characterized also by their internal resistance and charge & discharge rates with reference to their capacity (20C - 50C for LiPo). The degradation depends on how/when/where you use/store the batteries so it does not depend solely on the number of recharges. Extreme heat is a killer for all types of batteries so here's some advice:
1. Use contact cleaner on your batteries & MA
2. Do not fly aggressively, especially sudden aggressive manoeuvres
3. Do not store your batteries fully charged
4. Do not forget to calibrate your batteries once in a while
5. Do not store your batteries in extreme cold or hot temperatures
6. Do not leave your batteries unused
Chack out the last 5 here:

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New Zealand

heliaetus Posted at 7-3 00:06
You can see here that LiPo batteries tend to deform. Of course MA's thermal dissipation is very poor because of the compact design. The "intelligent" part of the battery implies parasitic losses but the current is to low to produce heat. Heat is produced by the processor, the battery itself (proportional to Current^2) and the wiring that has significant resistance (i.e. battery contacts). The degradation depends on how/when/where you use/store the batteries so it does not depend solely on the number of recharges. Extreme heat is a killer for all types of batteries so here's some advice: 1. Use contact cleaner on your batteries & MA 2. Do not fly aggressively, especially sudden aggressive manoeuvres 3. Do not store your batteries fully charged 4. Do not forget to calibrate your batteries once in a while 5. Do not store your batteries in extreme cold or hot temperatures 6. Do not leave your batteries unused Chack out the last 5 here:

Thats a very informative video, thank you for sharing this
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