661 2 2015-6-25
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Clear Skies

South Africa

Hi guys
During my last flight, I noticed NO COMMUNICATION on bar status? bar that usually reads SAFE TO FLY after being airborne for about 8-10min
alt aprox 205m within line of site. All pre-flight checks were done,compass calibrated correctly, aerials positioned etc.
I had full control of the p3 with camera as well and it responded and returned safely when RTH was pressed.
The NO COMMUNICATION message displayed the entire trip home. 16-18 sattelites locked on as well.
I'm running the older 1.1.0ver software on my galaxy 10.1 tab (will install the latest version once the vps issues have been ironed out) & previous version firmware on my p3 pro.
Any ideas/ feedback will be appreciated
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New Zealand

Lots of things can go wrong with the app side of it, there is a lot of stuff running on an modern tablet...

I've had the app crash a couple of times when I forgot to turn off Wifi on my Samsung tab4 and I was close enough to the house to have a wifi signal..  A huge incoming email in one case, and another time it was trying to update an app.  Now I cache the maps if I need them and turn off Wifi while flying  That is part of my pre-flight now.

You can re-start the app while in the air, it has no effect on the flying model.  If the Transmitter status LED is still green it's just the app crashing, no big deal.  You did the right thing to keep calm and use RTH.  

There's been a few folks on the forums caught by this and panicked then started playing with the sticks while out of line of sight.  I'm picking they didn't read the manual. :-)

Cheers, Chris H.

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Clear Skies

South Africa

Hi Chris

Thanks. Ive always cleared/ stopped all current processes and  set my tab + cell to flight mode so it couldnt have been an app working in the background.
Hasnt happened again tho..I'll keep monitoring. ..
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