Destroyed Phantom 3
4071 34 2015-7-10
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United States

Today I went out for a launch, I calibrated and went up about 20', the 3 started making circles so I landed it.  I had left out the USB card and thought that may have been the cause.  I shut off the drone, inserted the USB card, re-started the 3, restarted the app, and recalibrated.  I went to about 20' and the 3 started circling again, this time in wider circles, I sent it up to about 60' to avoid some trees and it just took off horizontaly at max speed (it looked faster than I could normaly send it), I tried gaining elevation and activated RTH from the app.  Even though RTH confirmed (slide to activate) it did not return and continued away from me.  It slammed into a house on a hill about 100 yards away and fell to the ground.  I tracked it down via the flight path on the  Ipad using google maps sat view.  I never touched the right stick other than to start it.

Perhaps it was my fault, although I don't see how.  

I would suggest to anyone that if their 3 starts acting up, don't fly it.

I ordered another one, as I enjoy the 3 quite a bit - its worked great 9 out of 10 times...

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 494508 ft
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If it not your fault, call DJI Support for warranty repair. or better give them a phone call.
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United States

Your mod value was off.   I bet it was an improper compass calibration.  
THIS is why people should learn atti mode and shift to it in the case of the toilet bowl effect or fly away.  Sorry for your loss

Always go into sensitivity settings and make sure mod value on the compass is ~1500.   Before every flight
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 60709 ft
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United States

That does seem like a bad compass calibration - that's good advice you gave - that if it is acting up, don't fly it any further!

If mine did that I'd recal the IMU first on a level surface and then calibrate the compass elsewhere (maybe interference where you did it).

It can't do any harm to send the logs to DJI for a look - always the chance that a piece of hardware failed, etc.
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United States

InspirelessAggi Posted at 2015-7-11 06:52
Your mod value was off.   I bet it was an improper compass calibration.  
THIS is why people should  ...

No error message, no prompt to re-calibrate, flight only lasted about 12 seconds.

Toilet bowl effect?  So I gather I'm not the first one.
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United States

innovativethink Posted at 2015-7-11 06:59
No error message, no prompt to re-calibrate, flight only lasted about 12 seconds.

Toilet bowl eff ...

You won't get an error message unless it's WAY off and you won't get a recalibrate message.  This is probably something DJI needs to fix.  In fact, I've asked the techs to ask Da Jiang Innovations  to just put the compass mod value on the home screen and give it a parameter range.  Green number for go. Red number for calibrate.   That way we don't have to shift through menus in pre fight.  It will be right there.
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United States
Offline Posted at 2015-7-11 06:57
That does seem like a bad compass calibration - that's good advice you gave - that if it is acting u ...

One good IMU recal is all you need per firmware upgrade.  This was a compass issue
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The Risk

South Africa

InspirelessAggi Posted at 2015-7-11 07:08
One good IMU recal is all you need per firmware upgrade.  This was a compass issue

Well after 11 hrs of flying my new advanced , after a morning of video and high altitude flights , I recharged my batteries and decided to to a night shot of my train loading operation.  I wentbthroughnthe normal pre flight that I did at same spot in the morning, got the safe to fly and started the auto take off............

The drone went berserk .  Flew off on its own mission.  I managed to get altitude but watched in dismay as the lights faded into the horizon after circling all over the place.

I did a RTH and I could see its lights in the distance as it got overhead , it started circling and then shit off again.  I took it higher and did RTH again after moving away and eventually retrieved it.  

Did a 4km walkabout, now I'm anxious about next flight.........
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United States

Thanks for the advice on the IMU re-calibrate, I'll try that with P #2.  Got RMA, sending it back to DJI for repair (not much left) and will hope for the best.
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United States

The Risk Posted at 2015-7-11 07:20
Well after 11 hrs of flying my new advanced , after a morning of video and high altitude flights , ...

Yup, sounds like my flight.  I should have sent it higher, but only had seconds to react.

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United States

Let us know what they come up with.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 60709 ft
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United States

The Risk Posted at 2015-7-11 07:20
Well after 11 hrs of flying my new advanced , after a morning of video and high altitude flights , ...

Is the train yard full of metal (maybe a stupid question)??

Did you try to switch into ATTI mode when it started flying away?

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United States

Here is the flight path that the 3 decided to do on it's own.  I only controled altitude.


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United States

innovativethink Posted at 2015-7-11 08:30
Here is the flight path that the 3 decided to do on it's own.  I only controled altitude.

It looks like it wanted to be adopted to a new bigger home to me.

If you were using IOS, you can play back the flight showing stick movements as well as the percentage of stick movements. It won't cost you a thing to look.

BTW, nice neighborhood.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Yup, awesome place to call home. Sucks to have that happen with your Phantom...

If I lived near by, I would be flying parts of that Golf Course, at night. ;-)

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United States

gregg1r Posted at 2015-7-11 08:58
It looks like it wanted to be adopted to a new bigger home to me.

If you were using IOS, you can p ...

I looked through the manual and cannot find where to play this back.

Did I miss something in the manual?
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United States

innovativethink Posted at 2015-7-12 00:43
I looked through the manual and cannot find where to play this back.

Did I miss something in the  ...

Open the Pilot app, then tap the icon for the user center. If you haven't allowed the Phantom access to your photo's and video's click OK. Then on the bottom of the screen the middle iconthat looks like a paper airplane with a dome over top of it, click.

Select what flight you want to look at, and it will bring up a aerial view of where the flight took place. Second icon on the bottom, the remote controller, tap that then tap the play button and it will show your flight path and the stick movements with both direction and percentage of activation.

On the documentation, there isn't a manual provided by DJI. AburkeFL generated something about a month ago, but other than that, your on your own. Ask all the questions you want.
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Gutting. Playback is in the "User Center" part of the app, on the home screen.

Upload the flight logs if you get a chance so we can review.
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United States

ScottyT Posted at 2015-7-12 01:03
Gutting. Playback is in the "User Center" part of the app, on the home screen.

Upload the flight l ...

Ran the play back, right stick no movement Mode was P-GPS.  About 60' before impact mode went into GoHome, it didn't.

Sorry for the questions, how do I upload a flight log?
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innovativethink Posted at 2015-7-12 02:34
Ran the play back, right stick no movement Mode was P-GPS.  About 60' before impact mode went into ...

No worries. I use Android so my method is a different. Not sure there is a nice formatted howto on this yet, but start by reading this thread.

You either want to grab the *.txt file off your Ipad (easier, but less info I believe) or the *.dat fle directly from your phantom if you still have it.
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United States

Link to video:  
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Most bizarre. Chalk this one up to bad luck and a learning experience and luckily nobody got hurt. Definitely not your fault so hopefully DJI will repair/replace for free after looking at the logs in the Phantom. Send them the link to your video, also.

From others in the forums I understand the Toilet Bowl Effect (TBE) is caused by incorrect calibrations and conflict between the GPS and compass - see ... -bowl-effect.47595/

This said, your fly away is something else again and not the first time I have read about this in the various forums.

I'm unsure as to why the phantom can't be programmed to realise it has been flying at full speed for x amount of seconds (without suitable stick input) using the accelerometer and simply stop or switch to ATTI mode until it sorts itself out. Many users, new users especially, won't know how to either prevent or combat such behaviour.

You probably could have saved it by switching to ATTI using the P.A.F switch, but a) the PAF switch is disabled by default b) you need to understand what the switches do c) you need to remember that this is an option when you are in the throws of panic.

When you get your new P3, be sure how to learn to fly ATTI and switch between that and P-Mode at various times during flight. Start out on a day without much wind as it will drift and that's what you'll need to learn to combat.

Surprised you hit that house with 107ft elevation, they must higher on a hill? They didn't freak out too much?
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Swiss Tony
Flight distance : 505459 ft
United Kingdom

InspirelessAggi Posted at 2015-7-11 06:52
Your mod value was off.   I bet it was an improper compass calibration.  
THIS is why people should  ...

Hi Aggi. What's the mod? I'm new to quads but know RC, haven't heard of this one and it sounds like something I need to know.
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United States

Swiss Tony Posted at 2015-7-12 10:49
Hi Aggi. What's the mod? I'm new to quads but know RC, haven't heard of this one and it sounds lik ...

The mod value is under sensitivity.   It's the compilation of the X Y Z coordinates.   It should be around 1500 which is the correct compass value.  That's all I know
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3517287 ft
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United States

To expand on Aggi's reply -> Your Phantom includes a 3 axis magnetometer (compass) in one of the legs of the landing gear. In the DJI Pilot App, if you go to MC Settings and take a look at SENSORS you'll see the Gyroscope, Accelerometers, and Compass. These components work together to solve the spacial navigation equation for our Phantom to keep it stable. The compass mod value is the total magnetic field as measured by the sensor. For our Phantoms, it should be between 1,000 and 1,700. Between 1,200 to 1,500 is very good. Check it away from magnetic influences. If it reads very high or very low, check it again in a different location.
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United States

InspirelessAggi Posted at 2015-7-11 06:52
Your mod value was off.   I bet it was an improper compass calibration.  
THIS is why people should  ...

You suggest switching into ATTI mode..  What changes take place when switching to ATTI, from P-GPS?

I am trying to figure out the P3's  needs as it pertains to it's position in the air, relative to, well....everything.

When switching to ATTI, is the compass component subtracted from the equation?  In other words, when the P3 goes wonky, as in the OP, what part is causing the walkabout, and how does ATTI help to recover from said death flight?
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United States

PhantomAtAK Posted at 2015-7-13 01:25
You suggest switching into ATTI mode..  What changes take place when switching to ATTI, from P-GPS ...

switching to Atti mode uses a barometer to maintain height.    You gain manual control over the phantom.   It would be like flying a helicopter with a flybarless controller in recovery mode.  It will stay upright and will drift with the wind but it's under your control.      I would encourage everyone to learn to fly this mode in case you need it.    My one and only fly away happened after 100 flights and when It automatically lifted off the ground it headed in reverse and right at me and off to the right.    I knew this wasn't GPS hold right off the bat and I shifted to atti, gained height, and got orientation back and landed it.    It was a about 10-12 MPH wind, so it was moving with the wind.     Once I landed, I looked at the MOD value on the compass and it was 1900.       I had  performed a compass calibration at the first of the day but I was flying around a large metal building and a parking lot with rebar.   I've learned not to fly there.     I'll be honest, has I not known how to fly atti mode really well, It would of his my car.   I saved it because I didn't rely on GPS.

Now,  I always glance over to the compass to see that the mod value is ~1500
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United States

InspirelessAggi Posted at 2015-7-13 02:46
switching to Atti mode uses a barometer to maintain height.    You gain manual control over the ph ...

OK. Thanks.  I will make the changes in the Pilot app to allow an in flight change to ATTI mode (Enable Multiple Flight Mode)
Based on your experience, can I expect any changes to my flight experience simply by enabling multi flight mode, but still leaving the switch in the P position?  

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Flight distance : 2067749 ft
United States

When your p3 was going in circles why would you keep going higher? I'm real curious why when you though something wasn't right you didn't just land it? Atti mode would have saved your day btw.  Also if the red triangle in your sonar circle was pointing the wrong direction that means you have a compass issue btw. That red arrow points a certain direction off compass data and the entire triangle moves in the circle from gps data, the edge of the circle is about 500+ meters from launch point too, just so you know
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Mark97564 Posted at 2015-7-13 08:52
When your p3 was going in circles why would you keep going higher? I'm real curious why when you tho ...

It was out of control, so gaining altitude is always your best choice. Mine went out of control on take off too once and it took 1 min before I got control back.  I'm not flying it again till they release new firmware or roll it back.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 419980 ft
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Did you do a compass calibration before the flight?
Do you do every time?

Before each flight, whilst the IMU is warming up and sats are gathering, I check the sensor tab and make sure compass MOD value is 1200-1800 and that the gyros aren't stuck (just move the phantom).
DJI should make the sensor screen appear first or more easily accessible.

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United States

lexluther Posted at 2015-7-13 10:14
It was out of control, so gaining altitude is always your best choice. Mine went out of control on ...

I agree. If you can land, land it.  Gaining altitude give you a buffer zone to make sure you don't hit any obstacles in the area.   It gives you time to regain orientation   and gives you a little more time to figure what's going on.  Not talking much, just maybe 50 feet.
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Flight distance : 2067749 ft
United States

Not much time, and I rather ground it where I know it's safe not send it up higher so it flys off and ends up falling out of the sky and hurting someone..  If you lost control I feel it needs to come down now, but that's just me, I guess I worry more about hurting someone than trying to save my toy
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 8139875 ft
United States

I say again;
I can tell you that the initial IMU and compass calibration was not done correctly. Take time and do the IMU calibration and compass correctly. Plenty of YouTube videos on how to calibrate IMU correctly.
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United States

While they did not indicate what the problem was, DJI has me shipped be a brand new one.  Thanks DJI!

(I bought a second one to use while this one was sent for repair)
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