DJI Pocket 2 compatible and non-compatible tablets/troubleshooting
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20913 72 2021-3-9
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From a recent thread started by username Glacier (here at ), we discussed about a possibility to start a thread concerning the tablets that have proven to be compatible with the Pocket 2. This will be a kind of a sister thread to my earlier thread concerning phones not listed by the DJI's official phone list (you can see the phones or submit your own results concerning phones here: ).

For those looking for the official DJI list for compatible phones, see

Some people prefer the chance to use a tablet instead of an phone for larger screen and possibly they don't have a compatible phone, but might have a compatible tablet.

So, the same principles as with the phone list: List your tablet testing results here and I will compile them as a list here, that will be updated once in a while.

Last update on troubleshooting tips and tablet model lists on December 10th, 2023

Update: If you test a tablet model and don't seem to get it to work, try these quick fixes first:
#1 - Make sure you have downloaded the Mimo app from DJI's own website ( or APKMirror  ( ... type=apk&s=DJI+Mimo)  instead of Google Play Store if you are using Android. According to  some sources, the Google Play Store version is outdated and the app  should now be downloaded and updated by DJI's own site or APKMirror. You  may also have to uninstall the previous version before installing the  version from Mimo's own website or APKMirror. To see further  information, see this thread:

#2 - Check the wireless network frequency setting of your Mimo app  settings. Some devices use 2,4 GhZ, others use 5,8 GhZ. If the Auto  setting or one of the specific frequency settings doesn't work, try the  other one. To see more about this issue, see the threads at and  . Be sure to restart the Mimo app in order to the changed setting to  take place! Also, if your version of Mimo app doesn't have the frequency  setting, see if you can get an earlier version of Mimo app (you can  find many at ... type=apk&s=DJI+Mimo),  install it, change the frequency there then reinstall or update to the  newer version.

#3 - Sometimes problems may occur due to an physically or communicatively unstable connection between the Pocket 2  and the tablet.  On some occasions, using a protective case can prevent  the connector from going as far as required, or it's possible magnetic shielding can disrupt the communication between the two devices, thus causing errors; on other cases (such as Lenovo Tab M10), without the protective case there might be a gap between the tablet and Pocket 2  that makes the connection wobbly and causes communication errors,  while using with the case stabilizes the camera to the tablet by filling up the gap and fixes the issue. If you have problems with a protective case, try removing it and try again. Also, vise versa: if the connection is erratic without a case, try putting the tablet into one and try again.

#4 - Ensure you have updated the phone operating system to the required  version. The Mimo app requires at least Android 7.0, or iOS 11.0 for the  Apple devices. Newer versions of operating systems might need a certain version of the  Mimo app for it to work. Latest Android version confirmed to work with  the latest version of Mimo app is Android 13.  UPDATE: A DJI  representative has officially stated that Mimo version  1.5.4 is not  compatible with Android 12, so if you are using that  version of  Android, make sure you have a newer version of Mimo. (UPDATE: Some  Android updates may possibly break previously working functionality even  on same Android, so check that before updates, or search/wait for a  newer version of the Mimo app.)

#5 - If possible, see if you can rule out the possibility of having a  faulty USB-C or Lightning adapter by using the same adapter on a  different, compatibility-tested phone or tablet. If the connection works with the same adapter on another phone or tablet, it confirms that the adapter is working. If not, it could be that the adapter itself is faulty.

#6 - Sometimes, the device or apps may have power-saving options that  interfere with the connection between the Pocket 2 and the device. If  you have power-saving options on, try disabling them and connecting  again to see if that makes any difference. The power management options  for the apps can be found on some devices by swiping down in the home  screen, then tapping on the image of a gear, then tapping on "Battery",  then "Battery Usage Optimization". (Do bear in mind the exact route,  menu names etc. can vary between different devices.) That should list  the power management settings for each app in your device, and you can  choose which power management option to use, or turn it completely off  for that app. While that could make your device's battery run out  faster, it also could help solve the problem by preventing the required  functions from shutting down due to battery optimization.

#7 - If you are attempting to connect the Pocket 2 wirelessly to your tablet and your device is not found, make sure you have enabled both Bluetooth and wifi on your tablet. The Mimo app needs both for wireless connection to Pocket 2 (the Bluetooth for finding the nearby devices, and the wifi for rest of the operations).

#8 - If you can't establish a connection through the main physical  connection of the Pocket 2, try using a USB-C to USB-A adapter, connect your tablet's data cable to that adapter and then connect them to the bottom USB-C port of the Pocket 2. Also, you may want to try using a straight USB-C to Micro-USB cable if you have one. Some models may not work using the 'basic' connector, but  may work when used with these adapters and USB ports.

#9 - If connecting physically, make sure the connections aren't bent or dirty. If they are, there might be communication errors between the  Pocket 2 and the other device.

#10 - If your device uses VPN for network connection, try disabling that  and connecting again. There have been reports of VPN disrupting the connection between the tablet and the Pocket 2 that were solved when the VPN was disabled.

#11 - If you get the app running but the playback monitoring is laggy,  you could see if you can solve the issue by enabling software decoding  option from the Mimo settings. This is done by following these steps:
1)Physically connect the tablet to the Pocket 2. You can use an appropriate cable for connection or the Pocket 2 adapters directly if the positioning of your tablet's connector allows it.
2)When accessing the monitoring and control screen, tap the three dots on the lower left corner of the screen.
3)After  that, click on the four squares symbol (looking like a window) which  should appear on the lower left corner of the screen.
4)From the menu appearing after that, select 'More'  if your app language is English, 'Mehr' if it's German or the  corresponding selection in your language. (It is the last option on the  menu.)
5)From the following info/setting screen, tap on the 'Software  Decoding' slider. (It could be called differently on your language  selection, but again, it is the last option with the slider in the  menu.)
You can see more about this at
Thanks for zciUKm88uBnUtbtd0pL4ZA2 and CopterSpy for pointing this out!

#12  - If the app works but your preview on the tablet is completely black,  flickers or gets stuck, you could check the thread at and the  page at ... Id=34&re=gb&lang=en  for further instruction on troubleshooting the issue. While the first  link mostly applies to drones, the camera settings part can also be  applied to the Pocket series cameras.

#13 - Try clearing previous app cache and data following these instructions:
1.  While you still have the Play Store version installed, in Android,  go  to Settings > Apps > DJI MIMO (yours might have different  structure depending on which brand you are using)
2. Perform a "Clear data" and "Clear cache" of the MIMO app. Typically all Android phones have these.
3. Uninstall the MIMO app.
4. Download the MIMO app from the official DJI website or APKmirror  ( ... type=apk&s=DJI+Mimo),  and install it. Your phone might block you from installing APK due to security restrictions, try to set it as a trusted source and install it.  Different brands or file explorer apps might act differently when  installing APKs, so check how it can be done on your model.
5. Now open the app and it should work fine. If not, try to perform another  "Clear data" and "Clear cache" of the MIMO app and open again.
Thanks for username luluismo for supplying us with this tip at ... =261854&pid=2827223 !

#14 - If using with the DIA Handle and a tablet for wireless operation, and the connection seems  to occasionally cut off and on, see if there are wifi networks that  interfere with the tablet connection. This can occur especially if you  have setup a home wifi connection to the same tablet you are trying to  use the Pocket 2 with. If this happens, for instance at your home, see  if it still occurs when you are doing the test outside of the range of  the wifi network (in this example, test the Pocket 2, the tablet and the  DIA Handle connection outside your home). You can also check this out by  seeing the network settings the time the cutoff occurs: if the network  being connected to mentions a network name other than the network of the  Pocket 2, this is a likely cause for the problem. Possible solutions  involve trying to switch to different frequency, making the device  forget the interfering network from the tablet settings, or switching to another device when applicable.

#15 - If the camera is brand new, it could be that the contacts of it  could still be a bit 'stiff'. If you have trouble getting the smartphone  adapters to work, try inserting and the removing the adapter a couple  of times or 'wiggling' it in its place up and down or sideways while  inserted on the Pocket 2. Sometimes, this could help connection problems  after initial troubles.

#16 - If there are problems connecting on an Android device, you could try this troubleshooting tip provided by DJI Paladin:

For the Android system mobile devices:
1. Set the IP to DHCP (dynamic) and input in the IP address column. Then, try again.
2. If the issue persists, switch it to a static IP to reconnect and retry.
3. Switch to DHCP (dynamic) and then input the IP. Reconnect to it.

LIST STYLING UPDATE: From now on, the list styling will be changed. The tablets will be categorized according to the manufacturers instead of the Working-Not working, division. Each tablet mentioned under these will be marked with a YES or NO and color-coded accordingly to show whether the model will work with the Pocket 2 or not. This hopefully helps users to find their device faster to see whether it can be used for the activation process and/or remote control. Special thanks to username Defleur for inspiring this new listing style!

YES - The tablet completely or partially works with the Pocket 2 and can be used to activate and/or control the Pocket 2.
NO - The tablet doesn't work with the Pocket 2.

And now for the list itself:

Apple iPad (6th gen) - YES

Apple iPad Pro (11-inch, 3rd generation, 2018 version) - YES (picture might show up the wrong way, use screen tilt lock to circumvent this)
iPad Pro (2021 version) - NO
(Otherwise works, but the camera image is rotated 90 degrees, rendering it unusable)
Apple iPad 2 Pro - YES
Apple iPad Mini 2 - YES
Apple iPad Mini 4 - YES

Apple iPad Mini 5 - YES  (To use wirelessly: connect the Pocket 2 directly via the Lightning connector (USB), then disconnect the adapter, connect the joystick and after that iPad should connect via WI-FI)
Apple iPad Mini 6 - NO

DUODUOGO tablet - NO

Huawei M5 - YES

Lenovo M8 - NO
Lenovo M8 (model TB-8505F) - YES (At least when used wirelessly)
Lenovo Tab M10 - YES (Euro version, TB-X605L WiFi+LTE version, Android version 9, 3GB RAM; use of included protective case recommended for physically and transmissionally stable connection when using USB-C connector)
Lenovo M10 FHD - YES (US version, ZA5T0263US)
Lenovo Yoga Tablet 3 Plus - YES (YT-X703F)

Samsung Galaxy A6 - NO
Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 - YES (Report stated some challenges in completing the activation process due to the Pocket 2 shutting itself off too quickly. Here are the instructions for completing it:
1. Plug in DJI Pocket 2 to the tablet while the Pocket 2 is turned off
2. Open MIMO app on tablet
2. Turn on Pocket 2, use pull-down menu on Android Tablet to select USB  device behavior, switch to Controlled by Tablet instead of Controlled by  Device
3. Pop up on tablet should appear from MIMO app. Click accept and you may have to click "device" in the top left of MIMO app
4. Registration process pops up, go through registration process as fast  as possible. This took me 5-6 tries to complete in time.
If you are having problems, try flipping your USB around in the DJI Pocket if you have trouble (the person reporting used the port on the bottom of the Pocket). )

Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 - NO
Samsung TAB A (SM-T510) - NO
Samsung Galaxy Tab E - NO
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 - NO
(Euro version, 8 inch tablet)
Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 - NO (8 inch tablet, runs the app but refuses to connect to Pocket 2)
Samsung Galaxy Tab S5E - YES (6G ram)
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 - YES (US version, SM-T860 WiFi version, upgraded to Android 11 OS, 6GB RAM)
Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 - YES
Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra - YES (At least with the latest release version of Mimo app as of May 20th, 2022)

TJD MT-1011QU - NO

Any other test results would be appreciated.

Please do note that occasionally - as DJI and users  possibly continue developing/testing and people find solutions to  problems previously blocking users from using a certain model - some of the non-working models might be moved to the working list. If you find such a model, please do inform about it in this thread.

ADDITIONAL NOTES: Both I and username justinother1 have attempted emulating Android running Mimo on Windows platforms, but as of now, these attempts haven't worked. If somebody managed to do this, please do inform about it here (What emulator, Android and Mimo version, emulated device etc.) See more info from the thread itself.

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DJI Stephen

Hello there HGDC84. Good day and thank you for creating this post for the DJI Pocket 2. I hope that our fellow DJI Members can give out there experience on what Tablets they have tried and are using when operating there DJI Pocket 2. In addition, rest assured that DJI is continuously testing multiple mobile devices including tablets to be added on the recommended mobile device list for different DJI Pocket 2 and for the DJI Mimo application. Thank you.
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Good afternoon. I apologize for my English. I'm from Russia. Thank you for creating the theme. This is very interesting for me. You can also be asked to specify the Android version and the amount of RAM on the tablet. Since the products for different countries may differ. With respect, Igor.
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The Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 is already listed in Post 1 as compatible.  However, in view of request in Post 4 I'll provide the following information.  Located in US and I am using the Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 (SM-T860 WiFi version), just upgraded to Android 11 OS yesterday, 6GB RAM.  I have flown the Mini, Mini 2 and Mavic Air 2 using the Tab S6 since the OS update and have had zero issues.  I'm using DJI Fly App 1.3.0 (928-official)
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Great idea HGDC84.  Thanks for starting this thread.
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DJI Stephen Posted at 3-9 20:36
Hello there HGDC84. Good day and thank you for creating this post for the DJI Pocket 2. I hope that our fellow DJI Members can give out there experience on what Tablets they have tried and are using when operating there DJI Pocket 2. In addition, rest assured that DJI is continuously testing multiple mobile devices including tablets to be added on the recommended mobile device list for different DJI Pocket 2 and for the DJI Mimo application. Thank you.

Thank you for your friendly and polite reply.

Getting additional models (both phones and tablets) would indeed be very helpful. Many have been frustrated for not knowing if their phones and/or tablets are compatible, and too many have found out the hard way that theirs is not (including me). Further advancements and knowledge from your engineers would be greatly appreciated.

Also, mentioning these requirements clearly on the product page itself (not only on the Mimo app page) would help. More information means less mistakes, less mistakes means less disappointments. Less disappointments = more satisfied customers -> more money for DJI. :-)
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IGOR68 Posted at 3-10 04:22
Good afternoon. I apologize for my English. I'm from Russia. Thank you for creating the theme. This is very interesting for me. You can also be asked to specify the Android version and the amount of RAM on the tablet. Since the products for different countries may differ. With respect, Igor.

You have a valid point there. Although everybody might not know their tablet's technical specs, giving the information when available would certainly be helpful. Even when not knowing the exacts, having at least some information (such as the region where the phone/tablet was bought) could help us investigate and see whether we have what we need.

Also, this is one point where the DJI engineers could give us a hand by giving us more information about the minimum requirements for Mimo (software- and hardware-wise). After all, they are the people who know best about the app they have created and the minimum requirements for it to run. Although not all of us are hardware- and spec-savvy, it certainly wouldn't do harm if at least some of us could see for themselves if their phone/tablet has what it takes to DJI Mimo to run.
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DowntownRDB Posted at 3-10 08:56
The Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 is already listed in Post 1 as compatible.  However, in view of request in Post 4 I'll provide the following information.  Located in US and I am using the Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 (SM-T860 WiFi version), just upgraded to Android 11 OS yesterday, 6GB RAM.  I have flown the Mini, Mini 2 and Mavic Air 2 using the Tab S6 since the OS update and have had zero issues.  I'm using DJI Fly App 1.3.0 (928-official)

First of all, thank you for the compliments :-)

Then, about the tablet specs and the apps used. I assume that you have also used Pocket 2 and the Mimo app with the tablet, not only DJI Fly app and the drones mentioned? Just to make sure. Of course, having the info about the drones and Fly app compatibility certainly doesn't hurt (and could possibly be listed on a separate thread on the Drone topic threads).
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HGDC84 Posted at 3-10 09:25
First of all, thank you for the compliments :-)

Then, about the tablet specs and the apps used. I assume that you have also used Pocket 2 and the Mimo app with the tablet, not only DJI Fly app and the drones mentioned? Just to make sure. Of course, having the info about the drones and Fly app compatibility certainly doesn't hurt (and could possibly be listed on a separate thread on the Drone topic threads).

Sorry, my intent was to list Pocket, Pocket 2 and Mimo App before the drones but I brainfarted.  No compatibility issues whatsoever for Tab S6 and the Mimo App.  
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DowntownRDB Posted at 3-11 05:21
Sorry, my intent was to list Pocket, Pocket 2 and Mimo App before the drones but I brainfarted.  No compatibility issues whatsoever for Tab S6 and the Mimo App.

No harm done, I thought that was your intention after all but just wanted to ensure. All fine now. :-)
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Any news about the subject? Going to test a couple myself, but would be more useful if would be able to list results from others, too.
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Added a couple of new models.

Also, those having problems connecting may find it useful to see , as it discusses the wifi frequency. On some occasions, the frequency may be set erratically by the device used to activate Pocket 2. The thread discusses this issue and also has a link to another thread about it (containing possible solutions for the problem).

In case you find out one of the "non-working" models starts to work after changing the frequency, please inform me about it here. I will then change the list accordingly.
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After a small hiatus, found a good one and updated it to the list.

It's a Lenovo Tab M10, Android version 9, USB-C 2.0. LTE version available, so can be used with both WiFi and mobile data, also possibly enabling livestreaming. Updated to latest firmware, tested with wireless connection. At least wirelessly works perfectly with Pocket 2. Also have hopes for using it with the Pocket 2's original USB-C adapter, as even the USB-C port of the tablet is positioned perfectly (you can attach the Pocket 2 right in it, and the corner lays so low it won't be in the way for the gimbal.)

You want to use Pocket 2 with bigger screen, this is a good option.
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United States

I just wanted you guys to know that, thanks to your efforts, I went out to Best Buy and bought the US edition Lenovo M10 FHD ZA5T0263US for $149 to get my Pocket 2 activated and registered, and while I am sorely disappointed with DJI in this matter, for all of their awfulness not to mention their crimes against humanity I've recently learned about.

Thanks to you awesome guys and your help, I have access to this device that I needed.

So far the app is 100% working for connected as well as bluetooth use, updated my firmware, registered my account, used it to view and control my pocket during initial trial use.

EDIT: I can also confirm that using VirtualBox to set up an Android-X86 EMULATOR on your windows PC does NOT work, the app crashes instantly. So anyone who thinks to try that, you're out of luck unless you're more capable than I was.

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justinother1 Posted at 4-3 13:39
I just wanted you guys to know that, thanks to your efforts, I went out to Best Buy and bought the US edition Lenovo M10 FHD ZA5T0263US for $149 to get my Pocket 2 activated and registered, and while I am sorely disappointed with DJI in this matter, for all of their awfulness not to mention their crimes against humanity I've recently learned about.

Thanks to you awesome guys and your help, I have access to this device that I needed.

I am so glad to hear that gathering this list has helped you to find a compatible device and enabled you to use the Pocket 2 :-) This is exactly the reason why I am gathering and publishing these lists - so at least some people with this issue can get their cameras up and running.

Also, thank you for the additional information about the US version of the M10 FHD. It is useful information for us, will update it on the list.

Hope DJI gets their act together, both concerning informing about the compatible and non-compatible devices and requirements and about the privacy and ethical issues etc. that have us concerned.

Also, thank you for your information about VirtualBox. I tried using some Android emulators on my Windows 10 tablet hybrid (Lenovo Miix 310) and running Mimo on them, but to no avail.

If somebody manages to do this, I (and probably many others!) would be very interested to know more.
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Update to my Lenovo Tab M10 tests.

Recently tested it by using the original USB-C adapter. The connection between the tablet and Pocket 2 feels kind of wobbly, the tablet seems to have problems deciding the proper USB-C connection mode (as I receive a notification asking me to select the connection mode - selecting the mode just brings the notification up again.) and the live view seems to freeze when connected physically. However, I can run the DJI Mimo app on the tablet when connected, and controlling the gimbal using on-screen joystick, changing settings etc. seems to work as usual.

So it is recommendable to use this tablet wirelessly.

Haven't yet tested it out with a SIM card, so can't say if, for example, updating the camera firmware or other functions using mobile data connection will work. Will update it here if I find out something new.
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Hoolan Peter

I tried a Samsung galaxy j6 and it would not connect , this was without the full pocket 2 package
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Hoolan Peter Posted at 4-8 01:54
I tried a Samsung galaxy j6 and it would not connect , this was without the full pocket 2 package

That models seems to be a phone, not a tablet. But I will update it on the phone list.

Thank you for the information, hope you will find a compatible model!
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Added a couple of new models.

If you see any wrong information, please feel free to correct me here. I will correct the list accordingly. Most of these are not my own tests, they are just based on other users' reports.
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Flight distance : 285 ft
United States

Compatible:  Apple iPad Mini 2
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bjones9941 Posted at 4-19 17:01
Compatible:  Apple iPad Mini 2

Thank you for the information, updated on the list.
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Flight distance : 118622 ft

Has anyone tried the pocket 2 with a galaxy s5e tablet?
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Mancosaurio Posted at 4-27 10:39
Has anyone tried the pocket 2 with a galaxy s5e tablet?

Haven't been able to test it myself nor have heard from anybody else's test results. Maybe somebody out there knows better?

Also made a new update to the list, adding one new supported model and giving a couple of small troubleshooting tips to possibly solve some connection problems. See the first post for more details.
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Update to my test results considering the Lenovo Tab M10 (European version).

Earlier on, I said that the physical connection between the tablet and the Pocket 2 felt a little wobbly, and that the live view froze when using the USB-C adapter.

The tablet came with a protective case (one that covers the back and sides of the tablet and leaves the front and connectors open) that I didn't use, as I had read that people had had problems with the connection when using the Pocket 2 with case-enclosed Android devices.

However, I found out that using the case with the tablet when connecting through the USB-C connector actually stabilizes the Pocket 2 against the tablet, making the connection way less wobbly (actually to the point that you actually dare to move the combination just by grabbing on to the tablet, the connection feels very solid now - at least for being only on the USB-C connector). I assume that without the case, there was a small gap between the devices that made the connection feel unstable - and with the case, that gap is filled by the borders of the case, supporting the Pocket 2's weight.

Also, it seems like the notifications asking for the connection type did not appear this time, and the live view did not freeze this time during my testing, so it may have been that the stabilized connection fixed the issues with the live view and connection type notifications.

I'll inform more if I find out something new about this model. Meanwhile, if somebody else tests this combination and finds out problems/solutions to them, do feel free to report your findings here.

(Also, any new tests and reports/updates considering new or tested models are definetely welcome - the more we get information, the more useful this list will be!)
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Flight distance : 118622 ft

Hello everybody! I confirm that pocket 2 works 100% on galaxy tab s5e (6G ram)
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Mancosaurio Posted at 5-16 16:53
Hello everybody! I confirm that pocket 2 works 100% on galaxy tab s5e (6G ram)

Thank you for the update, added to the list. :-)
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Added a new possible troubleshooting tip into the quick fixes section. Sometimes having a protective case can affect the connection, either in a positive or negative way. To see more information, read the original modified post.
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Does anybody know if the livestreaming function on Pocket 2 utilizes Android's/iPad's mobile data connection or WiFi to stream to Internet, social media etc.? I would test this myself with the Lenovo tablet I have mentioned earlier on, but I don't have a compatible SIM card nor do I currently have a social media account that enables me to livestream right away, so can't tell myself if this is possible on my device.

Also, any new reports of tablets/phones would be very welcome.
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A while ago, I did some calculations and compared between the amount of models mentioned on DJI's official supported mobile device list and the amount of models marked compatible on this thread and the one mentioning the compatible phones not mentioned on the official list, and I have some great news for you:
We have officially reached the point where our list has more compatible models than the DJI's official list. Thanks to all of you people who have taken time and effort to test and report your model compatibility, we now have doubled the amount of Apple devices confirmed to work with Pocket 2 (10 on the official list and 10 on the forum-compiled list, when counting both phones and tablets), and when talking about Android, we have exceeded the amount of compatible devices mentioned on DJI's list (32 on the official list vs. 36 on forum lists). You have done an amazing job - keep on reporting these models, and even more people will be able to activate and control their Pocket 2's using the devices!

Thank you to all you people who have made this possible - keep up the good stuff! :-)
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Added a couple of new troubleshooting tips to try if the connection doesn't seem to work.
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I have managed to find a compatible model for both a tablet and a phone for myself, so I may not personally check model compatibility as much as I used to.

However, this doesn't mean I am going to abandon these threads, so if you have tested new models, feel free to report them to me. I will then update the lists accordingly.
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I now have a compatible SIM card for my Lenovo Tab M10. If there will be a new firmware update in the future, I will test if I can update using that. Stay tuned for more information (and feel free to post here if you have new reports about tablets and this topic, no matter if they are about tested models or entirely new ones).
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Lenovo Yoga Tablet 3 Plus (YT-X703F) works without any problems.
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baldwinn Posted at 7-4 06:22
Lenovo Yoga Tablet 3 Plus (YT-X703F) works without any problems.

Thank you for your test and report, it is now updated on the list.

Glad to see people still remember this thread :-)
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Added one new troubleshooting tip to the OP.
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Updated the troubleshooting tip considering the wireless frequency setting.

If you change the setting, make sure to restart the Mimo app in order to the setting to take effect.

If you get new models (or earlier ones on the non-working list) to work after changing this settings, please do inform it in this thread.
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Added iPad Mini 4 as a compatible model.
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Updated the list styling by categorizing the tablets by manufacturer, color-coding the entries and adding a yes/no marking behind them (for colorblind and other people with limited vision). Special thanks to username Defleur for inspiring this new list styling!
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Added one new troubleshooting tip for wireless connections: when trying to connect wirelessly and failing to find the Pocket 2's network, make sure you have both Bluetooth and wifi on, as DJI Mimo needs both to connect to Pocket 2.
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Added one new troubleshooting tip: if physical connection through the "main" connector of Pocket 2 doesn't work, try using a USB-C to USB-A adapter, connect that to your tablet's data transfer cable, then connect those to the bottom USB-C connector of Pocket 2. Some models may start working using this method.
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