Flight distance : 659003 ft
Unfortunately there are no see-through glasses that are Phantom 3 compatible. Althought there are Epson Moverio BT-200 video glasses that are see-thru, they don't have HDMI input. In theory you could use Miracast to mirror your tablet screen to the Moverio, but there are two major drawbacks. First - it introduces additional, one-second lag. Second - Miracast uses WiFi link for screen mirroring, severely interfering with 2,4GHz RC/video link. Moverio is an Android-driven device, so in theory this could be a way to run the DJI Pilot on Moverio and overcome the two mentioned problems. Actually, this is often used by Vision+ pilots - they run DJI Vision app on the Moverios. Sadly, DJI Pilot is not compatible with Moverio. I've been fighting long time to make Moverios working with Phantom 3, but no luck and finally returned them to Epson Store. So for now there is no affordable solution |