Not sure if this has been covered but a few days ago when I was able to fly my Mini, I noticed it was wandering a bit off course. I pointed the gimbal at an object 1000m away and while flying it was going slightly off center. Does this mean the gimbal needs calibration or the drone itself is kinda going off center so to speak.
(I'll be uploading a video onto Youtube and put the link here)
Doing a Compass and IMU calibration can sometimes fix the issue. IMU calibration should be done on a level surface. Was wondering if maybe the wind could also cause it to do that.
This problem is usually related to camera yaw offset. Go to manual camera calibration settings and change its yaw until you get it to fly straight. If that doesn't help you can try controller calibration.
Looking at this clip the center of the frame is definitely off (not pointed at the small island in the middle of the river) but the center of my view finder was.....
Here's a screenshot of the manual gimbal calibration. The cross is what I'm following, but looking at the image you can also see a white line right at the "minus" signs which I assume is the center of the image. If it is the case then is my gimbal not aligned with the aircraft? I never crashed or anything, received it new.
Hello there doglaboi. I am sorry for the trouble this has caused and thank you for reaching out. You may also try to calibrate the remote controller of your DJI Mavic Mini for us to be able to see if the issue will still persist. Thank you.
doglaboi Posted at 4-11 14:31
Looking at this clip the center of the frame is definitely off (not pointed at the small island in the middle of the river) but the center of my view finder was.....
Calibrated gimbal, IMU. Compass. Still the same. Will calibrate controller next. If that doesn't help I'll try adjusting yaw. But is it normal to have a vertical line off-centered like in attached picture?