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Some things I've learned with my P3
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United States

Anjojo A. Kabua (Marshall Islands) crashed his Phantom into a coconut tree while flying in the lagoon - sorry for your crash - (can't help but fully imagine the image and wish I were there, not for the crash, but the lagoon and the coconut trees).

Splooge (UK) is very on top of the latest - thanks for your continual updates -

Some things I learned early on....

Jim Ware (Australia) is a very informative source for videography.

Jhall651 US) still does not have his P3, but he is wicked excited to fly it when it arrives, and has done his homework.

KOAbeef (Alaska) has big drone balls.  

For me - the best part of my P3 has been the international shared experience.  I haven't been flying much because of the lag issues, but I have learned alot in the forum as I wait idly for a revison to arrive.  Could be worse.  I look forward to flight improvements and shared international experiences.  

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 52303 ft

Why dont you fly? Lag is not an issue if you fly LOS. I wouldn't park my P3 over some video lag.
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United States

Rigworker Posted at 2015-7-17 12:58
Why dont you fly? Lag is not an issue if you fly LOS. I wouldn't park my P3 over some video lag.

Agreed, I need to get out there. It's pouring rain here right now, but forecast is for drone friendly weather.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 52303 ft

PhantomAtAK Posted at 2015-7-17 13:01
Agreed, I need to get out there. It's pouring rain here right now, but forecast is for drone frien ...

If you haven't flown it much, make sure you keep a good eye on everything in case you have any of problems. I have the latest firmware and no real issues so far. Your mileage may vary. Make sure you are set up so you can manually switch to ATTI mode and fly manually if needed.
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United States

Rigworker Posted at 2015-7-17 13:10
If you haven't flown it much, make sure you keep a good eye on everything in case you have any of  ...

I recently turned on Multiple Flight Mode, so I can switch to ATTI on the fly.  I have not yet flown with that change, but look forward to testing it out.  I will head out tomorrow or this weekend to fly in ATTI.

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United States

Yeah, definitely go have some fun.  This forum can scare the crap outta anyone.  Some people are royally pissed off, as they probably should be, and they're extremely vocal about it.  The problem is they tend to make the assumption that everyone is having the same issue, or they're blowing it up slightly more than it might need to be in order to get DJI's attention (think squeaky wheel).

So don't let it get to you.  If you have any issues, simply document them, open a case with DJI, and post what happened here - there's been so many cases where good-hearted people are flipping out over an issue, only to find out that the PH3 is really acting as it should based on the settings they have set in the app.  With a few adjustments, things go right back to normal.

Personally, I'm on the latest firmware and app release, and all is fine.  Again, this isn't to diminish the legitimate problems some folks are having - just don't make any assumptions about YOUR PH3 based on any comments here - including my comments.  Assume your bird is perfect until it isn't.

Have fun tomorrow!!
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